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Posts posted by barnabis

  1. Player Mods (Game Masters) in RS compared to other games.




    T4C - Game mods were expected to be ingame support. Able to understand a little how a computer ran, two times a week 2hr long raids (summoned tons of monsters, game didn't have mini-games), and knew a great deal about the quests. But T4C had about 30 quests that were close to what RS has for f2p quests.




    The rest - Basically had the ability to be like Jagex employees to be maxed out with best gear. They also spammed "buy this from online shop, but that from online shop". And were all of them were basically jerks and you never seen them around. They'd hang out with each other and "shout" spam into chat box that everyone on server read. The one game my player became bugged as in I couldn't move it around, but it wasn't stuck in a cliff or anything, and they didn't even respond to me asking for help, just kept spamming online shop items for $10 at 50% off.




    I know not all RS mods are good, I remember cabbage day, but the majority I've met were intelligent and were there to help if you asked them for suggestions on how to do something. With the exception of T4C (which was uber strict and they walked a fine line) basically player mods are pretty cool in RS.




    NOTE: I've never tried WoW, would like to but don't want to shell out that much cash for an online game. I'd feel like I'm wasting too much money if I skip an evening of gameplay.

  2. I've left rs after getting a new computer and the game play window was too small and no way to enlarge it without changing my display. Figured "screw this, I'll find a modern game." Well like Vista, newer isn't better.




    RS had these advantages that I like.


    -Bots. Yeh they are still there, They are in all mmo's. But from where I've been, Jagex has had the most success at removing them.




    -Affordability. In a game, Last Chaos. You can spend $20 on an item that can upgrade a weapon or armor for you. That sounds nice, but their is a 50% chance it will fail. If it fails, you lose the item- it's destroyed like vestas sword. But if it succeeds, you can gamble another $20 on it! Only worth doing this after the 7th enchantment and there are up to 15. And in 10 levels that sword will be obsolete to you.




    -Updates. Anyone here like the smurfs? Hold your breath for an update and you'll look like one from most other companies. Jagex updates a lot.




    -PK under control. Got your choice to go on a frenzy (which I've got a few CW tickets myself). Got pvp worlds, clan wars, PoH. And Bounty Hunter sounds rather promising. However, if I don't want to pvp/pk. I don't have to, can just relax with the game and fish. In one game, basically the pker's camp noobs and prevent them to level anywhere. Not a good game to play after a bad day of work (which is why I gave up on it).




    -Communicate. This was a weakness, they need to get better at it. But then again 2Moons is hosted by Acclaim whom has the game leased by a Korean company and Acclaim has no control over updates. Whenever the Koreans get their head out of their.... -probably best not to continue this rant as it goes against tipit TOS, and possibly government law...






    Seriously. 2Moons and Knight Online were disgustingly loaded with bots to the point the game was barely playable. The bots in 2Moons lagged monsters so they wouldn't attack and keep aimlessly walking around like a laggy person would. The bots would also be able to go threw walls and find their way back if killed. Knight Online, no pk areas were over-run with them that you never got to level.




    Jagex has come far to fend off the bots like they do. People like me and you reading this that report them is why. RWT is ruining mmo economies and the games themselves. Who wants to pay $70+ time a year for a game flooded with spam in every town and all level spots take up by bots? I've been to GE on the most populated F2P sites. That is about how bad the spam is on a good day on the least populated servers.




    A word about Sandbox. Anyone hear of The 4th Coming? You basically level up and get 5 points to spend in each stat (end, str, agi, int, wis) and 15 in a skill such as attack, archery, dodge, etc.




    STR - swords, axes


    AGI - Bows (require a little str)


    END - for armor and boost HP


    INT - raises mana the most, used for fire,ice,dark spells


    Wis - raises mana, used for earth,heal and destroy undead spells


    (both INT/Wis have ac and str boost spells.




    Each level gets harder and it's impossible to max all stats/skills like in RS because of level cap. Your not forced into a class, build it from scratch and an warrior can learn any mage spell though it might do more harm to the warrior in the end. So gotta think on how to build a character with limited stat / skill points.




    Equalizing everything to be the same makes a weak and useless char at level 150. Questions you have are how much end for what armor for def? But this weakens my attack. Do I want a mage to have 300 end armor to fend off arrows and be able to have 400int to out drain the archer, but level on noob mobs as my spell will be weak? By level 150 point the char would take 10+ hours to get another 5 stat points. Or do I want a mage with 100 end for light armor and 600int to own a warrior before they get to me and 1-hit most monsters? Each class can "sanely" get 800 stat points to max out. 1000 stat points there is like 99 to all skills in RS.




    THAT is sandbox. To build a unique character with limited stats/resources. RS is more of a "skill box". Basically T4C characters are what we'd call RS "pures".




    Warrior basic stats. 300end best armor 600str close to best weapon*


    Berserker basic stats 150end med armor 750str best weapons


    Mage basic stats 40-100 end light to light-med armor 800int/wis spells (400in both int and wis for air (lightning) mage.)


    "Tank" mage basically warrior. These were great in PVP, but sucked to level as you don't get XP from pvp damage, only monster.


    Archer - "Berserker stats"


    "Pure" Archer - 40End rest in STR (1 to 3) AGI for bows.


    "Tank" Archer - Still an ongoing debate even after the game is basically discontinued.




    *Is possible to still get best weapon, but the time would take years compared to any other class.




    BTW, quests in T4C were like Runescape. They required quite a bit and had bosses. Though you couldn't interact with your surroundings like RS. Basically a hack and slash version of RS quests. I miss this game...




    This is only a summary of sand boxing in this game. I can easily go on for hours with this. Sandbox is unique and different. Eventrually in RS we will all be the same character build, this is impossible in T4C.

  3. Give the astral rune to baba yaga in Lunar, she'll tell the remaining story. I'd attach a picture but can't find the "attach" link on the forum here (sorry, I don't post often). Get an xp lamp that gives 2500 xp in any skill. No more quest points.






    2.5k xp red lamp (any skill)


    Ancient Stone Tablet (not sure if exact name)


    Cutscean of what "really" happened.




    The stone reads "and the name will be Bardur" prophecy of your arrival lol! I can't seem to find anyone that will take the ancient tablet off me though.




    EDIT: ok, asked a few players in game, tablet goes to museum in Varrock.






    +10 Kudos


    Display #48 on top floor.




    EDIT2: (make easier to see rewards)




    if unfinished rune is destroyed, Brundt will replace


    If "ancient stone tablet" is destroyed, Baba Yaga will replace.

  4. use funtis if you can use agi shortcut. Take 9 buckets, pots, bones and use glory / ectophial to go back and fourth from bank. Run down stairs, use agi short cut, fill buckets and phial back up. Can right click on npc's to get tokens. You only get 400% xp at funtus and 350%xp in house provided both candles are kept light. This is fast provided you've got 8 glories. Don't have them? Might as well get them since you'll save on cash from needing extra bones.




    Grinder is now automated. Only 1 click to grind all bones.

  5. Hello,




    Been a long time since I've played RS and done the 2 fairy tale quests. I've talked to that mage that turns people into mushrooms and he won't bring up anything about getting them replaced. As for starting from scratching on making a new pair... no way I remember what my 3 food items were.




    As for my forum issue, I've forgotten my password since it's been so long and now I want to change it back from the one that I got in my e-mail. There wasn't anything in the FAQ about changing passwords.




    are you sure u lost your them and havent give them to a lepracun?




    Forgot totally about the leprechauns! Can't believe it has actually been this long since I've played. Thanks. As for the password, I got a bunch of random numbers back. Was hoping it would have been my old one. In the control panel I can't find where to change the password.

  6. Hello,




    Been a long time since I've played RS and done the 2 fairy tale quests. I've talked to that mage that turns people into mushrooms and he won't bring up anything about getting them replaced. As for starting from scratching on making a new pair... no way I remember what my 3 food items were.




    As for my forum issue, I've forgotten my password since it's been so long and now I want to change it back from the one that I got in my e-mail. There wasn't anything in the FAQ about changing passwords.

  7. You should be able to get them off dell again. They might charge you a little, but it be worth it.




    Renaming the file won't prevent windows from booting. And you'll be able to rename the file back to what it was. The winsock xp fix utility is a very dependable tool. I've never seen that fail and used it countless times on many different computers.




    It is good to take it cautiously. A lot of people just go delete crazy and end up in a huge mess.




    Can you go and look to see if you have tcpip.sys?




    btw, tcpip.sys is some kind of encrypted code. So hard to tell if it is corrupted or not opening it up using notepad. I was wrong there with that. Was in a rush to get that post out as I quickly wrote it during work hours which I pretty much never do.




    Update: (tuesday)


    It's been about 4 days now since I've heard from you. I'm going to assume for the most part that the problem was resolved. I'll check up until the end of the week to see if your still having problems. After that, no guarantees as I'm not into RS like years ago.

  8. You are playing Russian Roulette with a repair install. Repair installs often work, but I guess you've never seen one when it fails. Sure, odds are with you, but that bullet is somewhere and when you get it...




    Boom... and there is no Lumby/Falador.




    You also have to get all the windows/office updates again.




    Regardless he's gotta scan it with all that stuff I suggested.




    If he doesn't and just does a repair install on a system now without making sure it isn't infected. Since all the windows security updates are gone, it can become a real mess.




    It can cause bluescreens, lock up, stop it from booting, trojans can download spyware and adware, throw up 100's of pop ups.




    Or it can just re-delete tcpip.sys and end up where he's at now.

  9. avast! is free and what I use. It looks like a regular media player in its default skin. And tricky to figure out what to do. Though there are tips when you start it. You'll have to send them an E-mail to get a free key that is good for a year (guess they want to keep track of how many people really use it).




    Go to http://www.majorgeeks.com/downloads29.html and look for avast! and the definitions. Not sure how to manually install avast! definitions as each AV is different. It might just be unzipping a file and replacing a file manually in the avast directory. That is how trendmicro and adaware SE is.




    If you really want to buy an antivurs, get trendmicro or panda (I hear panda is good, though I've yet to test it myself). Norton home editions hog too many system resources and mcafee is the worse AV from my experiences with cleaning infected systems. My job the past year has been a good bit of pc repair (hardware and virus removal). This tcpip.sys corruption was a learning experience for me.




    Renaming the tcpip.sys to OLDtcpip.sys is preventing programs from trying to run the file as they are looking for tcpip.sys, not OLDtcpip.sys. Basically it will sit there and do nothing. Changing it will not prevent the computer from booting up, so you can go back and rename it to tcpip.sys. MS says what they said about it because XP was designed to be heavily used on the internet.




    In their adware section at majorgeeks:




    Get adaware SE (uninstall it and get 2007 when you can connect to the internet) and to get the updates, you gotta unzip the def file and replace the one in the lavasoft adaware directory. You can manually update adaware SE, but not 2007 as of yet.




    Spybot is good, the manual update for that is easy, it self extracts the files




    winsock xp fix (towards the bottom of the adware section) this replaces registry keys and really works. It is a really heavily used program and I've yet to hear of it messing anyones system up.




    x-cleaner micro


    http://www.spywareguide.com/onlinescan.php download the free scanner. don't accept any active X (you don't want to run it) scroll down and read where it starts with "IF nothing happens" and has "click here" you want to right click the link and save it (regardless of what they say). Small and handy file, can run it off a floppy even. You have to baby sit it though as it stops to ask you to remove a program when it finds one. Uncheck the box that asks to anonymously report it (have to do this every time). If you don't, it will try and connected to x-block.com won't connect and crash. If it happens, just start it over again. This really cleans a lot of crap and pretty fast compared to all the others. This program expires and will stop working in a month. Just delete it and download a new version, it can't be auto updated the entire program is updated about every month or two. It finds a lot of stuff that everything else doesn't find, don't underestimate its usefulness.




    The best order to run this stuff:


    X-cleaner micro




    Adaware (make sure 'check for low risks is enabled')


    Antivirus program you want to use as it probably will take the longest.




    Then go into safemode run winsock fix and rename/replace the tcpip.sys file and restart again in safemode with networking to see if you got internet. Then restart in normal mode to see if you still got internet. If so, I'd update your anti virus program and run another scan. Unfortunately with manual updates, all they are, just virus definitions. Not 'security' updates.




    Make sure that computer keeps the internet for a few days before going into the wild or something. Just want to make sure nothing is harboring in the system that is tough to get and going to require a lot more work to remove. Might not be the case, but it really suck to die and lose dragon armor over a virus.

  10. I'd look for a better power supply. Going cheap on power supplies makes your computer vulnerable to being fried and you'll probably end up replacing the power supply as it won't last as long from normal use as a good one.




    I'd consider this one. Has a 2 year warrenty, runs about $60 and has over voltage protection. Even if you have a surge protector, doesn't hurt as I've seen lightning go threw USB a power strip and fry the power supply.




    FSP Group (Fortron Source) AX450-PN, 12cm FAN, version 2.2, 2 SATA, PCI Express, 450W Power Supply - Retail

  11. Ok, I've done a little research before I started going all out on the system and came across some forums saying spyware sometimes deletes or corrupts tcpip.sys.




    Go to C:\windows\system32\drivers and look for tcpip.sys rename it to OLDtcpip.sys (it might just be tcpip) there are a few file names that are similar like tcpip6, leave them alone. If it isn't there, don't worry about it. Go to another xp system and copy the tcpip file there to a floppy and paste it to your system. It can come from xp home/pro/media. If you got a friend that has an xp, he/she can even e-mail you the file.




    Your antivirus/anti-spyware might prevent you from doing this or ask you if you'll allow a 'suspicious change'.




    Go to http://www.majorgeeks.com and to the left you'll see FILES and a list of links on various types (adaware, virus, etc) on the bottom is a search, type in winsock fix. ANd download winsock xp fix.




    First put a copy of tcpipi.sys on your desktop, and then replace the tcpip file in C:\windows\system32\drivers and then run winsock fix, reboot and try to connect.




    If you still can't get on the internet, check to see that the tcpip.sys file is still there in system32\drivers and run winsock again. If still can't connect, open the desktop one (use notepad) and the one in the C:\windows\system32\drivers folder and make sure they look similar. A virus might be corrupting the one in the drivers folder.




    If it is being corrupted, redo these steps in safe mode with networking (keep pressing F8 before windows starts). Reboot again in safe mode. If you then have internet go to http://www.trendmicro.com and do their online virus scan. Scan entire computer.




    This was what resolved my issue.

  12. Hello,




    What you have buddy, is a really nasty problem. Your TCP/IP protocol has been corrupted. There is no easy fix as at work I've been trying to resolve this issue on a computer as well. Problem is, that PC also had some bad viruses that I think trashed the whole OS, not just that one component.




    I haven't been able to devote much time to it and now that I'm done work it will wait until tomarrow until anything else is attempted. However, my research lead me to a website where a guy claimed he fixed it. (url towards the bottom of this post).




    Before you get your hopes up. Back everything up before you start doing ANYTHING! (Don't cry that you didn't back up and you lost everything, I gave you fair warning.) I have not yet resolved this and the method isn't supported my Microsoft. Since I haven't resolved it, my research is not complete. Prepare for your system to be formatted by transferring data to a different system or to CD's. A "Jump" or "Thumb drive" will be the best way for you to transfer data if you got another computer to put it on. They are not too expensive to buy and do come in handy.




    You want to make sure you've got all your CD's that came with your computer and the product keys/serial numbers. CD's would be for your OW (windows xp home/pr/media center) printer, device drivers (mainboard, video, audio), CD/DVD burning software (if you got a burner), games and stuff like Office 2003. If you have the CD's but missing the keys, try and use belarck advisor can be found at download.com and is free. And a few hours of free time on your hands if your attempts fail.




    Basically what will happen is you'll 'hack' windows to uninstall tcp/ip which MS doesn't want you to do as it is a core component. The uninstall portion of this method comes from doing something similar to a different windows operating system, but the guy who wrote the article said it worked for him.




    I'd also do any virus scans you can before doing this as it could be caused by a bad virus or screwed up spy/ad ware related program.




    Once you have backed up everything you don't want to lose, start trying to fix it.


    http://techrepublic.com.com/5208-6230-0 ... ID=2204805




    It is a nasty problem and not an easy fix unfortunatly. A lot of computer places would rather format the drive and start over.




    Before formatting, if you have a normal windows xp cd (not a recovery disk) you can try to do a reinstall by pressing enter to install windows, F8 to accept the terms of the agreement. Setup will then look for a previous version of windows and offer you the option of pressing R to repair it. If you press R at the first screen, it will send you into the recovery console which usually is useless and very complex. If it asks you to format, turn the system off as something isn't going right. Turning it off here won't damage windows because windows didn't start up yet. Back up everything before a repair install as they are not always successful in fixing the problem. If you got a virus and attempt a repair install, you will probably start getting blue screens and might not be able to get back to your data.




    I know, I threw a lot of info on this post, but as I haven't had time to bother with RS in over year, I really don't know when I'll get back here again. This post came up in a google search while researching various fixes on this problem.




    Good Luck

  13. I just can't belive how people moan and groan about it. No one (other then rich snobs or suck ups) throw parties to be rich or famous. They do it for fun and to celebrate something.








    Where is the 'fun' in things now? So we didn't get a new weapon or armor. I think it is hilarious that we get to run around with heads and it will be fun to tease other people next year.








    Same thing happend even with the scythes, people whined they were too weak. People whined with the rubber chicken and yo-yo. I went on a f2p world for fun just now, and was hit with chickens and saw people playing with yo-yo's. They were just haveing fun with things hangeing out in Lumby.








    People just take the game too seriously. Anyone that didn't have fun with it and will continue to not have fun with it, needs to get away from runescape and live in real life for a while to appreciate moments to just have fun.








    I think the zombie npc's are hilarious and will miss them when they are gone. Jagex did a real nice job with it. And like scythes, p hats, and masks, we keep the emote and head to show off. We got two sulveniers this year instead of one. Last year all we got was a new song. Heads will be fun to scare noobs in wildy btw ;)

  14. This really is just plain sad and pathetic. At least send an E-mail requesting to hold off at least a week.








    I can see their reasoning for not allowing 3rd party programs to be used in the game, but at least give recognition to the fan sites. If it wasn't for fansites, jagex would not be as big. No where on their site do they have quest help, skill tips, armor types/ac/price, etc.








    They need to pick up the ball and do something with it here.

  15. I've been trying for two days now to get on this forum and finally I got on just now. The problem is that when I try to access the forum, the page never loads. It just 'hangs' and does nothing. I used ctrl alt and del to see if my browser stopped responding, but it was running fine. I then typed in a different website in the browser and the site loaded up almost instantly. The issue is only here. I am able to use other php forums from other games that I play without any problems. I never even have disconnect issues while playing runescape in high detail and often have played runescape while downloading stuff without even a slow down in game play. Got a cable connection btw.








    I have windows xp home with sp 2 on it. I've tried to use IE explorer and firefox to access the forums and both just 'hung' until now. Is there a problem with the forums here? I have Norton as my firewall, but that is still running now and the forums seem to be working fine. I see that a lot of posts have been made in the past two days.









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