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Posts posted by dark_xer0x

  1. I'm not new to RS but I've got no clue how to make a decent pk'er. I'm not talking about making a pure but I want a character just to pk with, preferably with friends. Can someone please enlighten me with some good ideas and some helpfull advice? That would be very much appreciated.








    EDIT: I will be f2p when I start out but I probably will get members once I've got a good enough level.

  2. you can tell their something with the woman, its obviously a seercull insired cross bow, meaning its basically the shortened version of the seercull with the rest of what makes a cross bow a cross bow, if you invert the colors its a little easier to see the hand held parts and her left arm.
















    In the inverted picture, it's almost as if the bow thing is floating... Dare I say bowsword?

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