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Posts posted by DriftCore

  1. Yep. Every world has at least one bot and sometimes one real user who is cussing at the bot.  :-D 
    Wine of Zamorak sure is a great way to make money since it is 4k each.
    They are smart, though. Doing this and selling RS money for real money. Looks like it pays off the electricity bill they get. 
    I need to hit some Varrok guards to ease off my anger.  :angry:

  2. Thank you for your fast reply, Arceus!

    It is true that I can't do anything about it, but if they all are using the same script, can't Jagex do something to find out what client or bot they are using and if someone uses that it's a permanent ban? I have heard that they already did this with a botting client named Powerbot, or was it RSbot? 

    About beating the bots - the system update idea is good, but beating bots is impossible. Only if someone had an autoclicker with 100 clicks a second, maybe. 


    Of course I, alone can't do anything about bots, but maybe a bunch of people could? Like go in the same worlds and report them or whatever?  |^_^|

  3. Hello Tip.it forum! 
    I am fairly new to this forum but a Runescape veteran with 9 years of gameplay. 
    Everyone hates bots, can we agree on that? 
    Today I wanted to grab some wine of zamorak in the good old castle but I noticed one guy, all levels 1's except magic which was fairly high for him, 60 or 70. I thought: farewell, maybe he is just a pure or something and world hopped. Then, almost the same levels as the last guy there's this new guy with even higher magic level, but a similar name. I got it, they were bots.

    And so I started scanning a few worlds and noticed more bots with a similar name. Under further inspecting they do the same movement which is the following:
    1. They teleport to Taverley after their inventory is full.
    2. When they run back they run past the Zamorak church and stay there for a while, then run towards the table.
    3. After they are where they have to be, they log out and log back in.


    I have noted down some usernames I am 100% sure they are bots. Their levels are 1's or very low and magic super high and their reflexes are very bot-like. Also, they all do the movement I explained above. Someone just has very many computers running with the same script.


    Removed names - Steph

    All those bots were in different worlds at the same time 10 minutes ago. See how the usernames have *number*word*number* in them? 
    Now I have reported all the bots before and I reported them now too, but I guess Jagex won't do anything about them because it's not the first time I see such script running.
    My question to you guys is - can someone get contact with a Jagex employee? Or can someone show this thread to anyone who can do something about this?

    Thank you!

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