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Posts posted by tahoe51

  1. hi all, i asked a question about leveling here a while ago and got a great response and i need help again so i decided to start this topic. So, here is my problem: i have recently begun to train summoning with the aim of reaching level 68 and gaining the ability to use the bunyip for my slayer tasks. However i am a little short on charms and need to get a few hundred more before i can reach my goal. Despite not being able to reach my 68 sum i have gotten to 110CB and therein lies my problem. Unlike what seems to be the majority of people my around my level i greatly enjoy slayer and therefore have a somewhat higher level then most people at my combat stats do (currently 76 slayer 81att, 82str and 81 def.) the fact that my combat stats are in the low 80's makes me somewhat concerned that going to kuradel(if that how you spell it) may put me in over my head. its not that im worried about longer slayer tasks as i can handle just about any normal monster that a slayer master can throw at me, but i am VERY worried that i will begin to get tasks like mith. dragons and wyrvens on a regular basis, witch i know i cant kill safely or effectively at my level and might even end up dying to. all i realy want to know is if i should stick with duradell or move on, thanks in advance for the help!

  2. First off, hi everybody on tip.it! i have been using this website for (literally) over 6 years now and find it to be the single most helpful and compressive database of RS knowledge that i have ever seen. So, thanks beforehand to all of you that have made my time on runescape exponentially easier.



    now on to my question: i have been out of the runescape loop for well over a year now and much has changed from when i was last on, most of it for the better and some for the worst. However the constant problem of how to most effectively utilize your time and money well playing still seems to be the biggest obstruction to success. Im not going to lie and say that my 6 years playing has given me a good understanding of the game so im going to flat out ask for help with my dilemma. I am currently at 80att, 80str, 77def, 74rng, 61mgk, 51pray, 72 slayer and 4 summoning(i have a decent amount of charms, but im not sure just how far they would get me) for my combat skills and about 13m in cash i can spend freely with my main focus being a decent slayer level(85+) and high melee combat. So, what i need to know is should i go for a Bandos cheastplate(after saving a little), 70 prayer in order to get access to piety or something completely different? The only reason im contemplating a breastplate is because all im currently using is rune pl8 body and legs and i think the added str from Bandos would help to boost my kills per hour and overall effectiveness both in and out of slayer. I don't already have 70 prayer is because im not usually going after bosses or other high level enemies where prayer would be more mandatory and my gp per hour isint high enough to justify using prayer pots on slayer tasks. I know getting 68 summon would be a blessing but im not sure i could make it with my cash and current charm levels. so basically, do i go for more power in combat, greater prayer or something else?

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