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  1. Wow great job, this is hilarious stuff! I hope you guys keep doing these, they are funny as hell. I agree with the above poster, try to have in-game scenes as part of the videos. Maybe start out each movie trying to login to your account, it makes a cool intro. Keep up the good work! If there is one thing I like about Runescape, it's making fun of the game!
  2. I went 3 days, and hundreds of monsters without a single clue. Then the next day got 2 clues from a total of 15 monsters killed.
  3. Yep, thats the worst, and usually means the person is 8 years old, or is a scammer wanting to be friends with you, then steal everythnig you got. My girlfriend who plays always gets guys coming up to her asking "You want to be my girlfriend?". Many of the guys who play this game are really desperate if they go around searching for an in-game girl. Of course, my gf just tells them t f off, but that doesn't always work. They'll jsut keep following her, giving her free stuff, hehe.
  4. It isn't jsut f2p, there are plenty of followers in p2p as well. I hate people who leech just to annoy you, so I see this as a great option to have. Ignore gets rid of their chat, but many of them will continue to follow you, sometimes for 15 minutes or more.
  5. I agree totally! The only people who should ever follow me are those on my friends list. No one else. I can't stand it when some kid latches on to me, and begs for food, or tries to scam me. This would be an easy fix in the game, and needs to happen. The less bothering high lvl players get from "noobs", the better! I'm all for this!
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