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Posts posted by Judaske

  1. This is one of the best methods I've seen so far for the Book of Char.



    Fastest method in this vid:

    Dying at Tarn's Lair


    4,5 minutes to set up the logs,

    a 2 minute book of Char run.


    That's 6,5 minutes for 100K xp (He got 100.254 xp in this vid, but whatevs)

    So that's 900K+ xp/hr (923K to be exact)


    You could pay people to die and let their graves disappear at the same time so you would basically only spend 2 minutes for 100K+ xp.

    But that may require more effort and timing.

  2. Pardon my being a bit slow, as I'm sure I'm just overlooking something. Why is it that I can't seem to find Dalpedo on any particular tracking site or the official hiscores? Am I spelling it wrong?....is it not his real RS name?


    It's spelled Dapledo


    That's probably why :P

  3. 130-150 points every 15 minutes.

    9.5k exp for 100 points


    57k exp/hour?


    Seems about right


    Did a quick test, got 128 points in 13 minutes


    Not that amusing actually (well, more then training agility the normal way, but want those herby-robes-tingys first)


    EDIT: on second thought, I won't be wasting a potential of 1,1M agility xp just to get those robes. (Not even if unf pot xp = pot xp and 100% 4 doses)

  4. Adze is the same as dragon hatchet, however: it only get's you 134K xp per hour. Due to the fact that you get less logs to split, you do get an extra 25K (aprox, don't know exactly) Firemaking xp, so it's really your call.

    I did it with adze, because it was a bit to click-intensive for me =p

    I also afked my last two levels at ivy's while studying ^^


    edit: these are the rates I heard people got as an average at level 99 WC, with beaver and urns ofcourse, i was glad with 100k+ / hr, but didn't really track it.

  5. Hmm, we should find a random p2p noob with little over 1500 total, just an average player, and make him a legend.

    Spread the word that he's going for all stats 200m and try and make him more famous then s u o m i.


    Gemeos2's total is 2118, is that low enough?

    Lol, mine's higher than that >.< 2170 is where it's at.


    According to Thai calculator, you need 11538 hours to 200m all. I need 11477.


    If the point is choose the player that is more noob, you are a better option than me. :shades:


    (This is one example that total lvl doesn't mean much most of times).


    How far is my Jebrim I account?


    11806 hours left, so obviously Gemeos2 owns Jebrim, especially when he reaches 200M cook and maybe even The Milestone Cape (80)

  6. OT: I hadn't realized Zezima had finally maxed again. Is he going for 200mil, or at least trying to get back up top now?


    Damn I'm old lol.


    And on that note, congratulations to him on reaching 1.5b xp


    For a moment it looked like he was going for 200M dung

    He also gained around 40M fletching xp in the last couple of months


    But I think he just plays when he wants to and does what he feels like doing at that moment,

    seems like he doesn't care for ranks or 200m's anymore ... too bad

  7. Found a mistake in the Tip.it Treasure Trails Guide.


    The guide says: "Clap on the causeway to the Wizard's Tower. Equip an iron medium helmet, an emerald ring, and a white apron."


    while I had: "Clap on the causeway to the Wizard's Tower. Equip an iron medium helmet, an emerald ring and leather gloves."




    It's possible that both are real clues, though the one I had is not in the list.

  8. Every ten seconds or so, i press [enter] 3 times, so the quick chat menu appears, than the search option for quick chat, than the normal chatbox returns.

    After that i randomly click my right mouse button somewhere on my screen and scroll down in the chatbox.

    I don't get to much wasted xp doing this, but it just annoys me so bad that i can't stop doing it :P

    I just might go in therapy for this if it doesn't get better, I'm "bleep"ed up dawg :wall:

  9. I saw a vid of someone getting 315K firemaking xp/h but he didn't use the "2 tick method" (like them pro cooks), Haven't tried it though, but it seemed to be possible there.

    So if you can really get 550K+ fm xp and 30K wc xp here (with no cost) then this is definitely better than backwards GE firemaking ('only' 450K xp/h with magic logs) and if you factor the wc xp it's even better than the new POH-firemaking method (up to 600K xp/hour but costs 2.5 - 3M).


    Note: if you aren't 99 WC then you won't get the best fm xp here because you cut them slower.


    Anyway, shouldn't have burned my share of maples 2 years ago =/ and MR. Thai Tong, you've got yourself some calculations to do on your epic thread on the official RS forums :-)


    So only burning magic pyre logs would be better, but this isn't even an option in my opinion.


    It isn't possible to use the 2 tick method in Jadinko Lair.


    Firemaking with your Pyrelord familiar is the fastest firemaking xp rate (580-600k xp/hr)


    I belive you just can burn pyre logs in a specific place.


    lol, should have done some research on pyre logs before randomely spamming it out, stupid me :P


    Anyway, 2 ticking or not, if you can really get 550K FM and 30K WC xp/hr there, it would be better (unless you already have 200M wc and cash to spare :P). Someone should test this though ... not me <_<

  10. Drumgun if you're reading this I know you want front page ranks for the first 13 skills, and prayer is 21/22 at the moment, so you better bury if you want that final frontpage spot...


    (see what I did there? Bury? Cause it sounds like hurry? But its related to the prayer skill?? Nvm.....)

    Too late font page is already full for prayer.


    He could also wait untill some stupid-ass player with 200m Pray gets banned for botting :P

    very unlikely though ...

  11. dseancetweet1.png

    Shouldn't the FM exp be the half of it? What's the secret? :o



    The stuff you chop, and then burn, is worth more exp than the actual cutting of it? Also, you can FM-X it or something. As you can just stand by the burner.


    I havent seen anyone post anything over 500k though until now, though.


    I saw a vid of someone getting 315K firemaking xp/h but he didn't use the "2 tick method" (like them pro cooks), Haven't tried it though, but it seemed to be possible there.

    So if you can really get 550K+ fm xp and 30K wc xp here (with no cost) then this is definitely better than backwards GE firemaking ('only' 450K xp/h with magic logs) and if you factor the wc xp it's even better than the new POH-firemaking method (up to 600K xp/hour but costs 2.5 - 3M).


    Note: if you aren't 99 WC then you won't get the best fm xp here because you cut them slower.


    Anyway, shouldn't have burned my share of maples 2 years ago =/ and MR. Thai Tong, you've got yourself some calculations to do on your epic thread on the official RS forums :-)


    So only burning magic pyre logs would be better, but this isn't even an option in my opinion.

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