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Posts posted by Vik

  1. I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who attended to this drop party! :D


    I would also like to thank Cowman_133 for helping me bring attention to the Event by posting it on the announcement! :)


    I think this Event turned out quite well! While there wasn't hundreds of people attending, there was still quite a bit of people, but most important, it was very fun! :)

    The most frustrating part though, was going to the party room in Seers. I decided that we were going past Karamja rather than past WWM, and taking the boat from Brimhaven took quite a while.


    insaneDemNS was dropping hundreds of Rune Items, and the drop party was going on for hours! I am sure most of the people who went to the drop party was having lots of fun, that is most important!


    I am hoping this Event has brought in more people to RuneScape Classic, and I am hoping for the RuneScape Classic community to grow! It looked quite promising that we did brought people into RuneScape Classic, as we got very positive feedback regarding the drop party, specially.


    As promised, as well, if there will be another reopening, we promise to make more of these Events.


    Leaf, sorry to hear you gave up going to Seers, going to Seers required quite a bit of patience.

  2. I would like to mention that everything regarding the Event has been decided! :D


    Next Saturday (Saturday the 24th), 9 pm BST.


    I would also like to remind everyone that you can skip the Tutorial Island, by clicking at the Wrench, then in the bottom there's a "Skip Tutorial!" button.

    I will upload a picture of where to go to skip tutorial later, so it will be easier for you all to get past the crowd of Tutorial.

  3. If you're member on RuneScape - you will be able to loggin to RuneScape Classic during the reopening.

    Membership is both for RuneScape and RuneScape Classic.


    By the way - reopening is confirmed!


    "Last, but by no means least, members can get in on the celebrations for 10 years of RuneScape with one last chance to gain access to RuneScape Classic." ~ RuneScape news.

    This is sometime during the autumn, I would guess not later than three months from now (they're offering 3 months membership for 15% discount in that news article, but I say guess just to be careful)


    It is confirmed - but they also say that it will be the last chance to play RuneScape Classic - which is another reason for the Event...

    To change their mind, so they keep reopening in future (which means another reason to come to the Event).

  4. Oh yeah, I forgot to edit the post.


    According to this article, it is this summer. It is still just a rumour though, specially since the summer is starting to end, and the most we have seen is a J-mod post, from Mod Nexus, in a thread called A Promise Broken, page 56,

    "A Promise Broken"

    Quick find code: 16-17-491-62352907


    Thread of article:


    Quick find code: 54-55-877-62820061

  5. 9rroqu.jpg


    Event is over!

    I'd like to thank everyone who attended! :)


    Thread on RuneScape Official:

    Quick find code: 199-200-205-62894943


    I plan to make this Event Huge; I plan to invite as many clans as possible, talk to their leaders and in general invite as many as possible! I will advertise as much as I possibly can!


    In fact; I'm not happy with 50 people on the Event. Maybe not even 100. Possibly minimum a few hundreds. The bigger - the better!

    The ultimate goal is to fill a whole server (2000 people!).



    You need to be a Member on RuneScape!


    Time: Saturday 24th of September, 9 pm BST (3 pm EST, 2 pm Central, 1 pm Pacific)

    World: Classic 2

    Place: It will start in Lumbridge (you can skip tutorial) but the drop party will be held in the party room in Seers, to avoid telegrabbers (we'll travel past the WWM but there will be a lot of high levels to protect you).

    Game: RuneScape Classic!!




    Do you wonder how it was like in the 'good old days?

    Staking everywhere, old skool training, the simple graphics, the 3-hit combat system. When mining and smithing used to be the most useful skills in RuneScape (Rune Smithing actually used to own!)! That for me brings back so much memories, so much nostalgi! Just to mention how much the game has changed the past 7 years makes the release of GWD seem like yesterday.

    This Event is a perfect opportunity for you all to get to see how the Classic community is! How the Classic game is like, what's unique about it!


    RuneScape Classic is my favourite game, don't miss out the amazing chance to try it out! It's also the last chance you have to get the Classic Cape.


    We will offer everything from drop parties, massive Goblin Slaying to testing out skills like Mining and Fishing (these two skills are typicially Classic).


    Any Questions can be answered on this thread.


    So how are we possibly gonna achieve the ultimate goal, of getting 2000 people to attend to the Classic Event?


    Here are a few ways we thought about:


    1) Chain Reaction!

    Tell your friends about it. Tell your friends to tell their friends about it.


    2) Advertise it on as many places as you possibly can! Facebook, youtube are a few ideas. If everyone advertises it a lot, we could be getting a very far way!



    This isn't an easy task! We will need every help we can possibly get, and more than that!

    We will do what we can! We will tell as many clans as we can, as many friends as we can, and we will also try my hardest to start this chain reaction. However we cannot do everything ourselves, fill a server ourselves, that's an imposibility! We will need lots of help!


    Other threads:


    "Final Battle, Are You Ready?!?" ~ N0obish Newb

    Quick find code: 50-51-168-62894954


    Drops dropped on the Event:


    Quote insaneDemNS:

    "50 - Rune larges

    50 - Rune chains

    50 - Rune legs

    100 - Rune kites

    100 - Rune battles

    100 - Rune 2hs

    10 - Rune plates

    20 - Rune hatchets

    54 - Rune longs


    Along with another 50+ randomly assorted rune.


    20 - Charged Amulets


    20+ Dragon longs

    20+ Dragon battles


    Some other randoms."

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