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Posts posted by Scudman126

  1. I stopped playing Runescape a long ago and I have only dropped in from time to time to see major updates. I can say it has changed a lot since I stopped playing (the last skill that was introduced when I was playing was the Slaye skillr).




    Anyway, that's beside the point. On the weekend I was reading The Times (like any concerning person with a shred of intellect you wouldn't catch me reading a tabloid rags) and I saw an article that sparked my interest once again in Runescape, or more truthfully the Runescape community.




    As the title suggests it states that 25% of children aged 12-17 (in Britain) visit the runescape site, here is the article in question.




    And quoted from the article:




    The Nielsen study of 40,000 British internet users examined which sites had the highest concentration of users of a particular age group.




    The popularity of sites is difficult to measure because several sites such as Google are so large that they will always come out on top. Nielsens tactic of measuring a percentage of a sites audience, rather than outright numbers, in a given age group attempts to get around this problem.





    Now I remember when I used to play there was always the discussion regarding the average age of the Runescape community and the effect it had on the game, it seemed the day Runescape was put onto Miniclip the rise of "noobs" rocketed, or so they said - and the "noobish" behaviour was linked explicitly or hinted at to age (or immaturity).




    But you can't tar everyone with the same brush, and those players who would of found Runescape through Miniclip when it was first put on thier site would be older now, one of the reasons I think why it seems that there is now a high proportion of British 12-17 year olds playing. Plus there is the whole word of mouth aspect with the knowledge about Runescape's existance every spreading and becoming a topic of conversation (at least in my school I have seen a lot of the younger years, year 8s and 9s talking about it).




    But the point being, can this age demographic be seen in game? Most people tend to brand the more "noobish" (a sorry word to use but one that seems to epitomize the behaviour that grates most people and fits snuggly into our vocabulary) players as the younger ones, but as we see a more mature group of players in their mid-teens can this be seen on the community? Has the content changed in a wat to appeal to the growing auidence that has "grow up" along side runescape, I ask this for in my times of lurking when I have taken a peak at how Runescape was getting along with me playing it I have seen some grumbles about the game being "dumbed down" to appeal to younger players.




    So thoughts, opinions?

  2. Me and my friend killing a Greater Demon when we were only lvl 55 and the only spot were Greaters are found in F2P are right at the edge of the wildy.








    I started ranging it, from behind the broken wall of the house, and my friend said "Are you mad", tehn he started joining in, then we started to melee it, when I was in steel and bronze armour.








    We won though.

  3. When there was only 3 British servers of F2P, 15, 16 and 17.








    15 was the major trading hub for british rs players




    16 was mostly skiller




    17 was just a mix of the both and the atmosphere was really relaxed and frankly, everyone was out of it and more relaxed compared to world 15. ;p








    (I played on world 17 :lol: )








    But it annoys me now, they changed all that, and really I am no longer attached to any worlds, which is a shame.

  4. I personally have noted, after rather a few years of playing runescape and more years of expanding my brain ( :P ) that runescape life and the attitude of players has a lot of parrels to events throughout historty. This may sound absurd, but bear with me. :wink:








    First thing we should I shall comment on is:




    The Honour vs No Rules Wildy Affair




    can be likened to the




    Changing Face of Warfare in WWI








    In World War I the modern era of fighting had dawned on the world, with machine guns, long range artillery, and the like. To some this was fighting without honour, but others saw this as simply a way to get the job done. Now, as we see in runescape we see the PKers who believe in fighting with honour and it's just not cricket when people teleport. And on the other side, we see those who just believe in getting the job done, no matter how they do it, ambushing, ganging, teleporting, etc. The whole concecpt of effectivenss vs honour was as rife in the first World War I as amongst PKer. Many of the old officers who had seen service in the Boer War thought that the way the enemy and face of war had changed was to a place without honour. Now we see many of the older (in runescape years, no age years) PKers complaining how PK had turned in a trade with out honour.








    The second thing I think you may find even wierd, but make more sense:




    The Life of your average runescaper




    is a lot like




    The life of a cattle rancher in America - Mid 19th century




    The life of a cattle rancher was hard, working on the ranch them taking the cattle on the long rides to the cattle towns of the north. But once the drive was over, the cattlemen had time to relax for a few weeks before heading back down south and starting the whole yearly cycle again.




    This is just like runescape, but on a smaller time scale. Many of us will spend around 1-3 weeks on "bulk" tasks, as in mining 2000 coal and 1000 iron for example. After this we make our wares, or sell them as raw materials. We then have to walk to market ourselves and spend the next day or so looking for buyers and wandering around the busy market places, Varrock, Falador, and area speficifc marekts Draynor for willows etc. . After are hard work we have made money to cover our expenses/save up, and then we have some time and money to go out and blow it on we want, a lot the ranch men. Then after a week or so of "time out" we go back to the grind and/or our goals.








    "We want X updates included!!"




    ...[you'll like this one ::' ]..




    The Peasants' revolt of 1381




    We hear us all calling for new updates, clan systems, new style banks, better items, better graphics etc. With the new player base Jagex has started to listen and included some neat new features, but to a lot of people this is still not enough. Sooner of later the cries of the peasants...I mean players will be herd, and Jagex will be forced to make some sort of agreement. However, in the peasants revolt, the king gave in, but following the collapse of the revolt, the king's concessions were quickly revoked, and the tax was levied. jagex makes promises but don't always delivery, how long were we waiting for player owned houses? :wink: (Though they have pulled there finger out since the release the PoHs, and the updates they have come out with have made the game better).








    That is all for now, I'll work on some more, and if you yourselves have any of your own ideas to share, 'twill be great. :)


    Sooo, pmods + Hulme talked to that clan to try to make them stop? And it didn't work... I'm guessing. Kind of confused on what's going on.








    Kind of. The clans crashed a pmod meeting to get attention from the Jmods. They got mad that the meeting got crashed and was forced to deal with the clan members. Hulme agreed to listen if everyone stopped spamming but the unranked clans spammed like mad.












    Dont the Jmods have msn or some sort of IM? <.<

  6. Some guy: nice Armour




    Me: thanks (It was Black (g) )




    Some guy: How do I get it




    me: Go to the moon




    Some guy: How do I get there?




    me: Gotta by a rocket for 5 million




    Some guy: Where can i buy it from?




    Me: Do a quest from the King of Varrock




    Some guy: Where is the King of Varrock




    Me: Varrock Castle.








    And he kept pming for the next 5 minuetes asking where Varrock Castle is. it may sound cruel, but hey, anyone that guliable thinking you can buy a rocket in RS and go to the moon... -.-

  7. The positive thing is that the frame rate seems to be higher with a higher resolution, doesn't help much though if you can't even read what other people are saying.








    They could make a bigger game window for different resolutions, the graphics would look very grainy though. I remember playing RSC years ago on a 640x480 resolution, it barely even resembled an old nintendo game of the 1980's.








    Runescape will not support higher monitors for it will show the flaws in their own graphics engine. :XD:








    Oh well, I'll try playing normally, or I could just go on my old PC to play runescape, but my old PC takes ages to load up, but nah, this computer is my own, it is in my room. ::'

  8. Bascily I have a new computer (2.8ghz, 1gig RAM with a 512meg graphics card).








    Any my new monitor is a monster of a widescreen monitor (1440x900 \' ). So, after logging into runescape for the time from getting my new computer about a week and a half ago (Been playing BF2142 fopr most of the time 8-) ) I noticed how little room on my new monitor runescape takes up.








    On my old 800x600 it didnt even fit in on the whole screen, but now the screen is a rectangle in the centre of the screen dwarfed by the blackness around it (at least banners and adverts don't get in my way now).








    I play play runescape ok, but ITT runescape start to support us with larger monitor, for I think playing runescape in 1440 x 900 would be great. :thumbsup:








    EDIT: It is rather small actually, rather annoying...look for yourself:





  9. runescape 3??? :roll:








    I was thinking this aswel. Taking RSC as age one itesm and things.








    I think these might be soom of the new items and/or old item make-overs that we might be seeing in a 50-50 chance of a new version of RS.

  10. When the new ghost quest and ghost town came out (i forget the name of the quest and town, far to the east, boy, my members days were over ages ago :P )








    Anyway, F2P could end up picking nettles, which was needed to do the quest, and obviously it was a bug, and soon removed.








    But, seeing as this is trading items, dont count on a similar bug. :shame:

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