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Posts posted by majingogita

  1. But in most other MMORPGs ive played that have these monsters you dont lose items that take weeks/months to obtain. Ok so in some you lose exp, but that can be gained back in minutes. With runescape making you only keep 3/4 items max it would be a bit harsh to have something that makes you die in two hits. Also runescape only lets you carry 28 food that heals around 20 each without consequences (excluding brews because of the stat reduction). Other games you can carry hundreds of potions etc that can heal you quarters of your hp at a time. So in runescape if you were being hit regular 30's there would be no way of winning which is generally no fun, which in turn means nobody will really go.










    Also in other MMORPG's, the reward for killing boss monsters is a ton of exp from the killing, but with rs's combat system it would'nt really work to well. For exaple in others, you can hit constant high numbers, there isnt a defence level on the monster involved as much, so you hit less 0's etc. But in runescape, high level generally means high defence so you would be barely hitting, lowering the reward.






    True, But those monsters are almost 100000x harder to kill than any of the monsters on runescape... you gotta be really good.. a mistake could mess up your entire team.. Its like pking.. where alot of it is dependant on the leader.. if he screws up the entire team is screwed.. in Wow or other rpgs.. your individual task is alone hard enough..

  2. You guys have sick minds, reporting every lever 3 you see.




    This is the PROPER method for determining autoers in a group of level 3's.




    You: Hi there, _______! Woodcut level?


    Add their name to friends list.


    Private chat them: Hi there! Woodcut level?




    30 secs later...




    You: Hello _______ are you there???


    Pm: Are you there?




    10 secs later:




    You: Reported




    Omg for your information you dont just go around reporting all level 3's you see by yew trees. You can easily get banned for Misuse of Customer Support.






    I would intentionally ignore people like you.. <.<

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