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Posts posted by throwawayacc

  1. I just want to say a few more things. First of all I understand you might doubt my post was real, because I did create a throwaway new account to post because I don't want to talk about this on my normal posting account and have it out there, it's generally a very private thing. Second, the main thrust of my post was not that you were wrong to feel disgusted by the actions of people that prey on children but that these people can in all respects be human accept in that respect. Also, I want to make it clear that an abuse victim disagrees with your view not that all abuse victims would disagree, so no one should take my opinion as thee views of anyone but myself because I'm only speaking for me. Last, how I feel about people that are attracted to children is not that I view anyone that is attracted to children as evil or wrong, it's the actions that they take that determine if they are to be condemned and punished, what makes them wrong is when they act upon it and hurt those too young to legally and ethically consent. I refuse to condemn a person that as far as I can tell has done nothing in the last 15 years and may be trying to get his act together and keep it together.

  2. You know, it's one thing to be a protected teenager, with parents keeping a watchful eye over you it's quite another to be the parent of that same child, who constantly worries about their well-being.


    To be honest, I have never understood the bizarre reasoning behind the perceived "invulnerability" of teenagers. It's almost as though there are absolutely no dangers out there, whatsoever. It's uncanny, really. My own teenagers are, I swear, in a conspiracy to see which of them can give me gray hairs before the other. None have succeeded yet, but they're due any day now. Both my boys have recently developed this ridiculous sense of "absolutes": everything has always/never been the way things are right now/before, and no amount of reminders of their own past experience to the contrary or the real life experience of their own parents is ever going to dissuade them from believing that reality is any different not even when reality is staring them directly in the face. Instead, they plunge headforth into impending disaster at almost the same rate as one telling them: "I told you so" ...


    If you have children and/or if you've ever been sexually/physically abused by another person you'd understand and appreciate just how incredibly vulnerable children really are. But you don't, you aren't and you haven't been. Yet.


    No not yet.


    Sexual predators aren't "human" not in the sense that one considers other human beings as "human" but none of you would understand that unless you've actually been face to face with one. There's a reason they're called "predators" they literally "feed" on the feelings of empowerment they receive, while they strip you of all your dignity. They feed on your despair. They live to dominate and control you in every way possible. They leave you feeling like less than filth.


    It takes a lot to reclaim someone who's been victimized in this fashion. It takes a virtual rebuilding of one's own personae. One's own sense of self doesn't come back overnight. It takes a very long time.


    ... and there is no rehabilitation for sexual predators none whatsoever because the criminal justice system doesn't do anything for them there's no effort made to retrain them. And if they did try, it wouldn't "fix" them anyways.


    ... and they certainly don't punish these animals long enough for the heinous crimes that they commit. The chances that any such being has recanted his previous infatuations is slim, at best, and most likely not at all. They do their minimal time in prison, are released, and re-offend. Wash, rinse, repeat.


    But please, feel free to defend sexual predators especially since you don't know any, never truly encountered one, or anything else like them. That's the best time to defend them, really.


    ... because you're all ... invulnerable ...


    In any event, please, feel free to elucidate further on the injustice of this creature's perceived circumstances hell, I'm somewhat surprised that no one's blamed the victims, yet.


    Wow, this is just extremely disrespectful, and I can't believe you took the time out of your day to spew this hate filled post and claim that those who are abused must feel this way. I was abused around 8 years old till I believe as far as I can remember around 10, although the timing could be off because I honestly can't piece together an actual timeline of my earlier life. My stepbrother abused me almost every weekend, and unfortunately the issue isn't that predators are innately inhuman, it's that they are extremely human and can be pretty much the last people you'd expect. I'm not sure I'll ever really be who I was meant to be before the abuse started because I was still forming who I was at the time. What the abuse left me with was sadness, anger, and unfortunately a lot of empathy for almost anyone. It would be a lot easier to be able to say that all sexual predators are in-human abominations but I have encountered one and except for the abusing he was normal. You claim that the chances that he recanted his previous infatuations are slim, I agree, but just as not every man who is attracted to a woman is a rapist, not every person who is attracted to teens is a molester. He served his time, and is now under court supervision. This situation could have been dealt with quietly instead of rehashing old crimes in a public forum and bringing others with their hate filled vitriol similar to yours, or trolls just happy for an easy target down on Runevillage. As a victim of abuse, that's MY take on the matter, next time don't make claims as if you speak for everyone and don't throw around assumptions that aren't true.

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