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Posts posted by katsuro0

  1. I need to do a long distance run today, maybe 3 to 5 miles...




    I saw results from a Track and Field Meet...Someone from Kenya ran a 3:29 1500 with the second place being 3:30...




    The Same meet I think, an Ethiopian ran a 13 flat for a 5k with second place being 13:01...




    Holy crap those times are insane :shock: :shock: :shock:




    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 0186421242


    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 0843788583

  2. I just clicked on a random page and had a good laugh at someone trying to convince everyone that a human construction (marriage) with no consequence in nature is impermeable to change by humans.






    Restricting gay marriage up until now is just another item on a huge check list of human repression, and now this fight between people speaking against it and those in favor of it just goes to show how tragically comical social constructs are in our society. They're the kind of thing that leads to genocide, if you want to take it to the extreme side

  3. Humans are animals. get it right.


    Humans are animals.


    We are superior animals.


    Get it right.


    Without the earthworm, we would not be able to live. Without the ant, we would not survive. Without the bee, life would not exist. Better start fixing that attitude because it's the attitude that humans are somehow above nature that is currently destroying the world.

  4. O.k I am going to try to ask my parents to loan me some money to get these shoes before Craws Country. I have like $50 on my own, I'll just tell them these are like sex and I have to have them to be healthier and faster.




    Katsuro0, you say you've done mile runs, have you tried sprinting in them going full? Like in track could I do a 400 in them? Speaking of track, are they durable enough to be used on a track?




    This is intense.




    Well I haven't done any speed work in them yet since I'm still getting into them and i'm in base phase atm, but I don't see why not (if you have a decent track). They're very similar to racing flats except more goofy looking and emulates the foot a lot more






    also, a picture on their website, they show a guy sprinting all out in them lol

  5. Check out the shoes I just bought and am now transitioning to:




    Vibram Five fingers








    I'm an XC/distance track runner at a "small" D1 college myself, but i hadn't really progressed anywhere from last summer to now even though I was never injured. So I was looking around, and did a lot of reading on "minimalism," or running as close to barefoot as possible to utilize the proper mechanics of the foot. The first time I ran in them, I just went a mile. My form was vastly different (if you don't quickly change your form, it hurts), and I noticed it. I came through that mile in ~5:40, and it felt like a 6:30 jog. I jogged 4 miles in them the next day, and now my calves hurt like hell since all these new muscles are adjusting lol.




    They're also supposed to lessen the risk of injury, shockingly enough lol. The cushioning in normal shoes (which is actually a relatively new innovation) causes a runner to heelstrike, which places undo stress on your shins, knees, lower back, etc. And when the cushioning wears off (it's hard to tell when this occurs), striking on your heel causes shin splints, stress fractures, and the like. These shoes force you to run the way to foot was supposed to run - landing on your midfoot and having your heel come up to your butt






    yea, so i highly recommend them if you can toughen yourself through the transition phase (take it slowly)




    Whoa I want some. Did you have to order them online?


    are they expensive and can i use them in a meet?






    They sell them in retail stores (check the vibram five finger website for a store locator), but it's cheaper to get them online. They cost $80, give or take depending on the kind you go with (get the KSO's; I'll also be buying the "Flow" for the winter as those have thermal type material).




    As for wearing them in a meet, I don't see why not really (unless this is a track meet, and the track is like concrete). However, i can't overemphasize the fact that they take a long time to get into because you need to give your muscles time to adapt and your bones time to get stronger (thus, nutrition is, as always, very important here). I spent a week just walking around in them before I ever attempted to run. Even the muscles inbetween your toes are going to hurt since they are being separated for the first time in your life lol. Another thing is that you need a really good fit or you might end up dealing with blisters (this is why I recommend buying them in a store if there's one near you)




    Today I did a 4 mile tempo on a golf course though and averaged 5:18s and my stride felt so efficient and easy. I can't wait to start hitting the trails with the team to get some real quality miles in this summer








    If you're concerned about the cost, realize that these don't rely on cushioning that makes up for the way the shoe changes your biomechanics so you would be able to run in them until they literally fall apart. You just can't jump into them right away

  6. my 2 cents - as if anyone is paying attention 200 pages in lol






    All religions are essentially the same when you get down to their core message - treat your neighbors like yourself. Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and all the spin off religions like Sikhism, and any other ones I can't think of right now. Even the myths share very similar themes and settings.




    As for the specific beliefs, they all usually have a "logic" behind them that reinforces the ethical system. The ethical system is what is most important in a Religion, because that's what matter to us as humans. Was God divine when he was on Earth? Who gives a ****? If he was divine, it simply means that humans couldn't possibly adapt his ethical system. If he was purely human, then we can certainly emulate what he did (i.e. not imposing violence on others; not remaining indifferent to social problems; and not being self-absorbed, self-centered, and the like).




    I think that any matters of faith are simply that; they help people orient themselves. It's the ethical system that matters. You can't be religious if you don't follow the ethical system set out by your religion.






    P.S. I'm sure an evolution debate seeped into this thread somewhere along the lines. Evolution is essentially irrefutable save for some philosophical semantics about how nothing can be "proven" in science. Just because you don't understand or haven't taking the vast amount of time to learn about it at a scientific level does NOT make it a false theory (hint; learn the definition of theory too)

  7. Check out the shoes I just bought and am now transitioning to:




    Vibram Five fingers








    I'm an XC/distance track runner at a "small" D1 college myself, but i hadn't really progressed anywhere from last summer to now even though I was never injured. So I was looking around, and did a lot of reading on "minimalism," or running as close to barefoot as possible to utilize the proper mechanics of the foot. The first time I ran in them, I just went a mile. My form was vastly different (if you don't quickly change your form, it hurts), and I noticed it. I came through that mile in ~5:40, and it felt like a 6:30 jog. I jogged 4 miles in them the next day, and now my calves hurt like hell since all these new muscles are adjusting lol.




    They're also supposed to lessen the risk of injury, shockingly enough lol. The cushioning in normal shoes (which is actually a relatively new innovation) causes a runner to heelstrike, which places undo stress on your shins, knees, lower back, etc. And when the cushioning wears off (it's hard to tell when this occurs), striking on your heel causes shin splints, stress fractures, and the like. These shoes force you to run the way to foot was supposed to run - landing on your midfoot and having your heel come up to your butt






    yea, so i highly recommend them if you can toughen yourself through the transition phase (take it slowly)

  8. I don't think this is right. Being gay is wrong. It's blasphemy. It's genocide.




    Genocide is the logical conclusion of the fear of a stranger. Here's a mirror; take a look in it because your indifference and attitude is what perpetuates the systems that result in genocide.







  9. The greatest cause of human misery is human's attempt to conquer nature (note that humans are a part of nature)




    Read Survival in Auschwitz and We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families for more info


    and read Adorno's On Dying Today and Simone Weil's The Iliad or poem of force






    People create systems of destruction and then perpetuate them through their indifference. The result is human misery






    This is the answer



  10. The greatest cause of human misery is human's attempt to conquer nature (note that humans are a part of nature)




    Read Survival in Auschwitz and We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families for more info


    and read Adorno's On Dying Today and Simone Weil's The Iliad or poem of force






    People create systems of destruction and then perpetuate them through their indifference. The result is human misery

  11. combine6.gif




    I was looking over a menu in a restaurant the other day when I saw a section for vegetarians; I thought to myself "boy, I sure am glad that I'm not a meat-hating fascist" and I skipped on to the steak section (because I'll be damned if I'm going to pay $15 for an alfalfa sandwich, slice of cucumber and a scoop of cold cottage cheese), but before I turned the page something caught my eye. The heading of the vegetarian section was titled "Guiltless Grill," not because there were menu items with fewer calories and cholesterol (since there were "healthy" chicken dishes discriminated against in this section), but because none of the items used animal products. Think about that phrase for a second. What exactly does "guiltless grill" imply? So I'm supposed to feel guilty now if I eat meat? Screw you.




    What pisses me off so much about this phrase is the sheer narrow-mindedness of these stuck up vegetarian a-holes. You think you're saving the world by eating a tofu-burger and sticking to a diet of grains and berries? Well here's something that not many vegetarians know (or care to acknowledge): every year millions of animals are killed by wheat and soy bean combines during harvesting season. Oh yeah, go on and on for hours about how all of us meat eaters are going to hell for having a steak, but conveniently ignore the fact that each year millions of mice, rabbits, snakes, skunks, possums, squirrels, gophers and rats are ruthlessly murdered as a direct result of YOUR dieting habits. What's that? I'm sorry, I don't hear any more elitist banter from you pompous (edited out). Could it be because your (edited out) has been RUINED?








    That's right: the gloves have come off. The vegetarian response to this embarrassing fact is "well, at least we're not killing intentionally." So let me get this straight; not only are animals ruthlessly being murdered as a direct result of your diet, but you're not even using the meat of the animals YOU kill? At least we're eating the animals we kill (and although we also contribute to the slaughter of animals during grain harvesting, keep in mind that we're not the ones with a moral qualm about it), not just leaving them to rot in a field somewhere. That makes you just as morally repugnant than any meat-eater any day. Not only that, but you're killing free-roaming animals, not animals that were raised for feed. Their bodies get mangled in the combine's machinery, bones crushed, and you have the audacity to point fingers at the meat industry for humanely punching a [bleep]e through a cow's neck? If you think that tofu burgers come at no cost to animals or the environment, guess again.




    To even suggest that your meal is some how "guiltless" is absurd. The defense "at least we're not killing intentionally" is bs anyway. How is it not intentional if you KNOW that millions of animals die every year in combines during harvest? You expect me to believe that you somehow unintentionally pay money to buy products that support farmers that use combines to harvest their fields? Even if it was somehow unintentional, so what? That suddenly makes you innocent? I guess we should let drunk drivers off the hook too since they don't kill intentionally either, right? There's no way out of this one. The only option left for you is to buy some land, plant and pick your own crops. Impractical? Yeah, well, so is your stupid diet.




    Even if combines aren't used to harvest your food, you think that buying fruits and vegetables (organic or otherwise) is any better? How do you think they get rid of bugs that eat crops in large fields? You think they just put up signs and ask parasites to politely go somewhere else? Actually, I wouldn't put that suggestion past you hippies. One of the methods they use to get rid of pests is to introduce a high level of predators for each particular prey, which wreaks all sorts of havoc on the natural balance of predator/prey populations--causing who knows what kind of damage to the environment. Oops, did I just expose you moral-elitists for being frauds? Damndest thing




    A number of people have pointed out that the amount of grain grown to feed animals for slaughter every year is greater than the amount of grain grown for humans. So I guess the amount of grain grown for human consumption suddenly becomes negligible and we can conveniently ignore the fact that animals are still ruthlessly murdered either way because of your diet, right? Not to mention that the majority of grain grown for livestock is tough as rocks, coarse, and so low-grade that it's only fit for animal consumption in the first place. Spare me the "you could feed 500 people with the grain used to feed one cow" line; it's not the same grain. Then there are the people who jump on the bandwagon with "you could plant billions of potatoes on the land used for cows"--good point, except for the fact that not every plot of land is equally fertile; you think farmers always have a choice on what they do with their land? Also, many vegetarians don't know (or care to acknowledge) that in many parts of the United States they have "control hunts" in which hunting permits are passed out whenever there is a pest problem (the pest here is deer, elk and antelope) that threatens wheat, soy, vegetable and other crops; this happens several times per year. Then some of you throw out claims that "we are trying to limit the suffering." How about you limit MY suffering and shut the hell up about your stupid diet for a change; nobody cares. Even if the number of animals that die in combine deaths every year isn't in the millions, even if it's just one, are you suggesting that the life of one baby rabbit isn't worth saving? Are you placing a value on life? Enjoy your tofu, murderers.










    haha what a man

  12. well, last week at sectionals, i qualified for the state championships in the 1 mile (illinois track). Also, I had a friend qualify for the two mile race. Since both of us are fortunate to live a good 3.5 hours from the bleedin meet, we were able to leave thursday evening so we could get a nice, non homosexual rest filled with dreams of skipping through succulent fields before my race on Friday.




    Before i write out the details of my extravagant excursion, allow me to explain exactly how this race works. By qualifying for the state championships, you are guaranteed a race at the state championships. go figure. Everyone, except two milers, must race on Friday to determine who can race on Saturday, the day which determines the state champions. That's right. Everyone must run two days in a row. A 4:10 miler must sprint that time twice in two days. This is why track is a sport of balls (except for dumb events like 100m dash, 110m hurdles, shot put, etc which requires nothing except for genes and being black). This is opposed to sports like football where the butt-smacking, showering-with-men players require a full 7 days of rest before they run around like animals for 20 seconds, take a minute break, and repeat.




    anyways, the ride down was fun -- we saw a lot of corn. Since my school is cheap, they would only pay for hotel rooms for 4 people (me, my sexy two miler, and my two coaches, one of which (lets call her ahmed) is this [developmentally delayed]ed, extreme catholic who insists on torturing anyone who just merely swears). To pass the time, we made sure to blurt random abortion jokes, random black/jew jokes, and random Ahmed is a [bleep] who has most likely spit out 13 fetus's out of her gaping hole jokes. I hate that *insert curse*




    When we got to Charleston (where Eastern Illinois University is located), we quickly noticed that pretty much every hotel within a 30 mile radius had been reserved for 1% runners and 99% jerks with too much time on their hands lol. But we got to our hotel early, and we quickly realized just how low our school will stoop to save a penny. We were transfered to one of those disgusting motels that people stop in to fornicate, smoke weed, and pee in the hallways. The guy at the desk, who looked like ed.jpg]this barely knew where our room was located. But the room was good enough i guess, but nothing compared to the hilton hotel we were imagining on the way down. Our other coach, being a perfectionist maniac, who's super excited that "he" trained a magnificent sum of two people to get down state, forced us into bed immediately and wouldn't allow us to eat/drop a turd/sleep, etc




    Finally, at around 10am, we were brutally awaken by high-pitched screams and the clanging of metal. ("Ahmed, stfu and go the feck away. you're dumber than the pubes i clipped off your gaping vagina last night"). But we eventually woke up, and consumed a nutritious and proper breakfast for our race. After everyone left the hotel, i came back for a moment and stripped naked, fondled myself, and proceeded to blow a load all over Ahmed's bed (just kidding of course).




    Upon arrival at EIU, we were frolicking through the gates as all the other queers had to pay 10 bucks. Here we ran into the multitudes of fans who drove down to see my race (aka: my gf, Lauren, and one of her track friends and 4 other people from track who didn't mind the 3 hour drive lol...aka they'd do anything to miss a day of school). Then my psycho coach sprinted from two hundred yards and kicked everyone in the nuts, claiming that they would disturb our mental preparation.




    But finally the moment of truth arrived. All the hard work i've put in the past three years during cross country and track, all the horrid Saturdays where I had to wake up at 7 in the morning to go workout, all the painful races and practices, all the ups and downs came to a climax - at the state championship race. I received my neat number to pierce my skin with, and I also received my metaphorical prong to shove up the rectal canals of all those who said i couldn't do it :P. Now i knew i wasn't going to qualify for the Saturday race, but it was the experience that counted. There was no way I could improve by like 20 seconds within a week to win that race, and there sure as hell wasn't a way that my two mile buddy could break 9 minutes to beat the 3 two milers that did (the winner was the almighty evan jager, who sprinted the two miles in 8:52)




    So basically i was committing suicide lol. But i just lived the moment and took it out strong. STUPID DECISION. I came across the half mile at like 2:05, tried so dearly to keep on going through the third lap and then just died. And i died hard. I wasn't even in first friggin place at the half mile point lol. Hitting that wall is easily the worst physical experience one could ever suffer. It's the point where every once of energy and oxygen has been used up, yet you know your not done. Your body becomes so dead with pain that your body systems become confused. I ovulated during my race.




    When i crossed the finish line, with about 10 thousand people watching, I merely paced around, wondering where i was. My legs turned into a hormonal monster that ate away at the very essence of my soul. A pang of both literal and metaphorical pain surged through them every 10 seconds, as if a dog infested with Rabies was taking craps in my stomach. After i left the track and met up with everyone else, Lauren came up to hug and congratulate me. However, this was a bad decision considering it just made me flail about on the ground and go into convulsions which resulted in me ovulating again. The good news is that i didn't place last in my race lol. And now that i look back on it, i wouldn't have run that race any differently. It showed me what it's like to be a true champion, if not for just a half mile, and also allowed me to know what I must do for my last season, after my two week break that is :P




    The rest of Friday and today was lovely. I went and ate a large feast with all my fans who bothered to come before they had to return to Chicago. My two mile buddy, nervous as hell after witnessing my experience ran the best race of his life today, which is great for him going into college next year. A couple hours after his race, we said farewell to the place and began our drive again, the trip in which we almost made Ahmed denouce God, worship Satan, and kill herself.




    All in all, a very fun time. From the van rides to the fun around the town friday evening to the races to watching some amazing stallion hurl himself almost 17 feet into the air to win the pole vault to the religion debates with Ahmed that resulted in world war III, injured bystanders, and stupid, idealistic no-life religious fanatics sinking into a dark, decrypt corner to cry and cut her wrists, wishing she had never come. Lol, it was all in good fun though. The next goal is to qualify for the state meet in cross country - a hefty feat

  13. *by the time i graduate, i'll have taken 7 AP classes


    *i got a 220 on my PSAT


    *im projected to score a 34-36 on my ACT


    *i get straight A's with a B here and there


    *i do all this without doing a stroke of homework (i copy it) besides papers and big point projects, and I only study in school




    *also, i'm the captain of my cross country team, and my PR (personal record) is 14:55 for 3m


    *some people say running for fun is weird. but that time wasn't too fun to achieve so those people are just idiots and are unaware of how physically demanding a sport should be


    *my mile PR is 4:19 for track


    *and i play the piano as a hobby




    people say i'm weird as hell for not giving a damn about anything but still rock at everything i do lol




    *and i brag about beating it 5 times in a row with my gf in the house (she didn't see me)


    *trust me, finding that will power is an accomplishment

  14. well i get the wonderful pleasure of running every day of the year for at least an hour for cross country/track so yea lol. walking is like a godsend








    and during the summers, i usually sign myself up for some group that goes mountain hiking because Colorado is a great state to visit












    except the first time when i got vicious altitude sickness. absolutely brutal


    my dad would beat me mercilessly when i was a kid lol. because i'd always throw tantrums and stuff. and now i'm taking 4 AP classes, run a sub 4:30 mile, and am generally 1337. If there's no punishment, what makes you think the stupid kid is gonna learn? It's parents that don't do anything to their [developmentally delayed] child that end up producing materialistic, selfish failures.












    not only should spanking be kept legal, but savage beatings should be looked upon as a good thing lol.








    Beating your child to a pulp is not something that should be looked upon, but three swats to the *** is find in my opinion.








    yea the last part was a joke, but physical discipline ends up being very necessary, especially with boys. If a kid does something and observes that he only gets grounded or yelled at, he won't have as much fear doing it again. With boys, they basically do anything they want unless there is an "alpha" male around to control them. Boys fear and avoid something that will end up getting them hurt. So if there is no physical discipline, the kid will grow up, not only being able to fight back in case it's introduced late, but also with complete disregard for authority.








    Go to a couple's house who have kids lacking physical discipline. All you see is complaining, crying, and screaming. For example, by aunt's 3 kids (another one which is only a few months old). They are spoiled beyond belief and they know they can get their way. All it takes is a bunch of tantrums and a lot of screaming, and the parents have no choice except to give in. i can't stand the little *bleeeeep*s lol.








    On the other hand, physical discipline enforces good behavior much quicker, but obviously it has to be kept to a reasonable level

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