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Posts posted by Orzu

  1. Though I don't really give a poo about pkers, I definitely think they should have this available for f2p as well, it makes sense (not sence, why do so many people spell it that way just on this board!). And hopefully it'll keep more pkers on free worlds if they do do this.









  2. Omoshiroi nee...








    1) Aren't there already ninja monkies on Ape Atoll? The annoying ones that shoot arrows at you immediately after you break out of jail? If anyone could teach us to be ninjas it's those monkies, but they hate us.








    2) This post isn't going anywhere soon...








    3) Zonorhc, I appreciate the depth of your typical posts and all, but hardly anyone knows weapons by their proper names, especially if they're from feudal Japan...not much point trying to educate the ignorant masses on this board, it's like setting up a dam with toothpicks one by one.

  3. As far as collections, I just picked up my 500th iron dagger from walking through town gates where people are constantly attacking guards...








    Hobbies...in the old runescape (pre-3D), I used to collect strong beers, drink myself to a zero attack, and then train on the dummies in Varrock until my attack got too high (then I'd drink some more). In this way I got my attack level from somewhere like 36 to 60 without gaining any hitpoints experience. I doubt this is still possible.

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