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Posts posted by Sunny_Aisling

  1. But you can't give away something for free you don't legally own either so that wouldn't work as an argument.


    By your logic, it is illegal to have drop parties or to give away free gp to some scrubs.


    Quit grasping for straws, Stev's example is a perfectly legit loophole.

    I'm not grasping for straws those are different scenarios. You don't accept real money from someone when you put items in the party room or when you trade your friends free stuff. The legal loophole would have to have no relation to "free runescape character with every joke" and more "give me donations" and in a completely unrelated note I randomly decide to give you some in-game items.


    Look up the concept of baksheesh.


    That aside, the RWTer and the buyer would have an implicit, unspoken "understanding" that, when questioned by more respectable people such as yourself, both sides will hotly deny they are doing anything illegal. And they aren't, not on paper.

  2. But you can't give away something for free you don't legally own either so that wouldn't work as an argument.


    By your logic, it is illegal to have drop parties or to give away free gp to some scrubs.


    Quit grasping for straws, Stev's example is a perfectly legit loophole.

  3. Bots are only in p2p now, correct?


    I barely see any more bots in f2p now, even when mining.


    The trade limit put on pure f2p accounts when newly created has taken care of most F2p bots, the throwaway mentality doesn't work anymore since you need to pay at least one month for each and every bot - because of this I guess most goldfarmers have turned for p2p bots.


    Gold in inventory, red portal in clan wars. Not a problem.

  4. Strange that most of the bots seem to be returning to members' worlds instead of the free ones. The only bots I've seen since the Nuke have been autotypers in the G.E..


    "There is still a trade limit in which certain players can not make a trade where they give away more than 25,000 coins, to prevent players from buying/selling gold. This was introduced on 22 November 2011 to combat Gold farming. The limit only affects accounts created after this limit was introduced, which have never had membership."



  5. You're missing the point. They still paid money for a Jagex product that affects their RuneScape gameplay. By Jagex logic, that means they're able to pay for something like highscores if they really wanted to.


    How does Jagex logic differ from your logic? Don't you conclude the same thing?


    I'm not the company.


    Course, even logging in from home for one second would disqualify you from membership in sunny's imaginary "true f2p" posse.


    My imaginary posse? That's actually the FTP community FYI, their hypocritical attitude is real.

  6. The pure F2Ps who paid to change their names, didn't pay for RuneScape membership. They paid for FunOrb membership, which allows you to change your in-game display name. That's why it doesn't affect their status, because they have never paid for RuneScape membership.



    You're missing the point. They still paid money for a Jagex product that affects their RuneScape gameplay. By Jagex logic, that means they're able to pay for something like highscores if they really wanted to.

  7. If being F2P is about the challenge of playing the game in a restricted way (strange way to go about it, but your choice) and not in any way about the money. Then why not become a fee paying F2P community?


    Think carefully about your answer before you reply, and for goodness sake....don't put "why would I pay for a free game?" the answer is above!


    They can't be a fee-paying FTP community because it defeats the idea of being FTP.


    FTP actually is about the money no matter what anyone says, only its the tail end of the gold coin. It's the decision not to pay for the package called membership at any point whatsoever for an account. Being unable to pay counts toward that decision as well. Strictly speaking, pure FTP means having nothing to do with membership at all.


    If some bloke pigs out cash to change their display name, FYI they're no longer purely FTP because they paid money for a member's feature. It's along the same line of reasoning as to why those who train only FTP skills in members, are excluded from the street-cred of being considered pure among the minority diehard FTP community.


    The pure FTPers can't pay for highscores, because by doing so they're inviting those same people they've been shunning all this time.


    Except the pure FTPers did come to the consensus that paying money to change your display name, a member's feature, will not change their pure status. That's hypocritical no matter how you cut it. Fact of the matter is, doing this means they paid money. That's what members do. If anyone starts using loopholes like Funorb membership to circumvent the heart of their own rules, that sends a message full of dollar signs to Jagex.


    So the logic goes that, if FTP have in the past paid for something that doesn't affect their stats, but still think of themselves as pure FTP, why not the highscores? This is the crack in the armor Jagex leaped at to monetize, whether it works out or not.

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