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Posts posted by Tenshi

  1. Copying is the first step to getting better at drawing.. :wink:








    I copied stuff (no tracing, only copying a reference) for about a year before I began drawing my own pictures well.








    Onto the sig: You need more textures and "interesting objects" in your signature - the ground wouldn't be that flat either. You've made the color difference between each shade much too big...it doesn't look real anymore

  2. Huh... looks to me like a doll for the person... Confused I don't really count that as good work even if an artist clothed and made a bg for it








    if i'm wrong - which i might be - then its nice pixelwork but the styles used for the tree's compared to the person... well they are different...




    Don't you ever draw the body of the person then put the clothing on top? O_o Thats what I do when I draw anything. XD








    I dunno; I do make dolls, and you can say this is a "doll" but I made EVERYTHING on here, including the body the face, EVERYTHING. This is no different to anyone else that makes pixel images - I just happen to take on more step.








    And on that note, dolls take an incredibly long time to make and are just as hard to make as any other type of art.








    Another note, the shading it exactly the same. xP








    I might remove the sample; it's just that she hasnt chosen it yet

  3. I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert Pixel artist, because I'm far from it - this is my first full body RS signature request hat I've actually finished ~__~"








    This is made for * Laura * from RSM/RSC.













































































  4. Shrinking a pixelled image to gain the 'dither' just defeats the purpose of pixel art. T__T




    If you are truly good at pixel art, you should be able to dither manually - that's the point of pixel art, it's not who-can-shrink-the-best. x.x Anyone can shrink an image to gain the dither; but not everyone can dither manually. It's completely feasable in digital paintings, because the work has already gone into it to gain the lighting/shading/everything else you need to make a good digipainting. But in pixels, the way you dither is a huge part of that, and when you let the computer do it, you may as well have just used the brush tool for it instead of pixelling.




    On topic: It looks good so far. The way that woman on the chair is sitting is still slightly strange, it looks uncomfortable and like she's offering herself to the viewer. XD Other then that, and what venomai pointed out, not much to CC yet. =]p Good luck





  5. Some information!


    This was written for school, assessment task. Short story, it's suppose to be 600-800 words, I went over way too much already, hence the really quick ending >< Umm, yep. Just thought I'd share with you all!




    CC would be appreciated ^^




    The Definition of Beauty and Intelligence


    Joy Kao aka Tenshi




    A child can't choose her parents. She knew that. But sometimes she wished she could have chosen, as ungrateful as that sounded to her.




    She lifted her chin up to the night sky, resting her head against the pillar behind her and gazing at the empty sky above her. She opened her eyes and saw that a warm glow still emanated from the lights outside the building behind her like a beacon of light, contrasting starkly with the dark night which was ahead of her. A gust of wind blew past, howling like a banshee, and she shivered slightly, as if someone was running their fingers down her back. Her long black hair whipped around her and she shuddered again. She checked her watch; the large neon green numbers glowed 8:00.




    It must almost be time to go home. She inhaled as if to summon up the courage to stand up, smelling dampness in the air as she did so. Oh well, it's now or never. She sighed and clambered up, brushing her long dress and sending a cloud of dust into the air. A piece of paper she had forgotten about dislodged and fluttered to the ground. She bent down and picked it up, cringing at what she saw.


    She shoved the paper into her school bag and stumbled down the long flight of stairs, leaving the light behind her and stepping into the darkness ahead of her.




    * * *




    "Do you know why we named you Ming-Mei?"




    A man in his thirties brushed away a strand of hair from his childÃÆââ¬Å¡Ã¢ââ‰â¢s face and tucked it behind her ear.




    "Why, daddy??"




    She cocked her head to one side and smiled innocently at him.




    "Because you are my wonderful little girl. You will grow up to be my beautiful and intelligent girl, just like you name says about you."




    She giggled loudly as he bobbed her up and down on his two legs.




    "Beautiful and intelligent." He said again, with a sort of finality in his voice.




    * * *




    She could hear the television blasting in the living room as she watched warily for any sign of her father. Maybe if I keep out of his way. She mouthed a silent prayer and tiptoed towards the staircase, making as little noise as possible. She could feel the carpet beneath her feet, not warm and soft, but bristly and harsh. The familiar smell of curry chicken wafted out of the kitchen ahead of her. She crept past the open living room door, still treading lightly.








    She tripped on something in the darkness, and as she fell she bit her tongue, trying not to utter any noise.




    Too late.




    "Ming-Mei? Cheng Ming Mei?"




    She seemed to shrink a few inches when she saw her father standing ahead of her.




    "Shen me?" What did he want?




    "Why are you home so late?" She cringed more as she heard the harshness in his voice.




    "I had to study, ba."




    "The library closed hours ago. DonÃÆââ¬Å¡Ã¢ââ‰â¢t lie to me!" He limped towards her, the dull thump of his wooden leg beating against the floor.




    "You're fifteen already, it's time to stop the lying! I know you don't care about me, but don't lie to your mother! She works so hard to put food on our table and how do you repay her? By lying to her?"




    "I'm sorry, ba."




    He ignored her.




    "Where's your school report?"








    "In my bag, ba."




    "Well, GET IT OUT!" She could tell his temper was rising, so she unzipped her bag with shaking hands, drawing out the paper she had shoved in there earlier. Her dad snatched it out of her hands, and she waited for the explosion. It was as if she could almost see the wick of the bomb fizzling and sputtering inside her fatherÃÆââ¬Å¡Ã¢ââ‰â¢s head as his eyes flicked across the page.




    Then it exploded.




    "Why do you do this to me, Ming? It was never like this before I left for war. Why have you changed so much?"




    Maybe it's you who has changed, daddy.




    "Why do you continue to change your marks every single time."








    "Do you think I would believe you are top in the class?"




    "I di-"








    He crumpled the piece of paper into a ball and threw it at her head. It missed her, and she remained passive, her face as cold and still as a statue. It seemed to infuriate her father more, and he strode towards her.




    His hand came from nowhere and slapped her across the face, resulting in a sound that seemed to go on forever to her ears.




    "Get up to bed NOW! Until you can admit you have been lying."




    She said nothing, but looked for forgiveness in her father's eyes. All she could see was harshness in them; hate, rage and anger had caused his pupils to dilate, the normal light brown of his eyes almost black in the darkness. It gave him a sinister appearance, combined with his prosthetic leg.








    She scrambled to pick up her school bag, taking the ball of paper in her hand quickly before running up the stairs and into her bedroom. She closed the door, taking care not to close it loudly in case it would cause another explosion, and then sprawled out on her bed face first. Her blankets engulfed her body and she felt safe, enclosed by them as if someone was really hugging her and comforting her. Something her dad had not done for such a long timeÃÆââ¬Å¡Ã¢ââ¬Ã¦




    She sat up and noticed that she was still clutching the ball of paper.




    I'm so sorry dad.




    She tried to straighten out the paper, flattening out the creases.




    A+, A+, A+, A+, A+ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ã¢ââ¬Ã¦




    A single tear rolled down her cheek and splattered onto the paper in front of her. The ink began to run down the page as if it, too, was crying.




    I'm not lying.




    Another fell.




    I've never lied to you before. Especially not about this.




    Then another.




    Is it that hard to believe I work hard? Why don't you understand.




    Then the floodgates opened, and the tears came pouring out.




    * * *




    It was almost 10 pm as Ming-Hong peered into her little sisterÃÆââ¬Å¡Ã¢ââ‰â¢s room. Her sister was reading comics, a small grin lighting up her face every time she laughed. Ming-Hong smiled for her sister.




    She was going to be alright.




    * * *




    Ming-Mei lay on her bed peacefully, eyes closed, her lips shaped in a smile and still in her school uniform. An empty glass lay on her bedside table. A glass bottle was tipped over next to it, the remaining contents spilling out onto the table and on the floor.




    Outside, the postman was placing a letter in the mail box. It read: To: Mr/Mrs. Cheng. RE:Your daughter's great results




    A breeze blew into Ming's bedroom, sending a piece of paper fluttering down to the floor.




    It read:




    Intelligence can't be measured by numbers and figures. Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. Anyone can have knowledge, but how they put it to use is a different story. Perhaps what you believe is intelligence is different to what I believe. I can't be that beautiful and intelligent girl you wished for all those years ago when you named me.




    Do not be sad, I'm at a better place for myself now.




    I love you daddy. I love you mummy.




    Even if you do not love me.




    -- Ming ming













  6. johnneh2.pngjohnneh3.pngjohnneh5.pngjoyy.pngjoyw.png
















    X-mas Signature:
















    Are you melting yet? XD If not, I must make them cuter >








    Paint, with the exception of the 2px stroke on the text and the animals in photoshop. XD I was just having fun because my friend asked me to draw him a kitty. :P Then it moved onto a cow, then a dog. Now they are christmassy. XD








    CC please~! Ratings are alright too, but CC always helps!









  7. The cabbage doesn't look like a cabbage :?












    Still looks nice though.








    XD Yeah, it looks more like lettuce or something. I forgot what cabbage looks like :x








    My bad...








    And the point of the sig is to say even though she's so gung-[garden tool] and all mighty with herr dragon armor, she still can't pull cabbages from the ground, or still has to do the lowly work xP

















  8. Awsome use of colors of Paint, but the left eye being yellow instead of white looks a bit weird I think.








    Draynor may look evil on the outside, but pick some cabbage from the nearby patch and you'll feel you're at the safest place in Runescape. ;)








    Oh moo, ;-; I thought it was a bit yellow >_< Blame it on the 2am-ishness.








    I must have selected the color of the moon and used it instead of white xD








    Shall fix later~









  9. ---New Part---








    After Isabella had finished her meal of roasted hare with a bitter willow tea and a few thin, scraggly vegetables she had managed to find as she foraged, she began preparing for rest during the night, hoping to fall asleep before the wolves woke up and begun to hunt, howling in the night.








    She took remnants of her meal which she had not eaten out into the open and dug a shallow hole with her hands, hastily dropping them into the ditch before covering it up once again with snow. She did this not only to clean up, but she left it as an offering to one of the gods, Zamorak, who demanded blood and food sacrifice in return for not reaping havoc on the land. She said a few words of thanks to the god, before walking back into the warmth of the cave, her cold body once again engulfed with the heat of the fire.








    Walking around Sirion as he sat beside the fire, she found the bundle of furs she was looking for and held them in her arms, then dropped them into a neat pile next to the fire where she had decided to sleep that night. Isabella rolled the furs out so it created an area for her to lie in. She knelt beside her bed and made the symbol of Saradomin, the god of all that is good, with her fingers lightly brushing her forehead, her left cheek, her right cheek, then her chin. As she did this she whispered quietly, the words she had spoken every day since she had known how to talk; ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅMay Saradomin bestow the goodness of his mind, heart and soul into the land and itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s people.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  10. Sorry guys, writing one story, let alone two is pretty daunting. o.o I messed up the story though, so you may want ot look out for my other storl Isabella: Wolf Rider. XD But here, the next chapter:








    Chapter four Part two ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Recovery












    Two days of rest followed the night when the fight had happened. Three days afterwards, Landon felt he was ready to go back to school. His muscles still hurt when he moved, but only slightly. The pain was not bad enough that it overpowered his desire and need to see Hikari. Over the days he had been resting, he had been thinking about his life ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ about himself. He knew that he was not very strong, although he was fit, and he felt a desire to be strong, to be able to protect those around him, so he decided that he would train himself to be stronger. Landon had it all planned out ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ once he had recovered, he would travel to the gym whenever possible to train himself. Although this sounded simple, he could not let anyone know. He did not understand why, but there was a feeling in his heart that this was something he had to achieve by himself. Something he needed to do alone in order for him to really achieve his goal.












    Landon stopped off the bus steps and silently thanked the person that had invented public transport. It had saved him walking the 30 minutes trip to school; it would have been grueling with the slight pain which still lingered in his muscles.








    As he walked through the school gates, he gazed around at the scatted group of students around the yard, trying to spot Hikari. When he found no signs of her, he walked back through the gates, scanning the path for any sign of her. In a few minutes, HikariÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s head came slowly into view. She seemed to have trouble walking, and as she walked closer Landon saw that she was wincing a little with each step, and she held her back steadily, keeping it perfectly straight as if it hurt to move it. Her face was watching the path, her eyes fixed beneath her.








    LandonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s eyes grew wide at this sight and he ran to her. As he did this, little jolts of pain shot up his leg, but he ignored it and continued running, only slowing when he was close to her.








    At the sound of his quick footsteps, Hikari looked up slowly and fixed her gaze on Landon. He smiled a little and she seemed to make an attempt to smile back, her mouth twitching a few times before a weak smile appeared on her face. Afterwards, the smile disappeared from her face and she took a large breath before walking slowly towards Landon, the bells on her bag tinkling softly.








    With every step she winced, and LandonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s eyes slowly traveled down her body. His eyes widened a little when he saw her elbows ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ they were scratched and had been clumsily patched up with a few band-aids. His surprise turned to sadness and he walked forwards towards Hikari, reaching inside his pocket to take something from inside.








    When Landon was in front of her, he gently took HikariÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s hand and found that he was trembling slightly. He quickly pressed what he had taken from his pocket into HikariÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s palm, and then wrapped his other hand around HikariÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s, gently forcing her fingers shut around the item. She looked upwards at his face with a look of mingled surprise and curiosity.








    Landon leaned towards Hikari and mumbled into her ear: ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅThis is for you, I hope you are feeling betterÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s not much, but I hope you like it.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  11. I was bored so I started making tomato-head-men! XD








    There was no skill involved in making these whatsoever, I was just having fun. XDD








    Due to the removal of j.pgs, just remove the . from the extention to view them. o.o
































    XD tomato:




    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v115/ ... omaro.j.pg








    NINJAH tomato:




    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v115/ ... omato.j.pg








    >:3 tomato:




    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v115/ ... omato.j.pg








    hehe tomato!:




    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v115/ ... omato.j.pg








    GARGH! tomato:




    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v115/ ... omato.j.pg








    -.-" tomato:




    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v115/ ... omato.j.pg








    tenshi-chan [edit]

  12. The idea behind this picture is deep (ish) if you think about it. =P I didn't really understand it eithe runtil it was explained, but now I see what you mean.








    Good job, but I suggest making the items he's sweeping up more noticeable, because I just glanced at them and thought of them as trash. Make them bolder or brighter, something to make them stand out. =]









  13. That is indeed amazing. @_o Especially wen you mouse over the pictures and see the paths of the vectoring. O_O The Hollywood one has so many intersecting lines. :\ Scary.








    People who can do this have my respect, so well done. ^^









  14. Did you use a tutorial from this? o.o It look freakishly like one I made around a year ago. @__@
















    I like the green color you chose, suits it well. Although, maybe if you were wanting more realism, some blue layers for water? XD




    And also, the atmosphere seems to not close around the circle fully as it gets down to it's thinnest part to the left of the picture. o.o Is this intentional?








    GJ. ^___^









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