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Posts posted by DreenHotdog

  1. I know the NDS could certainly handle it, but they would have to make a port in someway for it. (homebrew or otherwise).




    The reason is that the screen size is much too small, not to mention the obvious problem with java. I know the NDS can handle it if it can handle Quake II (homebrew).


    Whoa! Are you serious?!? You're telling us that you certainly think that the NDS could handle Runescape? That's horrible. Do any of you realize the specs on the NDS? They're completely horrible. It's very surprising that a company like Nintendo even sells portable gaming consoles like that for such a price! And everyone on the blog is saying it would eat up battery and be slow. Well now as of 2011-2012, introducing the iPhone 4S. Awesome battery life, dual-core processor, 512 MHz of RAM. These specs would most likely even be the MINIMUM of what should be required to play Runescape on a mobile device. Horribly enough, you'd have to know both of two computer languages to be able to port Runescape from the Java language to the iPhone. You need to know both Java and Objective-C. It would be a huge job, almost starting from scratch, although if you new Java, you'd be able to read and sort of convert your knowledge into Objective-C. Alls I'm saying, even the 3DS doesn't have enough power behind it to run Runescape whether it's modded, home brewed, or even overclocked.

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