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Posts posted by tskolar

  1. What the flippin F*** ? C'mon kohe, you're a great guy, why do somthing like this ? IT ARE FREAKING PIXELS... I really don't get this you're already rich, aren't you ? And you could have scammed me for about as much like 15 times...




    I guess this shows once again never trust anyone.. Not even your very close friends... Am i glad i quit this game...




    Sorry for the OT but I still cn't believe kohe would do somthing like this :s




    You wrote down exactly what i was thinking bro. Kohe really, why the [bleep] do u need this for? Its so pointless, doesnt do anything for u, and totally phacks over "a great guy", if i use ur words. Its just totally sadistic man, so bloody unessesary.




    This whole thing makes so little sense, dissapointing.

  2. Page 1.




    Jordy, did u and lee get in some kinda of argument?




    And i thought u kinda wanted to be rid of rs, and ur talking like ud love to be on from time to time, whats up with that? ( or am i just misinterpreting?) Either way, merry christmas to u little thing :)






    Good luck with gwring Lee. Shouldnt take more then 3 weeks to get most of the gear u want.




    I don't think we're in an argument? I think we're fine. And I want to be on, but I can't. The reason I said page 1 was to get this back onto the front page of blogscape. Merry Christmas to you too, Tine. Tell Jay I said hi.




    I do wanna play css with u? what do i need?!? I need explicit instructions, u know me, im a slow thing. Pm me here, ill read, i promise <3:<3:




    Im tired of this lately bro, gonna give it a rest for a while, me thinks.

  3. Eating and taking care of ur family > runescape rules




    The really disgusting part about this whole goldfarming story is that people's lifes are beeing so pointlessly wasted, over a stupid mindless game.




    edit: and just to be clear, this poor people arent playing the game we are playing, everyone who thinks that hasnt given this a moments thought. Or is just a dumb [bleep]. Ur call

  4. Could have happened to anyone though :( Bad luck.










    Id rip you alive if that happend on my team, thats for sure. Good job on getting the hilt, bad job picking it up i guess......




    ps: dont tele after u kill one boss.....if u guys stayed there for the whole trip this wouldnt have happend. Feel sorry for ur friends.




    Which is exactly why your not on my team, you sound like a great friend.






    Actually, im not on your team, becasue:


    a.) my friends would make fun of me if they saw me at gwd with you


    b.) i dont know who you are, and i dont enjoy going with people i dont know


    c.) and finally, even if i knew u from somewhere, and we would go arma on a german world at non- peak hours, i could never be comfartable going with someone who claims that " leaving an arma hilt on floor" and teleing away from it, is something "which could happen to anyone".

  5. I know it says my join date was in February, but I browsed for about 2 years now. didn't someone do this last year, and have them melt?




    10/10 when it's done nonetheless.










    Yea. Captain Kidd I think.






    A very very pointless achievement. But, we can't always be serious.








    No more pointless then anything else, good luck with ur awsome goal.

  6. Guys please dont sidetrack my thread with other peopels screenshots as legitimate looking as they may be and discussions of other legends, thanks.




    Rofl u little spoiled self absorbed thing. You went on and on, and on, about how noone can surpass ur richness, and now that someone came up with a pic ( which u more or less requested earlier) this apperantly sidetracks ur magnificant thread....yawn...u are a boring thing.

  7. Secondly, thanks 0hip for the posts, because i have seen you in edgy bank many times and with what your wearing you have become the best god wars dungeon'er, congratulations.




    Sadly Gwd has very little to do with skills (even less then Dks) so its more or less pointless to argue who does it best. I do know i made a few times more $ then 0hip, but from what i heard, he is ay poor unlucy boi with drops. I do somewhat agree with what he said, that money shouldnt really be criterium for who is good there. I propouse the highest general kc at each boss, soloing, duoing, 3maning, 4maning, as the deciding factor alongside with the fragrate ratio ( which would be hard to determinate though).






    Thirdly, for the Dagg kings i want you to base your votes around the following criteria:




    Number of trips roughly


    How effeciently they mage/range/melee


    How they do it (their technique)


    Their best soloing trip





    I had the best and most dedicated team at Dks, im pretty sure of it. I have close to 1k drops from there, +50m exp from there, my team first started with duoing, solo entry, veracs hybriding and so on.

  8. What's even creepier is if your a dude, and you get REALLY bored and go to the "make-over wizard" (also known is mr/ms gender-smender). Then, your a girl (some people do this to get free stuff....creepy huh...so think next time and CHECK if they are actually a girl if you're going to even dam attempt it...and if you do stay away from me) so you walk past lumbridge...now, it's REALLY creepy when a guy hits on you when your actually a dude...(I run like hell trust me...).ANOTHER reason why it's really,really, REALLY gross.






    Have you done this before? XD




    He admitted to me, yes, he done it a few times now. It made him feel very icky at first ( even dropped the d med he got from his first bodyfriend) but later on he grown to like it, so ive been told...

  9. Actualy, perhaps you should learn to understand the words before telling people to learn their meanings.





    Rofl, "learning to understand" sounds amusingly mystic.




    On subject; people have allways disliked merchants, and if this update update really takes em outta the trading loop, then there will be no bitter tears shed from most of the rs population. Im sure u know what the reasons for the animosities are, so its more or less meaningless to point em out. I think this update will better and enrich the game personally, yes some will be worse off, but the majority of players will benefit from it.




    And if merchants only skill was to intercept the ppl who refuse to waste their time at fally 2, then i really see no harm in this "exchange" update. Ya lot allways likes to point out that saving peoples time is one of ur greatest assets ( in a manner: dont hate, sure im taking ur money, but im a good boi- im saving ur time, and time is money- so all be fair) so i really cant understand what could possibly be " wrong" with this update. In the end its sole porpouse is saving ppls time.

  10. My main problem with loot share is not beeing able to keep ur own non rare kills. It makes the whole thing a bit boring, and it casues frustration amongs those who are getting nothing. I can understand that such a thing is useful for forum build teams and alike, but it is a bit annoying for everyone else. Make all drops visable ( but not randomly redistributed) to all on clan chat would fix the problem for allready build up teams. Its ok to have some healthy competition on the team, not everyone half asleep and anemic.




    And also, the ingame messages u get from drops, it would be good if rare drops messages would be put in bold writing. It happened twice on my team that people missed the message that a person got a rare drop from the general now ( probabyl casue they were bored and half asleep).

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