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Posts posted by RWH

  1. Try Nex. It's easy once you get the hang of it and is pretty decent money (surprisingly considering how long it's been around). I pretty much do this boss for my income.


    I choose Glacors if I want both XP and GP at the same though but I assume you don't care for XP that much.

  2. Do you care about getting 75/75 supplies every day without fail?


    If you don't, then "Countrywolff" FC may be a good FC to use. This FC isn't guaranteed 75/75 supplies but the advantage to using this chat is that you don't have to "be there 30-60mins BEFORE the wave" or join wars after waves as this FC is not allied with any of the major FCS out there.


    This is an ideal FC if you don't have too much time to waste and aren't fussed about how many supplies you get per day. I use this FC as most of the others I join keep requiring you to attend 30-60mins before the wave and then attend an after war - so you end up spending 60-90mins on Warbands itself.


    Just come geared and you won't be killed.

  3. Voted for yes for legacy even though I'll still use abilities for Slayer and PvM. Don't see the big deal over it. ;s


    If it helps increase the amount of people playing then that can only be a good thing. Even if it's only a 5k increase; 5k is better than 0.


    Obviously though a lot of people that voted for it probably didn't read into much and think it's actually going to be an exact replica of pre-eoc, when really it isn't. I fear those people will be disappointed when Legacy comes. 

  4. Hey, I've been experiencing some weird problems with my computer lately and I'm not really sure what's up.




    Some Twitch streams seem to completely lag my computer. I.e. extreme FPS lag in-game (all over the place and lots of freezing) + the whole computer itself seems slow when the specific stream is running.


    YouTube videos on Chrome will sometimes display a black screen on the player with no controls, duration or volume control options, with audio playing as normal. Scrolling will make the player and video appear normally.


    Loading up a page in my browser whether it be a forum thread on RSOF or a video, my FPS in-game will drop and resume back to normal. This causes me to lag obviously.




    PC specifications as follows:


  5. Warbands actually increased my interest in PvP and is a fun way to gain XP. I don't really gain XP to be #1 at anything though, I gain XP past 99 because I enjoy it and setting the goal of top 25/200m all keeps me busy for a long time, rather than being bored constantly. :P People screaming "lolxp" "xp is devalued, why bother?" doesn't stop me from doing what I enjoy and never will.


    Methods always change and skills become easier. It seems a lot of people do not seem to understand that fact and instead, expect methods to always stick to being "hard" (which in their minds, means doing something for longer). People always complained about how bad the grinding on this game was and I guess Jagex have acted on that feedback, resulting in skills being made more bearable and easier to allow more players to access content which they create. But hey, now you get EasyScape chants, whatever that's supposed to mean.


    If you don't like the fact that XP becomes easier (as you can "devaluation") then really, you should stop gaining XP now and find something else, or move to 07 because this will never change.


    That said though, like everything, it will be nerfed soon. Jagex tend to wait for a lot of people to get used to the content before unleashing the nerfhammer, deeming the content "dead" and a waste of time. 

  6. If you want to get good at using the combat system and getting used to rotations then Slayer is the way to go IMO. That's how I learnt, it's great practice and gets you very used to your keyboard (if you don't play other games, thus aren't used to making proper use of the keyboard).

  7. I'm not even tempted to pay attention now whilst training Divination..Fragments were the only thing that made me actually find the skill somewhat "fun" - Competing with others trying to get as many as you could made it interesting but now it's like ugh..

  8. Some PvP is better than none at all. Also the time Warbands lasts varies a lot, PvP can last much longer than 20mins due to wars and what have you, so really, it does rejuvinate the wilderness as people DO fight and have wars (like the old days).


    If Warbands didn't exist then PvP would most likely be dead as no one would bother creating clans and having wars with rival clans because what would be the point? These clans only exist because of Warbands.

  9. Gemeos, we have not forgot about Geel, we discussed him a few pages back in terms of top 5 players to 5.2b exp overall and him being a top competitor. 


    And good luck Hardstylez on getting into the top 25. What are you plans exp/wise and skill wise for the upcoming year?

    Mostly going to be doing eoc combat (slayer mainly) with some Runespan on the side

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