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Posts posted by sin-will-win

  1. i have seen a keylogger that, when you click the mouse, shows the coordinates of where the mouse was clicked, so an on-screen keypad wouldnt be good unless the number moved around each time the bank screen is activated like....








    one time it could be:








    9 4 2




    1 7 0




    3 8 6








    and another time it could be:








    0 3 7




    4 9 1




    6 8 2












    just random placements of numbers so a coordinate logger cant tell what number you hit

  2. get to a respectable level (enough to use rune pic with confidence :roll: ) and do nothing but iron, drop it, or have a runner go and bank it (better) until you hit level 60 (you will probably be jumping up and down with joy) but too bad.... keep mining iron until 65 or so.... the higher levels will blow you away in the guild :x

  3. you know what i cant take? all those wanna-be "gangsta" people....(not to be racial... but... mainly the white ones..)... they use horrible grammar, improper language, have absolutely no respect for authority, and are overall meany-pies!! (woulda said something else.... starts with d... ends with -heads.....)












    im sorry if i offended anybody, but i really gotta vent.....

  4. mmmmm.... cookies......(homer simpson drool)








    does kinda look like a turd burger... put some buns on it and you get a real turdburger!! "Welcome to McDonalds.... would you like to try our new TurdBurger?"

  5. donnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








    very simple siggy, but since it is the best topic in the history of the world, 8/10 !!!!













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