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Posts posted by Possum39

  1. Kolin, you're absolutely right when you say that some people actually enjoy the challenge of playing Pure F2P and want to choose to play that way. However, I don't think there is any way around this trial, so the closest you can become to Pure F2P is doing what the others above have suggested (immediately log out of the P2P world, and then log into a F2P world). Although for the first 14 days of the life of a new account it is a 'member', it can still classified as 'pure f2p' if you do not log on to any P2P worlds during the trial or use any P2P benefits to gain experience or obtain items.


    If you stick to this, then the only benefits of membership you can potentially take advantage of in-game in a F2P world are no advertisements and 6 Grand Exchange slots (instead of the regular 2 for F2P). As L0RD Slaya mentioned, you can't use your SoF spins in a F2P world if you're a member.


    However, unfortunately, you're stuck with some disadvantages as well including item limits (which you mentioned), a 25K trade limit after the membership trial is over and a disgusting advertisement that pops up every day you log in during the trial pestering you to sign up for membership as soon as possible.



    Arceus is also right in saying that no players new to RuneScape will do this. All of them will, of course, take advantage of all members benefits they know of and play in P2P worlds. There's nothing anybody can do about that. The only players that will use this method of creating new 'pure f2p' accounts are existing players with this specific intention.

  2. You can't compare the profits of Valve that came from people who otherwise wouldn't pay the box price who came in and are now purchasing items, to the crying of little children who are devoted to the idea of never paying a single cent, who bundle up in their little elitist groups and take personal offense to the idea of a ticker of experience going anywhere above 0. One group stands to bring in massive wealth, the other stands to bring in none whatsoever and actually stands to suck wealth from the game by recruiting more people into their group of "hey let's never pay."


    Aww, well that's a little uncalled for, isn't it? Obviously you've never experienced first-hand what it's like to be in one of those communities so I forgive you for disrespectfully ridiculing it based on an unfair characterization of what you think we are trying to do. Let me make something clear - I have NEVER discouraged any player (friend or otherwise) from buying membership. I also might add that after they have bought P2P, they are in no way cut off from F2P communities. Rather, they are encouraged to maintain a connection with us and let us know of their progress. That's the way it has always been.


    What a Pure F2P community does do, however, is serve as a home for those players which, for whatever reason, cannot pay or wish to not pay for the game. We bring together a group of players which play the game in the same way with similar goals and try to improve their RuneScape experiences with fun events and a chat they're always welcome to so they can discuss the game and make some new friends.


    Is this such a bad thing?



    Sorry for going off topic. I think Jagex has already made it clear they will fill their pockets before listening to the F2P community... but I don't want to talk about that here. I will not try to challenge Jagex if I know it will contribute to more people taking that leap of faith and purchasing P2P because of the free trial. I merely wanted to bring to attention that I am disappointed (not disgusted) that Jagex have made this decision which will reduce the amount of new Pure F2Ps and divert interest away from the free game - but I've obviously done that by now. :P I suppose I've always liked the idea of F2P being an own game in its own right.

  3. I think it's actually sickening how keen you F2Pers are on pure F2Ping. I don't loathe your experiences in F2P, but you guys seem to think that one xp in P2P ruins the character. Why are you so hell bent on being pure F2P?


    You're sickened because I'm so keen to play RuneScape the way I enjoy the most? You're basically insulting every player which has ever created a pure account. Do level 3 skillers and other pure accounts sicken you as well or is just me?


    No, a small amount of p2p experience does not 'ruin' an account. I never said it did. A pure f2p clan, like the majority of others, has precise requirements. Requirements should be something all members are consistent with. So having a requirement of being "free from membership" and then accepting people with 7 agility, 9 fletching and 4 thieving is an obvious inconsistency.


    If you were the leader of a level 3 skilling clan which was been around for years and Jagex released a new compulsory tutorial which required combat to complete, raising the minimum combat level to 5.. Would you at least feel a glimpse of sadness knowing that accounts like yours (as a level 3) will no longer exist, forcing your clan to change their longstanding requirements which led them to becoming such a successful community from the start?


    We should have complete control over how we play the game and our plans for our accounts in the future, something Jagex is taking away from us as soon as we create it. Why don't you think about that next time you choose to launch another personal attack.

  4. Ok, how are the pure F2P clans affected in the slightest? Unless I'm mistaken, you don't have to continue on member skills or even stay in member areas. If a person wants to start a pure F2P account, they'll probably be able to accomplish that.


    Correct. They simply never log into a members world.


    As soon as I finished customizing my new character and chose their display name, there was a cutscene of the Troll Warzone and then I found myself in the screenshot above in a members world. There's no option to start fresh in f2p. The closest you can become to being 100% f2p is immediately turning the tutorial off, home teleporting to Lumbridge and hopping to a f2p world.


    My concern is with new players which have never played RS before - there are good chances they will use the members content within 14 days of account creation and hence will never have an account free from membership. Even if one created a new account with the intention of making it a pure f2per, they'd still have the benefit of 6 GE slots (even in f2p worlds) and possibly a few members only songs, despite any item or level caps placed on them.

  5. It's back. The 14-day free membership trial period for new accounts is back. :thumbdown:


    [spoiler=E-mail Validation message after registering an account]ztu3r8.jpg



    [spoiler=E-mail I received from Jagex]3149mwm.png



    [spoiler=Trial Activation]3449gqs.png



    [spoiler=Starting location in-game screenshot]5odqc9.png



    As you can see, there is no option to ignore this free trial. You MUST activate this trial period to log in and play.


    This trial period, if implemented long-term, can have a devastating effect on Pure F2P clans. With no more 100% f2p accounts created, it will potentially destroy the future of such clans. Even if most of you don't see the harm in non-optional free membership, there are hundreds of others crossing our fingers and hoping Jagex doesn't discontinue our future.

  6. This trial membership offer has ended according to Mod Hippo. Quick find code: 250-251-169-63587089. I'm very glad this was only a limited time offer - if this had have been a permanent change for all new accounts, Jagex would have destroyed the future of Pure F2P Clans.

  7. As many of you may know, yesterday Jagex ran a Forum Q&A session where all RuneScape players had the chance to post questions to four Jagex Mods (Mod Mark, Mod Edam, Mod Stevew and Mod Jane). These Mods had the job of answering as many questions as possible within a 3 hour period. I thought this would be a good opportunity to get some answers to a few of the questions I had. :)


    Being a bit of a F2P enthusiast, I decided to ask the following questions to Mod Stevew who was answering all the community related questions.



    Naturally, I had to be optimistic for an answer. I wasn't confident that I would get one but I tried to word my question as best I could. Here's the answer I received a few hours later on the 'Q&A Answers 17th Feb' thread:




    His reply came as a huge disappointment to me. Not only did he extinguish any hope of a F2P Hiscores comeback, he didn't make any attempt to address the questions I had. No sympathy, no acknowledgement of the problems we now have. On reflection, I'm grateful that Stevew was honest and surprised he did make a reply to me, however I'm confused and frustrated with his response and what it means for our community.


    This post may come as 'old news' to some but I decided to post it to let you know that unfortunately there appears to be nothing that has changed since November last year and there seems to be nothing planned for the future.

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