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Posts posted by cheeseplate

  1. examining a hay stack you get something about ' i wonder if there is a needle in this' . Who would have thought it, game programmers with a sense of humour








    the thing is, you can actually search them and occasionly get needles from it :P

  2. when zzzamorak reached 1k total skills he scrennied his stats and the stat that reached it, herblore and he had a whopping 92 quest points, and he's lvl 3. I have 75 and im lvl 66 but questings is stupid so meh........




    i thought he was lvl 4. Either way, thats insanity, pure insanity.


    I like the backround, maybe put a few bones and skulls somewhere there in the back? Just an idea. Anyway, the shield is WAY too small, and what type of sword is that? Also the head is a little disproportionate (too big). And as hiddel said, you should put the guy a little more on the side (maybe the left side and put your name and stats on the right) Hope this helps




    It's a crystal dagger




    In that case make it a little shorter and thinner and give it a little bit of a blue tinge.(sp?) In other words give it a bit of a blue colour because atm it looks more like a steel sword

  4. needs shading and a border








    He was asking for someone to fix the face, he wasn't after advice on sigmaking...








    I'd make an attempt at the face but I'm currently using the school computer and wouldn't have enough time. I sure someone else will help you though.

  5. Poem: Runescape Acrostic








    R is for running away from begging noobs




    U is for underestimating the game when new people see the graphics




    N is for the noobs who roam arround day and night trying to buy the varrock herald.




    E is for escape, escape from reality in ther world of runescape




    S is for standing all day in varrock or falador shouting "selling stuff!"




    C is for character which we strive so hard to train




    A is for AAARRRRGGH which is what you scream when you die in the wild for the first time.




    P is for prefering to go kill stuff then help people




    E is for end, the end of this poem is now!

  6. Very nice post, the part about how you stopped the guy form killing himself made me shiver. :shock: It's amazing what a game can do to people.








    Anyway my five would probably go something like this:








    1st: My best friend who I don't know in rl, Elmnop (or mark). When we met, I was a lvl 40 noob and he was a lvl 20 guy asking me for help. His friend had killed him and he wanted to me to get revenge against him. I thought why not, and smithed him the best armor i could make at the time (probably some iron crap). I helped him around and we started training together. I never forgot the feeling when he got his first r2h, I was so jealous, we trusted each other so much and he let me use it. I lit like a 10 or something and I was like 8) I ended up buying a rune b-axe the next day.








    2nd: This guy who scammed me when I was a noob out of a rune long, med and some mith and addy. I still remember his name (tar get). I was too trusting of people and fell for "Give me your stuff and il give it back with a mask" I saw him do it to 2 other people (they were accesories for him) and fell for it :cry: I was so sad that day. I wish there was a way that he could see how much it upset me back then.








    3rd: A guy who was quitting and had a big drop party, I got 80k and a rune large from it, I was the happiest noob in town. I wish I could see him and to give him a personal thank you from me to him to show how much it ment to me back then.








    I dunno who else I could put, meh

  7. That was really off topic Kane. Wanna pm me all the reasons why pizel sigs suck? I'd sure be glad to debate the point..If your basing that asumtion off of this, then you are very mistaken.








    Cheesplate: Pillow shading is what your doing, the worst kind of shading. Go from dark to light, from wherever the lightsource is, which is almost never directly infront of it, like it seems in you picture.








    yeah thanks, So in this case should the sides be lightest and the front be darkest (look at the positions of the lamps on the wall)








    Heres a question on shading though, if I have just a pic of a character with no obvious light source or background should i just make up a light source?

  8. I was pixelling out a 2headed demon then i had the idea of a mage killing it. So I ddn't know what type of mage to make killing it so I made all 3 - guthix, sara and zammy
























    So give some CC but the main thing I'm looking for advice on is shading, I'm not sure if this shading is quite right or not








    Sorry that I had to save them as PNG's because I have no decent programs that save as a jpg or a gif without turning it into animal crap :wink:



    scythe was first?




    or was it the ears...




    hmp cant remember oh well.








    so which comes first?








    easter or halloween?








    easter '03




    haloween '03




    haloween '02




    dont remeber if it was haloween 02 or 03 :(








    twas halloween '03 :wink:

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