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Posts posted by wl_daniel

  1. by not buyable he means you still have to find your own charms (nontradable atm), which is the main bottleneck atm.




    I agree with the reasons you mentioned, but most importantly, I can't wait for the extra inventory spaces summoning gives!




    You can withdraw items with your rockcrab, is that extra 'space'?




    Summoning is already my favorite skill. I just got 30. :P




    The charms were a little hard to get at first, but once you find a good method of getting them, you'll be set. Also I didn't realize that even the very high-leveled summonings only require 1 charm each and they give a lot more xp.




    Share your knowledge then! :D




    and where the hell are the revenant ghosts? Like 15 trips done after the new update and haven't even been attacked.




    :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:




    .............................................. Don't ask............. :ohnoes:




    Since I saw that pking was over, I thought I could try out figthing greater demons in F2P. Then, out of no where (literally) a lvl 108 revenant-something came out of no where and hit a whopping 20 on me. 20! In F2P! Followed by two 15's, i barely escaped. trust me, you don't want to meet them. i was wearing full rune, 60 defence too, yet they all hit me 20-15-15




    I just had the same thing but my adventure didn't had a good ending actually :x




    I was wearing full granit, ammy of glory, abyssal whip and some level 75 ghost 4-hit me, DEAD!


    And I've 71 hitpoints :shock:










    Woot, my first post after my time-out of 3 years! \'

  3. Red and blue are the only ones worth playing. And any pokemon after #151 do not exist in my pokemon world. :P








    lol , if you played Red and Blue you played them all...








    I played red when I was about....6 years old or something so that was a long time ago.. :)








    Omg that movie is awesome :lol:

  4. If she's if 14 and you (probably) 16 , there's no problem.








    A girl in my class ( 14 ) has a bf that's 17 and almost 18 and that's going good as well..








    No sexual intimidation and stuff like that , if you like her go for it..








    If she's hot , you go for it to :P

  5. SPAM!!@$@#%*@#%*@%!*@&$%












    **** YOU!!!!!




















    No srry :P








    Hi,have fun at tip.it forums :P

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