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Posts posted by Agriffindor

  1. When i joined people could still attack people in lumbridge, so i guess my first experience is being liked a couple of hundred times (voluntarily i might add (As people back then were kind enough not to kill you unless you wanted to be killed )) I then wondered about abit (took me maybe 3 months to discover anything outside lumbridge ... true there wasnt anything BUT lumbeidge back then .... oh, the good old days








    Like Aran23 i didnt figure out how to talk for along time ... i didnt even notice people talking untill one day byvarrock mines i noticed someone saying something .... and tried to type, IT WORKED



    People always seem to get the the caps in jagex wrong ... its JaGEx ... it stands for Java Game Experts








    Actually their corporate site has a sign saying jagex and its capes are JAGeX.




    But look at the knowledge base and it explains what JaGEx stands for ... ive always thought it strange why they have JAGeX at the logo




    This is a quote from the KB












    * Home > Customer Support > Jagex > What is Jagex?








    What is Jagex?




    Jagex, which stands for Java Gaming Experts, is the name of the company which produces the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, MMORPG, RuneScape as well as some other small games.








    In December 2001 Andrew Gower, Paul Gower and Constant Tedder got together and founded Jagex Limited as a commercial operation to take over the running of RuneScape, underlying technologies and other games developed by Andrew. RuneScape had already by then become a game which had had over 1 million accounts created over 2001!








    The three founders set out with two immediate tasks: firstly to make the operation of RuneScape commercially viable, establishing long term advertising sales relationships and secondly to develop a premium version of the game for subscription-paying members.








    Both of these tasks were achieved soon after and on 27th February 2002 Jagex launched the members version of RuneScape. In the first week after launch over 5000 people subscribed making RuneScape instantly one of the largest pay-to-play Java games in the world.








    In March 2004 RuneScape was updated heavily. The new version which is often referred to as RuneScape 2 (RS2) features a completely new game engine and vastly improved graphics.








    Since that date RuneScape has gone from strength to strength; expanding as both a game - with regular updates giving new storylines, quests and maps produced by the Content Development team and as an ever-growing community of sociable online game players.








    I dont understand why it is like this on the corporate site





  3. I like the idea. But Jagex HAS said, and the whole reason for the recent graphics update was because when translating to other lanauges, where words are long that English ones it would be easier for the to use images as well. Perhaps if it was pictures, but only words when you hover over it like the exp things for stats are now.








    I do think the sections idea for banking. I have submitted it on the forum myself ( a simialr idea) but disapeared within a day.

  4. I have a Player Mod friend who told me about this one noob:








    Noob: Give me all the items in you bank or ill report you.




    lvl ModFriend: ?




    *Noob shuts right up and runs away*
















    Nowadays i somtimes play with noobs ... like they ask me to do the emote on my quests/skill cape:








    Noob: Do the emote








    Noob: yea do the emote:




    Me:Whats an emote?




    Noob: you see the small man at the bottom right of your screen?




    Me: what i got to click on an imp?




    Noob: its at the bottom.




    Me: I dont get it




    *after some time of me acting as i have no clue about what this guy is saying*




    Noob: Your just waisting my time noob




    Me: go away then

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