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  1. Wow, that's new. BTW, i know for a fact they used to sell Runescape accessibilty to random buyers sites. If you'd kindly ask Jagex, i'm sure they'll glad tell you (Yer, right). Bye, no more on this.
  2. Peace. We shouldn't be fighting... Besides i'm going out, so maybe we can talk about something more in the direction of the same point. :P let's hope our relationship don't change. :wink: Muahahahahaha... Ok, then that's enough. Bye. Make a new topic and i'll post there later, bye.
  3. No, you can only access Runescape nowadays through the site and client. There is no other way.
  4. They alowd people to put RUnescape on their sites in exchange for money.
  5. No, you're still wrong. They didn't sell it to people, however you interpreted it. I'm saying that they made people pay to put Runescape on their site. The servers were the same, just you didn't have to visit Runescape by browsing the Jagex.com site.
  6. How do we know all this is we never played Runescape back then? We played it when it first came out and there is nothing you can say to change the past. So get used to it :P
  7. In December 2001 Andrew Gower, Paul Gower and Constant Tedder got together and founded Jagex Limited as a commercial operation to take over the running of RuneScape, underlying technologies and other games developed by Andrew. RuneScape had already by then become a game which had had over 1 million accounts created over 2001!
  8. Yes I did. I knew them both so I can't really deduce which. I only knew s h a r k for about 1-4 weeks before he got so high. And it is a moderators duty to help newbies... So Paul helped me.
  9. How would I Know about them if I didn't play it back then? Eh? Answer me? So long ago, my memory of it is a little rusty but I can still remember. How about Lady De Ja Vu (Not sure if that's how it is spelt)?
  10. S H A R K was a moderator and he used to help me play the game in the first week of Runescape. Sir and Ashley went around terrorising. They killed loads of low leverllers.
  11. Do you know who Sir and Ashley were? Oh yeah, and S H A R K?
  12. Did you know about player owned houses? Jagex stopped making them. Empty houses were sitting there for a while.
  13. I can remember that you got influence from quests.
  14. Maybe it was good and evil, we stopped playing Runescape after a year for about a year and a half. BUt I know for a fact that they sold RUnescape online to go on other peoples sites.
  15. Sorry mate, you're wrong. Runescape came out before 2001. Jagex copyrighted Runescape in 2001 this was about the time they found out that they could make money off of it. On the main site, they sold Runescape to go on other peoples sites for about $5.
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