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Posts posted by textryanna

  1. I guess I'm moreover looking for a clan that can offer at least a grip of bodyguards to kill the PKers that like to think I'm a bot. I don't keep anything but charms from the green dragons (I leave the bones and hides just laying there, but no they have to kill me instead). I'm being completely serious here too, folks: if you keep PKers off me you can have whatever dbones/hides/etc you want. I really only care about getting charms and using my dwarf canon to increase my ranged so I can eventually take on Blue dragons and move out of the wilderness.


    I know my combat and total skill level probably aren't the most desired among those looking for clan recruits. As such, I am willing to help a clan in all non-combat situations that I can. I am on sporadically, and usually spend my time gathering herbs to pay for my rune plate armor, which is the only item I lose when I die in the wilderness (unless I remember to turn my prayer on). I collect ranarr, avantoe, cadantyne, dwarf weed, and the seeds for those herbs. (Probably spelt them all wrong.) I also mine pure rune ess/coal for long hours (up to 1k at a time before I grow bored and want to kill green dragons), hunt imps/implings (my highest skill; 75 [haha I know funny that I don't have a 99 yet]) and play Pest Control several times a day in order to boost my combat. I hope to eventually be able to take on Pkers myself.


    As for outside of Runescape, I'm a bit of a dabbler in multiple areas. I am a 19-going-on-20-year-old lady who enjoys programming, Pokemon, the Halo series, reading, writing, drawing, poking around the Internet, playing DnD with a psycho character that somehow always ends up carrying an object and turning evil because of said object, various other video games (Okami, Yoshi's Island, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Portal, etc), traveling, and winter. I will be attending Stony Brook University this coming Winter/Spring semester for Computer Science/Software Engineering, and am working two jobs until then. College is expensive, it turns out. But I digress.


    If you are interested, reply. Or send a message on Runescape; you'll probably find me on a Pest Control world.

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