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Posts posted by Requisit

  1. 14/02/2102

    So today I kinda got used to the game again, and all the changes since last time I've played. I did a few easy quests and the tutorial tasks to remember my way around. I also realized that I can't remember any of the solutions to the puzzles in quests, which in a way is good 'cause it'll let me actually play through them fresh. I used to always follow the quest guides to the letter, big mistake. I didn't really train anything, although I did what used to be the witch's potion quest thing for some more experience. I'm in a very questing mood so I'm feeling I'll do all the f2p quests before I go ahead and invest in p2p. The DIY aspect hasn't really hit me yet, although it's not as if I had to really go out of my way to get anything for the quests that I've done so far.



    Blood Pact



    Cooks Assistant



    Restless Ghost



    Rune Mysteries



    Swept Away






  2. Reqiusit’s DIY Adventure


    About Me

    Hi there!


    First off thanks for coming and visiting my DIY blog. I’ve been playing on and off since RSC days under multiple accounts and once again been lured back into RS. I always liked the idea of a DIY account and decided it was about time I gave it a solid crack. I don’t have hours upon hours to play these days, so I’ll probably progress slowly, but anyway on with the show.



    What DIY means to me:

    • No trading, borrowing or lending with other players (except for Shield of Arrav and Heroes’ Quest)
    • No trading on the G.E
    • No assisting, or being assisted
    • No group minigames, bosses or dungeoneering

    So yeah, pretty much just doing everything yourself. It should be an interesting experience.




    14/02/2012– Account created & Blog made. Completed some easy quests and the introductory tasks. I got a few levels here and there from them.

    [spoiler=More...]Coming Soon





    In the beginning





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