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Posts posted by 2007yesplease

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    EDIT: I like to mostly casually browse forum topics here, this is the only one that annoyed me so much I had to make an account and post. The arguments used for the most part miss the point spectacularly - such as 'I won't vote because there will be bots'.


    No that's not why people wont vote. People are mentioning the fact that there will be bots in passing.

    They've repeatedly said why they wont vote. And as you

    like to mostly casually browse forum topics here, this is the only one that annoyed me so much I had to make an account and post.

    you would have surely noticed their reasons. Take off your rose tinted spectacles.


    Thus beat me to it


    To people saying 'ermahgurd Jagex are bending to the wishes of whiners from 2007 @@@@@!!!1one!!!':

    Large overstatement in attempt to make people who you disagree with look stupid, even though mostly everyone here has said their point, for both sides, for the most part logically.


    I ask you to read the thread before responding.


    Extrapolating at its finest.


    I did not say that there won't be bots - there almost certainly will be. There are no rose tinted spectacles here. I know that the community will most likely not be the same as the one in 2007 (I do in fact remember many scammers, RWTing, bots back then). However, I know for a fact that the actual physical gameplay was more enjoyable for me in 2007 than post-EoC RuneScape. I have read this thread - please tell me where somebody addresses the point that this update is just the same as any other update that would not affect a large number of players?


    No you completely miss the point YET AGAIN. Do you actually understand what these words even mean, because you're seemingly reading a completely different thread.

    Clearly I have lost the ability to comprehend the written word, please explain which part is irrelevant?

  2. Read the rest of the thread, those questions have been answered over and over in depth. Also can you rephrase your main point? Right now it just seems you are arguing that EoC is a small thing that not many people use so it doesn't matter if it's gone. There are so many things wrong with that it is hard to start.


    'Gone'. 'Nuff said.

    I don't follow.

    You are aware that the EoC won't be removed, right?

  3. EDIT: I like to mostly casually browse forum topics here, this is the only one that annoyed me so much I had to make an account and post. The arguments used for the most part miss the point spectacularly - such as 'I won't vote because there will be bots'.


    No that's not why people wont vote. People are mentioning the fact that there will be bots in passing.

    They've repeatedly said why they wont vote. And as you

    like to mostly casually browse forum topics here, this is the only one that annoyed me so much I had to make an account and post.

    you would have surely noticed their reasons. Take off your rose tinted spectacles.


    Thus beat me to it


    To people saying 'ermahgurd Jagex are bending to the wishes of whiners from 2007 @@@@@!!!1one!!!':

    Large overstatement in attempt to make people who you disagree with look stupid, even though mostly everyone here has said their point, for both sides, for the most part logically.


    I ask you to read the thread before responding.


    Extrapolating at its finest.

    I did not say that there won't be bots - there almost certainly will be. There are no rose tinted spectacles here. I know that the community will most likely not be the same as the one in 2007 (I do in fact remember many scammers, RWTing, bots back then). However, I know for a fact that the actual physical gameplay was more enjoyable for me in 2007 than post-EoC RuneScape. I have read this thread - please tell me where somebody addresses the point that this update is just the same as any other update that would not affect a large number of players?

  4. We already have. The fact it's taken you 24 pages to even notice this thread, and have only ever posted here once speaks volumes of just how active you are in the RuneScape community.


    I have been using tip.it for years, I just never made a forum account. Clearly the fact that I have never posted on this particular fan site makes me an inactive member of the community? I have played the game solidly from 2006-2012, and only quit when the EoC came out. I am very active on the RSOF even after quitting. Your projection of my activity is unfounded in many ways.


    EDIT: I like to mostly casually browse forum topics here, this is the only one that annoyed me so much I had to make an account and post. The arguments used for the most part miss the point spectacularly - such as 'I won't vote because there will be bots'.

  5. Jagex is finnaly listening to its REAL fan base. There a massive company. They know what they are doing and they will get back to their prime. Stop being so delusional.


    The real fan base of which you are included? You who take the role of some kind of freedom fighter telling people to rebel against Jagex and not to re-subscribe with the goal of forcing them to spend money to satisfy your whim? Far from a fan, you and your group are more a thorn in Jagex's side who will bar the way of progress in order to achieve their own ends.


    If people do not like the game anymore (because of a specific update such as the EoC, or a multitude of updates over a period of time), they are perfectly within their rights to unsubscribe and to express the reasons for which they did so. If enough people do this, clealry Jagex has done something wrong and they will lose profit, as they should, for not catering to the demands of their playerbase. There is nothing wrong with them spending money to satisfy a large number of players, it's called 'listening'.

    Just because you detest the EoC or other updates does not make you a 'thorn in the side of Jagex'. We want the game as it was at a given point in the past, we will make that known and if Jagex think they can make some money from it (which they clearly can), they will do it. Everyone's happy. You seem to treat the wants of everyone that is not satisfied as somehow invalid - they are not invalid.

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  6. To people saying 'ermahgurd Jagex are bending to the wishes of whiners from 2007 @@@@@!!!1one!!!':


    This is what's commonly known as 'listening to the community'. Clearly, Jagex feels that a sizeable proportion of the population of RuneScape would like to see the creation of legacy servers, so what is the problem with doing what they want? Just because you won't play doesn't mean that nobody else should, that's like saying 'OMG Jagex how dare you bring out the Slayer skill, I'm a skiller, wow you just bend to the community idiots'. It just doesn't make any sense as an argument.

    Even if significant resources were to be consumed in the upkeep of these servers, so what? Significant resources were put into the EoC which many people do not use (people that have quit like me) or skilling updates for PKers, PKing updates for skillers - the list goes on. Not everybody uses every update, and resources are poured into updates that not everybody or even a minority would use. A perfect example of this is player owned ports. The level requirements mean that it is definitely the minority that can use them, but significant time has been put into them. Who cares? Virtually nobody. So why is this different?


    Answer these questions and you may have an argument.

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