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Posts posted by ace_ape231

  1. the roll back takes u back to the last time u logged in unless u log out before it.




    jagex cant be asked to fix this becasue their too busy 'fixing' stuff that doesnt need to be fixed. OH BUT DONT WORRY... jagex will be sure to ban you if caught with the a dupped item because its our fault for finding the bug in the first place :)




    anyhow keep it, live long and prosper.

  2. heres an idea.. lets stop flamming and lets stop making topics that every1 knows will end in a flame.






    good job di, imo you won the fight. when you can hold your own against multiple clans for 4 hours straight without having help yourself, then you win. no one else could do that against clans their own level ranges.




    good job ds, imo you didnt win the overall fight. you may have came out on top after 4 hours, but with help from other clans whether or not you want to admit it. i hardly believe you could of beaten di on a 1v1 basis (hense a war, which you declined) but we'll never know. so congrats to you for finally defeating di after 4 hours.






    both sides did unhonorable things (well, as far as honor in games go), and both have proof, and both are denying it. so i implore to you..


    settle your differences or have a war. every1 here is tired of hearing di prancing around about winning or ds bragging about how good they are. eaither shut up and settle your differences or have a war so this gets settled in a differnt way.




    and before you say something about how di or ds never brags, thats your own opinion. the way a neutral party see's it (and there are hardly any of them here anyhow. every1 is pro ds anti di), the di ds posts are all about bragging.

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