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Posts posted by Taraka2

  1. KAMYKAZEE <3!!!! Great second article! I wish i remembered where I was when that line was formed for Oziach. That looked hilarious! I do remember Karamja big time as I was hugely into fishing back then. It was my top skill as it is now (though been too lazy to 99 it yet). The pier there was the central location for leveling up fishing then everyone would run back to Draynor ro make certificates for sale in the Draynor shopping area. Raw fish certs were 2k each and cooked 1k each. SO many people wanted raw fish to cook right in Draynor for their cooking levels and to eventually enter the Cooking Guild.


    When did the three color combat system change from red, white, yellow to red, yellow, green?

  2. I'd love to congrat Kamykazee on a fantastic article of RuneScape past- Forever RuneScape. He was extremely accurate in his descriptions and wrote this article very well so anyone could read and understand RuneScape's history. I can't wait for part 2 of this series!


    I started playing RS in 2001 and, even though today's version is extremely more player friendly, I absolutely loved playing back then. Here is my character shortly before I transferred to the new RS: Taraka RSC. The idea of "tedious skills" was an understatement back then. Believe it or not I still wish for some of the abilities we had back then. For example, when mining we didn't have to wait for the rock to respawn. We just kept clicking the pickaxe then the rock over and over again. We didn't have an issue with fighting other players for the rocks either. The idea of failing a spell but not losing runes from it was fantastic! Well unless you ended up dying from the failure.


    This article brought back many memories that I always find myself retelling with clan mates so thank you Kamykazee!

  3. My camera is like an American Express card. I can't leave home without it. Because of this I get really great pictures in my area often enough to have fun with them sometimes. Here is one example of fun in Central Park in New York City.



  4. So...I am still in utter shock....


    The two games I've played for years will now be under the same company.


    I started playing Planetarion in 2000 back when it was just in it's 4th Round. There were over 100k planets with probably close to 50-60k people playing them. Yeah if you think about it the game was highly multi-ed. I had 3 planets myself in two different galaxies. The very next round PA's makers decided to make the game p2p. That was the biggest part of it's decline in popularity back then. But Planetarion has always been a game of alliances kinda like RS has its clans. If you were in a good alliance then you had fun with wars against other alliances. I was up long periods of time setting up defense of my fellow allymates as a defence officer for Wolfpack (we won Round 6) and a few other alliances. It was and still is a great game because every round the makers and programmers change things to keep t fresh. Whether it's ship stats, alliance limits, random galaxy vs private galaxies, or thousands of other ideas people have stuck around to see what would be next and try to win or get into the illustrious Top 50.


    Anyway, I can go on all night about Planetarion being a decent game. Ts_Stormrage is right. It's a MUD for lack of a better term and it's hourly tick based. No graphics, no 3D rendering, no threat of bots (well not anymore at least), and not much of the other problems RS has had in the past but it's a decent and respectable game.



  5. With great power comes great responsibility....




    Ok sorry I just had to. Couldn't resist...




    Power is only important to those leading clans. Power to get things done, power to represent their clans effectively, and power to set rules and requirements. For the rest of the clan it's more important that they feel comfortable being part of the clan and enjoy their time in it with the other members. The leaders DO need to keep up that feeling of community while wielding their power but it's the members that tend to change that feeling of community much more than the leaders.




    In conclusion: Power and community should be balanced out somehow between the members being a nice close knit family and the leaders making guidelines to keep it that way.

  6. 1) Initializing your name can lead to serious jokes of what the letters stand for. Pissing Kid Masters. Poking Kipper Masters. Etc etc. But still respectable clan so their name is fine. Let their actions and voices speak for their respectability not their name.


    2) WarMONGERS not Warhungers! Wtf is a Warhunger?! Warmongers aka people who have a business in war services. Change your name to something that makes more sense! Other than that kudos on stats.


    3) Tunescape....no comment.

  7. NightShade you have a small error in your typing for the description of your first Defense example.




    "If I were to make a dash for it, I would run east, leaving my opponent stuck behind the wall"




    According to the image you would need to run to the West (towards the blue dot) to keep your opponent stuck behind the wall. Running East means you run right past your opponent giving him the ability to reaquire you as a target almost instantly.

  8. I am, I believe, the OLDEST member of Tal Shiar Alliance...both longest running member and oldest in age....




    Briefly: I started in a small irc based clan called ChillSpot (now just a normal irc channel with very few people still playing RS inhabiting it). After inactivity of that clan I found out about Brothor being started up with most people being from another online game called Dawn of Myth. Nightshade (aka TS_Stormrage), Messiah (aka Messiah2k02) and Lendosan (RSN unknown) headed up the clan and it was decent enough. Good interesting group of members. But fighting amongst the leaders and other problems lead to a split and Tal Shiar Alliance was born with Nightshade heading it. By the way, Nightshade writes many TipIt Times articles and Did You Knows so go check them out!




    Anyway, I followed through these three clans until now and still am a proud TSA member as my siggy shows. :)

  9. Fantastic guide Mario! And Thanks Lore!




    ok I attempted most of this quest so far without the guide but after the four levers and getting diseased and hit for loads of damage i figured what the heck..so...




    1) I put most power into the Scarab room making the Scarab get hit for 120 damage immediately. I then finished it off by having range prayer on and my Keris++ kicked out the rest of its HP pretty fast. I killed it first then movedon to the rest of the rooms.




    2) I am not sure if it matters but I went from the room i put the most power in and followed in order to the least lowered room. Scarab (takes more damage from high powered steam), Puzzle (easier with more power), Pipe Room (chances of slipping off from oil with more power as the steam melts it off), and finally the empty room (more power less strength needed *note* I have 95 strength so put it as the least powered).




    2A) Puzzle part: First thing you have to do is click all three parts of the machine on the right of the puzzle. All three will move and give you more chances to solve the puzzle (I believe you get to a total of 35 chances). Next remember you can press 4 buttons before the first three you pressed reset leaving the last button still showing. That gives you the opportunity to write down (or as Lorexvath did Excel) the runes shown on those 4 buttons. You can keep this pattern going until you get to the bottom 6 buttons. By then you should have figured out a few 3 button combos and be missing only the last 6. You will have plenty of chances left to finish the puzzle and have the solution in front of you to do it.




    3) I highly suggest the Sanfew Serum as suggested by someone else already. The main reason besides having the combo of anti-poison and anti-disease is the fact it requires far more doses of Balm to cure this disease. It took me 5 doses of balm before it cured me.




    4) I know it may not change much but perhaps turning off Auto-Retaliate before going through the maze to find the High Priest would be good. I had a ranger shooting at me as I passed a [bleep]e trap and was hit for two straight 19s from the trap alone because my character ran back across it to fight the ranger then I had no ranging prayer on so took more damage.




    I hope some of this helps and hasn;t already been put into the guide. I need to now get sanfews made and go back to find the High Priest because I started getting hit way too much and teled out...




    Good luck all! And may your QP Cape come to your shoulders again soon!




    TSA FTW!

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