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Posts posted by specialedone

  1. WOOHOO!! i read every post cuase i was bored... and now it is time for my opinion RAWR!!












    I admit i play as a girl character, but definetly not to get free items or anything like that. Me and my friend were just bored and felt like scrweing around so we became females and tested out different clothes and such. (this was like 3 or 4 days ago btw). I was planning on chainging back as soon as we went our seperate ways but i got side tracked and it turns out i prefer the good manners, and no choobs calling me a noob and stuff more then the horror of walking around as a guy and having everyone point out every mistake, or flaw you have.








    If anyone bothers to ask me if im a girl, or asks me out, i tell them im a guy and they usually dont care, however i did get one flame happy guy ask me out who forced me to switch worlds :evil:








    I plan on changing back to a guy tomorow btw... lol

  2. wow this sounds exactly like system Ultima Online has in place for when you die. Actually.... im pretty sure the only difference between your idea and what UO does is the part about waiting... but im not totally sure.












    its a good idea, but i really doubt you just happened to come up with an almost exactly the same idea that UO already uses, but i guess its possible...

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