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Posts posted by unknownmasterofnothing

  1. Space ghost before he became a talk show host.


    Dexters Laboratory


    I didn't like johnny quest.


    The wacky racers (sp?)


    Toonami anime like Ronin Warriors, DBZ.


    SWAT KATS was one of my favorite shows. I used to make a lot of paper airplanes after watching that show.

  2. Michael Cera really showed a different character than normal, but with some similar qualities to his arrested development character.

    I absolutely loved this movie. I saw a screening and plan to watch it again when it comes out. It is a non stop barrage of jokes which really works.

    It beats out my number one movie Fight Club.



    My problem isn't with the message, but how...


    Ahh, never mind. Proceed as before.


    No, continue, please. Because I'm pretty sure you were just trying to be pretentious and flaunt your nutritional understanding of fat vs. sugar. You said you dont like the comparison, but they arent making a comparison.


    The commercial doesn't say "Drinking a soda has the same nutritional impact as drinking this huge glass of fat!"


    They just want to disgust you.

    So how does this deter you from soda if they aren't comparing soda to fat? The disgust factor is meant to say that it's the same thing as drinking a glass of fat. Yeah, they're throwing in the shock value, but yes, actually, they are trying to say that the nutritional value is similar (It is of course an exaggeration). They're using the commonly held (false) belief that dietary fat = body fat. If this belief didn't exist, they would use something else, and make it disgusting (For instance, if it was meat instead of fat, they might use meat scraps). They are showing the public that high sugar = higher change of weight gain, but they're also telling the public that dietary fat = high chance of weight gain. So they're implicitalk tly supporting the false belief in their attempt to raise awareness for the real issue.


    One Soda has a lot of calories. If you take in more calories in than you burn, then you gain weight. Nowhere does it talk about sugar.

  4. I stopped drinking soda mostly because of those nasty ads comparing people drinking soda, to drinking liquid fat.


    What ads? I'm actually kind of curious.


    BTW, stop eating carbs for a month or so, and you'll no longer find fat repulsive. (<-Anecdotal experience, although confirmed by others).




    Funny, but I don't like the comparison: http://high-fat-nutrition.blogspot.com/


    Just throwing a link without explanation is kinda confusing. The key thing is that soda contains lots of calories, more than an average person can burn off.

  5. I imagine many of the minigames will be hit and miss. I mean on Wii sports the tennis was great, but bowling came down to swinging the remote as hard as possible, and boxing was pretty much just flailing your arms.




    So what does this come bundled with Wii motion plus or can you buy it separately?




    Seperately it looks like a good purchase but im not shelling out for Wii motion plus when I could buy a game for the proper consoles... perhaps finally pick up L4D if theres at least one shop not trying to charge me extra for free DLC.




    How can you play wii sports resort without a wii motion plus? Every game uses it. I like the swordfighting, archery and table tennis.

  6. IMO Mario and sonic are bad in 3d. It just isn't fun because they barely have any good abilities. Mario being a little better with some powerups. I got sonic and the secret rings and it is horrible. I played a little mario galaxy but was a bit boring after a while.




    Play Mario 64 and Sonic Adventure. Sonic and the Secret Rings is a horrible game, you shouldn't base it off of that.




    Sonic adventure was ok. Mario 64 was boring...


    Plus I have quite a few of the other 3d sonic games. They are ok also, but I really don't like all the different characters they added. For me, I'd like a game with just sonic, knuckles, tails.

  7. IMO Mario and sonic are bad in 3d. It just isn't fun because they barely have any good abilities. Mario being a little better with some powerups. I got sonic and the secret rings and it is horrible. I played a little mario galaxy but was a bit boring after a while.

  8. I got my beta key last week or so. I got level 5 gunner, lvl 3 commando and lvl 6 of the healer one. Pretty fun but i can only really start playing during summer. Theres like no people playing at 3 am.

  9. I was born in 88 and one of the early shows I remember loving was Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles, Ren and Stimpy. Then on basic cable was Captain Planet, DuckTales, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Darkwing Duck, Inspector Gadget, Care bears, the Muppets, Megaman and Dragonball Z. I liked watching Where in the World is Carmen Sandeigo? Transformers was a great show. I had several of the toys that transform. On cartoon network, my favorite were Dexter's Laboratory. I loved the Birdman and Space Ghost clips or shows. I didn't like when later they turned him into a talk show host. I loved Swat Cats and would make paper airplanes and throw them around home.




    On nickeloden, I loved Rugrats, legends of the hidden temple, double dare. There was Kenan and Kel, which make me love orange soda for sometime. There was "All That" which was the SNL for kids. It was a must watch. I loved the good burger sketch, Kenan's pierre escargo with him saying random french words in a bathtub. The Amanda show was kinda good. I liked her sketch on All That, when she read letters on her bed and yelling at the stupid letters. There was Rocko's Modern Life was which a great show. There was some ok shows like beetlejuice and all! real monsters. When I was a kid, "Are you afraid of the Dark" was a very scary show but I still watched it because the plots were interesting. I liked watching Clarissa explains it all. There was one Babysitter's club movie that I liked but I don't remember what channel it was from. Salute Your Shorts was a great show with a nice opening song.


    There was power rangers that I watched for several years. I think I watched until around ninja rangers and didn't watch it when it was space rangers.




    I remember three days that were must watchs. Fridays was TGIF. There was Boy meets World, I think sabrina the teenage witch and some others that I can't remember. saturday mornings were a must watch as well with recess, Saturday night was SNICK, with All that. There was Kablam with some great cartoons like premetheus and bob, the one with the action figures was the best.




    Other shows that I liked were Full House, Family Matters, Saved by the Bell, Growing Pains, Charles in Charge, Fresh Prince of Bel-air, 3rd rock from the sun. Sometimes I watched Blossom.




    There was always a different crazes as a kid. I remember everyone was getting yoyos. I remember I was told that it was because they were making some kind of advanced yoyo that would replace it or something. There was also Pokemon. Everyone loved it and traded cards or stole cards. There was a Spice Girls Craze... There was a beanie baby phase. There was a Tamagotchi Phase!




    I was not much of a computer gamer. There were two games that I remember I liked. There was a full throttle game and simple games like chips challenge or the one that looks like pacman but you eat blocks and they fall down and maybe red.




    My first video game system was the NES. I didn't remember much as I was too young. But I remember mainly playing duck hunt with the nes gun. My first major videogame system was Sega Genesis, which was awesome. I loved the double dragon series, battletoads, street fighter, Sonic the Hedgehog and awesome possum. There were some hard games like super turrican. Then the SNES came out a little after and mainly played Mario Kart with my sister and rocko's modern life and ahh! real monsters.




    For books, I remember Nancy Drew and Goosebumps.




    There is one cartoon that I loved but can't remember what it's called. They take like goo and put it into a mold and make these different monsters. There was good and a bad side that fought each other constantly.


    And that sparked my memory for another great cartoon, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

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