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Posts posted by voodoo_josh

  1. IMO, this update has been the most fun from a PKers perspective in recent history. It's been so so so much fun PKing there with my clan and my friends, and not to mention it got me my first whip, barrows and drag kill.








    Not complaining at all and infact I hope it stays this busy due to the fact that it is so so fun, and it's basically the way F2P multi is, but in F2p and way way more fun.

  2. toldya4hg.png




    Theoretically, he could be telling the truth, but its incredibly easy to fake, even in a movie (its all about layers).








    Stop trying to be funny. First off, I have seen the bug for myself and I can give you 100% proof it's no fake. Secondly, when the person prayed, the exact same thing happened to me, it looked as if it was the floor that way praying and when the camera angle is put as low as it can go it looks as if the prayer icon is floating. Thirdly, other people do see this, so it's definetely not lag. Whenever you or anybody else steps into where the person is, they also appear invisible, but when they step out they go back to normal.

  3. Maybe it could come out on the 3rd?








    Afterall, thats when they said they're removing the christmas randoms, so there must be an update then. And they have also had the whole year, and the past 2 weeks to work on it? You never know, it may come tomorrow, but I agree with you.








    They shouldn't post something like that saying it will be out before the years end then don't make it.

  4. I reckon they could drop before or after christmas.








    Firstly, because merchanters like r2 have been talking about people anticipating the DROP in masks at halloween because people anticipate that they normally would rise, so they dont buy which therefore forces the prices down.








    Secondly, last year the same happened. Prices were up at christams then BOOM. 2 days after christams i bought a few sants for under 200k,and phats were down.

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