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Posts posted by OwnorKO

  1. Hey all Bawls here! 


    I've been playing Runescape on/off since 06, I used to enjoy making old PK/clan videos back in the day and still have them on my Youtube channel too! Bit of history I don't want to take off my Channel. 


    I've now came back to OSRS and hope to do some awesome videos, i'm trying to improve all the time and can only do it with support and good advice. 


    Here's a Twitch Highlight Pk - my most recent 


    Youtube HD Video - This video will cause high CPU usage, to view the video in a lower quality, please click



    And one of my first PK Montages 


    Youtube HD Video - This video will cause high CPU usage, to view the video in a lower quality, please click



    If you enjoy any of my videos or think I can improve enough for you to Sub to please by all means check my youtube here <-

  2. Hey all! Nice to Meet you!  :D


    I'm Bawls, known as Adz / OwnorKO and i've played since 06 on/off, sadly i've yet again came back to this game after a long break, very long.. 


    Happy to be back but ashamed at the little community which is left since the game went through dramatic updates over the years, this time I came back to create a pure which i'll enjoy my time on runescape with moving from a 1 defence pure to zerk etc. 


    I share my experiences on the game through youtube videos, I don't claim to be a pro but it's always good to see other people's RS experiences. You can check my youtube out here - www.youtube.com/ownorko


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    Enough of me, would be nice to meet you all! 

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