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Posts posted by W1nterW0lf

  1. If you view the full-size version of the picture - http://puu.sh/1qlJp.png - is your text usually distorted like that in-game? It's odd because that's the only thing that seems to be off.


    A few things to do are:

    -Try lowering AA simply to see if it works.

    -Lower your Windows DPI settings if they are ~150%.


    The map doesn't capture either when in a dungeon?


    Yeah it is, due to my GTX 670 graphics card. It is adding an extra 4x antiailiasing to the existing settings making it 8x which runescape doesn't use. It worked before I got my 670 when i was running Radeon HD 6770's. And yeah it diesn't capture in a dung either.



    EDIT: Tried it again with lowered settings, and still nothing.

  2. 1st: The image you uploaded is a JPG. Go into your advanced settings and select No Compression (always PNG).

    2nd: Make sure your navigation settings are DGSweeper are set to disabled - although this shouldn't effect party details, but will effect your map.

    3rd: OpenGL/DirectX, None/2x/4x Anti-aliasing?


    1st: Here's the PNG version - http://puu.sh/1qlJp.

    2nd: Nav. is off.

    3rd: DirectX, 4x anti ailiasing.


    Am I supposed to click something? Because nothing comes up when I go to the party details, it says.. go to party details.


    Thanks for helping me! It's such a great program and it would be so helpful in larges with friends.

  3. yep, at least thats how they taught us in gymnastics, we also did handstands on p-bars and had a teammate spot us on lowering down to a planche then back up again; we did this like 10 times per set.



    ^Floor routine from state championships in 2011

  4. Just seeing if anyone else plays that is kind of in my age bracket haha. I'm 23, a college grad, and I work as a personal trainer (weird combination for a scaper huh?) . I played hockey in college and I enjoy watching all sports. Just seeing if anyone else has the same interests!


    there's a lot more 'Scapers that are also athletes/just in decent shape than many other games!

  5. Due to a spinal condition, I can't over-exert myself with sports like this as I can easily pull my back, which is also sadly why exercise in general is difficult for me, topped with once my heart rate hits 180 I struggle to breathe.


    Still, I enjoy watching it and giving it a go when it's nothing too major.


    Yeah its spectacular to watch! just work up litle by little even if its many reps with very low weight, that will more than a few reps of something with really heavy weight! :)

  6. I recently switched to gymnastics training for strength instead of weightlifting. Currently working on a planche. Practiced the handstand for about a month last year w/ my friend but gave up on that one... afraid of getting injured from practicing it >_>


    Can/could you do front levers or planches or anything like that?


    yeah I can do a straddle planche on the floor and the rings, a great way to get a handstand is against a wall! :)

  7. http://puush.me


    A safe program you can use to capture your screen that automatically uploads them to a webhosting service and copies the link to that image to your clipboard.


    You can use this to take a picture of your desktop to include your active window + dgsweeper.



    ok here it is: http://puu.sh/1qexV


    I really dont know whats going on.. And it also said im not allowed to use that image extension on this community, dont really know what that means.

  8. Hello,


    Even though my party details are open, it won't capture them! I can use the potion feature and other things but the map is stuck on that advertisement! I am running DGSweeper version on a windows 7 64 bit PC that i built. all graphics setting maxed out at 1080P. running on directX11.


    I'm not allowed to make an album on this forum yet for some reason and I dont use photobucket so I dont know how to post photos of my problem.

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