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Posts posted by PMega

  1. Summer's End. First attempt in the first room.




    I'm at a little over 80 hitpoints, trying to chop the cursed willow logs.




    I'm a little too slow in evading one of the magic attacks, so the main attack AND the branching attacks slam into me.




    30-24-23-5 (or something like that)








    Of course I didn't bring anything valuable with me, so I suppose it wasn't so much scary as extremely impressive. :shock:

  2. Hi guys,




    I just have a simple question, as I ran a brief Search but couldn't find anything...




    A while ago, I developed a method of using the Protection prayers, one which allows extended use against single-combat monsters with very slow depletion of prayer. This is basically accomplished by turning Protect on very briefly, just for the moment in which the enemy strikes, then immediately turning it off again. I have used this very often to save prayer and it seems to work great (for example, I just killed ~10 level-90 Dagganoths without taking damage; it cost me only 5 prayer points). Of course, there are some nuances and tips to the method that I have learned.




    My question is: Has anyone else already figured out this strategy? If so, great. If not, and the strategy sounds like a useful discovery, please let me know, as I might be willing to write a brief guide (or even make a video!) on the subject. :thumbsup:




    Thanks very much! ;)






    Now, selling this to a General Store yields, at first selling, 22 coins. Unfortunately this drops quickly, unless you're selling to that nice fellow in Tai Bwo Wannai or Traders, but as we know, Traders usually give bad prizes, in this case 4 coins without Karamja Gloves on Karamja, 10 coins with and on.









    Sell them to Gabooty, in the Tai Bwo Wannai village. I'm pretty sure you'll get massive amounts of trading sticks, which are a good deal harder to get.


    24 hp in two sips would make caviar mixes to actually heal more than any kind of food per slot (except from strawberries baskets which aren't really suitable for combat), and that would be truly awesome for player whom aren't using Guthans!! :shock: :D




    Best greetings from your friend,


    Zou Lou.




    I don't understand where you got the 24? If each dose heals up to 6 hp, doesn't that make 12 hp per two sips?




    Maybe I am missing something here, would you mind explaining? Thanks :)

  5. And if you run around in a diamond pattern 5.25 times, jump for joy twice, and drop a raw lobster, you'll get a free P Hat!








    Randoms are called as such for a reason.
















    How large is this diamond pattern you speak of?








    And I have to agree, there is no real strategy in getting a random event.

  6. I "discovered" (I don't know if others have found it before, but I think it's likely) this tactic when fighting Bloodvelds today.








    I turn on protect from melee as the enemy is about to hit, then turn it off immediately afterwards. Prayer doesn't drain, and I never got hit in all of the 10 minutes I was using it.








    Now, this doesn't seem like a bug to me at all. It's certainly not an error in coding, and it takes a lot of skill and attention to time the prayer correctly, so as not to get hit AND not use up prayer.








    Still, I don't want to get in trouble, so I'd like to ask what you guys think. Is this a perfectly legal, if taxing, strategy, or should I stay away from it?

  7. I was having a bad day once, so I turned Lunar Magics on, went into Varrock West Bank, and cast Tele-group Waterbrith Isle. Being the newbies that they were, about 5-10 of them clicked "accept". I just abandond them there, and they had no idea where they were.












    Now I feel bad. What's the meanest thing you people have done?








    That just gave me the best idea.








    If noobs are that dumb, you should go to Varrock Bank (where they're probably trying to sell rune stuff or sumthin), group tele to Ice Plateau, and see how many noobs follow you.








    Then PK the hell out of 'em. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:








    I actually consider myself Good Lawful on RS (D&D nerdpower!) so I have nothing else to contribute; however, if I ever get 90 Magic, this idea would totally make my Chaotic Evil side take over. :shock:

  8. I've got a good one.








    After clawing my way up to wave 10 in numerous n00by teams, I finally ended up with a team as a collector, with two attackers (for some reason).








    2 seconds in (literally), one attacker noted "Our collector sucks." :shock:








    Then he says "Tell us what to hit more often." Remember, this was 2 seconds in, and noone had done anything yet.








    So the rest of the game goes along, and at some point, the defender starts thinking I'm such a noob I don't know how omega eggs work. He's like, "When queen comes out you pick up the yellow eggs, then use on healer." I said (exact words): "Yeah I know. I'm not stupid."








    Finally, after the queen has come out, I've gotten about 7 omega eggs back. The defender, attackers, healer ALL keep pestering me: "Did you load the egg? Load the egg! Did you fire! Fire the egg! Wtf!"








    There were about 4 Penance Healers left on the field. This was with a level 5 healer, too.








    I tell them that. "You have to kill all Penance. There are still healers left." About 4 times.








    Their response? "Did you load eggs yet dude"








    :evil: :evil: :evil:








    The healer never gets it into his head that the Penance Healers need to die. And eventually, the game ends because someone dies.
















    I really, really need to stop signing up with random idiots.

  9. Collector is by far the easiest, since you don't have to do anything except update and pick up eggs (and you usually don't need them all anyways).








    Attacker is also easy, 'cuz you just hit things. Everyone knows how to hit things (well, everyone with a brain).








    Healer is difficult, but rewarding. Difficult because you multi-task like HELL, but rewarding because you usually get the most honor points (because of all the hp you get to heal).








    Defender is just insane. I never do defender. :uhh:

  10. For some reason, your formula for the Dart table seems to have major errors. (I know how to use Excel too, yeah.)








    First of all, the Chaos runes aren't multipled by the market price, so if I got 100 chaos it adds 100 gp to net value, not 15000 gp.








    Also, bolt racks are not included in the Net Value formula.








    Just thought I'd point those out, still an outstanding job though :thumbsup:

  11. Ok, first of all, this is not spam. This is simply a fun thread where we discuss silly things.








    I was just thinking, PKing is always so... mundane. :uhh: People 1-iteming with whips, or using ancients. In fact, PKing has really become somewhat of a job, and is no longer the fun escapade that it was meant to be.








    So what if people went around "pking" with outfits that were just plain silly? Now that would be awesome (at least IMHO). :lol:








    Just imagine you walking around in the deep wildy. A guy 30 levels higher than you runs up to you... and starts hitting you with a frying pan. \'








    Other fun weapons to go with would be butterfly nets (I ran into the KBD lair with one :ohnoes: ), and who knows what else.








    Post your thoughts here. ::'

  12. I still have mine, as I have been playing for 5 years.








    It's fun to sometimes go back and relive the old days, when I was still totally n00by (and the game engine was even n00bier). :lol:








    I'm joking, I'm joking... RSC is still really fun, in its own quirky way. <3:








    neither is getting a fire cape, but people still player kill in that








    So what is your argument now? That people willing to risk items that take a long time to get, shouldn't be able to because it ruins PvP?








    If you have the ability and the patience to get such a difficult-to-get, non-tradeable item, you should be able to get the bonuses from them.

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