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Posts posted by tha_boas

  1. Sad ... mine still is on:




    There are currently 7.5 blackmarks out of 10 on this account






    Have gotten them for so long and they can't even be justified by jagex lol ... O well I don't play anymore anyway (wow>>rs by far)

  2. I have to say I did see ALOT less players playing runescape right after the updates. And even if you take schoolday etc in account it was still alot less.




    However, the population has increased again ... I suppose some people just didn't fell like playing for a few days

  3. Zamorak brew is a very good potion, it gives +21 attack +13 strength -11 defense -11 hp and roughly +5 prayer if you have all your skills maxed. This means its an ideal potion if you slay monsters while using prayerprotection.


    What does that have to do with a Summoning Potion?







  4. So what would be the point of having it in full screen?




    Shouldn't suggest purposeless stuff :P




    Besides, it is still supposed to be played in a browser and not as a standalone




    It would make the game look a lot better than it is right now.






    I don't think so ... :s Not with the detail which jagex makes their low polygon objects with anyway.

  5. When you zoom out the lack of a black pixel at the border is not visible. We see it as zoomed out so it is invisible for us.




    Perhaps even with an added black pixel to the left suddently the border looked more (or to) "black" when zoomed out

  6. Wise Old Man said that Gliendor is round.




    Ya but I heard he's getting a name change to Dumb Old Fart :?

    You much have horrible sources. Read the Postbags. It's in one of them




    It was also fact and common knowledge that the world was flat until columbus and magellan proved otherwise ;)




    I've not yet walked from one end of RS to the other and found myself back where I started merely by walking in a straightforward line.. Have you?






    How can it be (or have been) a FACT that the world is or was flat :s not like the world suddently wrapped itself around a ball of magma so that columby wouldn't fall off

  7. I was lvling hunter at ZMI Altar, catching red salamanders. Then someone came, he took my threes to use to trap salamanders. Then i diden't say anything and felt competive. I won over him, but he said this....








    I wonder why they are so weird,i was there first. And i won over him and diden't say anything either to him, so why did he say taht lol.






    What a nerd :XD:




    Meh I would only call someone a nerd if he says he'd be very alone in the upcoming holidays cause he has no Rs (someone on tipit said this a few days ago, rather funny yet sad to hear lol)








    Then again if you imagine you'd be a kid of 10 years old who thinks he can do anything he likes ...




    "Starts training even though someone is already there"


    "Gets beaten cause you click faster"


    ^^he assumes you have way more time on your hands because you outclick him so you're a nerd :) Nice thinking but ok

  8. I think this is disgusting. Firstly, some idiot kid makes incredibly immature and dangourous claims about suicide. Then mocks Jagex's socially responcible reply. With proof that this is now a joke I think that player should be banned.






    Actually that reply from Jagex made me laugh aswell.




    And I don't RWT, then again I have no credit card ... but then again I don't need any cause Jagex doesn't allows me to refill my p2p with the help of a credit card for some odd reason :D






    O well shame that CS actually responds to all this crap ... even though as a compagny they almost HAVE to react to such messages in order to put them in a secure position.




    But CS also replies to alot of other bullcrap which even tipitters ask. But yea ain't about CS here :P






    RWT wasn't a that huge problem, they simply made Runescape less challenging (I quit 3 months ago because there aren't any challenges left in Rs, unless you see being the 10k'th to get 99 crafting as a major achievement, which i don't) which would hurt Jagex as a business.








    BESIDES, if Jagex would do something which disadvantages skilling in a bad way then i'm SURE that alot of tipitters would also behave in an equivalent way. Perhaps a smaller amount but still ... the reaction stays the same even though the group of people differ

  9. Err hi despite it goes in against ethical reason we have now decided to take away a rather big moneymaking factor for people in china and we are also sueing your boss. We are sure that Chinese goverment will gladly help us.




    Then again Jagex has contacts with lawyers specialised into online gaming and such (there are special compagnies of those). Then again it actually costs Jagex (as far as I can guess) to prosecute.






    Those RWT sites pop up like mushrooms out of the ground anyway though, so if you take one down there is already another one so why even bother ... in the end you'll lose alot on cash and time if you have to keep getting hosts to get renters of servers their site down because of this "illigal" activity which goes on on them.

  10. Erm seeing as I have quite alot of castle wars tickets I rather have the bank pin stay. Even though I never get keylogged ... and when I get a keylogger on my pc I am aware of that lol (actually happend once because I had disabled primary firewall-system cause it was laggy)






    But yea either way people will still keylog just to ruin others their lives




    A 16 year old boy was given rights to the company of Jagex Ltd. today, December 14th, 2007, due to drastic updates added to their game "RuneScape". The nameless boy was given the company after the president of the company, Andrew Gower, exclaimed that RuneScape "Was becoming a crappy game". Officials state that the 16 year old boy plans to change RuneScape back to the way it was even if the RWTs would come back. Andrew Gower left the building shouting "Fgfuyfyuiuy0 is l33t n3wb who fix things!!!one"







    Nameless young boy? :/

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