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Th Heretic

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Posts posted by Th Heretic

  1. 48.029 Agility xp is only about 28minutes saved if fpf is ~102k/hr.


    Opening effigy gives 90k xp overall so it's 11250 xp each skill on avg.


    11250xp agility = 6min

    11250xp thief = 2.5min

    11250xp fm = bit over 2min

    11250xp fish = 5.5min

    11250xp hunt = 2.5min

    11250xp mine = 5.5min or few seconds of warbanding

    11250xp rc = 5.5min

    11250xp wc = 5.5mins


    = 63min


    +Knowing jagex, they'll nerf warbands after few months so you would want to save magic xp for superheating.


    Edit: Woops, forget wc

  2. It's supposed to be hours until someone reaches 99 all skills. People who use runners for extra experience are really that much closer to 99 all skills than those training without runners. You're acting as if it should just be a list of who has played the most hours.


    The most efficient thing is to use runners to 82 or 91 Runecrafting and to then solo it after that. Using runners to 99 is probably the most ridiculous thing you could do. Atrate tried that and along with 2m Xp of his own running laws, he only made 70m. The majority of that came from his solo running. Using runners is also becoming more expensive as time goes on btw. Atm you lose money fast for anything that isn't double natures. 99 Hunter and Cooking are the only other moneymakers aside from Runecrafting and I doubt that could even pay for using runners to 91 Runecrafting today. 82 is probably the best stopping point followed by investing the rest of one's remaining cash into supplies. Astrals will be selling regularly 150-200ea really soon. I sold some 170ea yesterday but it's still sporadic.


    Are you all forgetting that maxing is going to cost at a bare minimum about 600m? Money isn't infinite. Even with my soloing all the way to 99 Runecrafting, there's a chance I may still have to go beyond 99 to afford everything. Anyone using runners to 99 is simply screwing themselves over when they still have to do another 10m Xp after 99 to pay for everything.


    So no I'm not saying it should be based on hours put in. They are simply not closer to maxing and you need to look deeper than just the raw numbers presented to you.

    People will merchant to fund their skilling, Most top player @eoc are doing it and harldy anyone considers it as a cheating.

  3. So who's the first to 200m all skills on 07scape since we know the nostalgiafgts will vote at least 50k, no offence btw just annoying, community of 07 is what you miss, not the gameplay.

    I kinda agree with you. However there is thousands of people who used to play just for pking, what is dead now. This is good move from jagex to get few thousand new subscripers with little effort.


    OT: Seven days :shock:

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