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Posts posted by 007007008plp

  1. I quit back in 2006 I grew out of the game but I just recently started logging back on again to look at how the games changed. I will never play full time again. In my opinion they should be done with it and just re-name the game BotScape.

  2. I've been playing alot the past week or so (managed to finally get 99hp and deffence after almost 10 years haha!) ... and I've been experiencing the same issues on and off at different times of the day. Must be problems on their side because my internet connection has been top notch all week.

  3. I was curious about my first ever PKing account from back in RSC. So I decided to send in an appeal to get my password changed (I've tried in the past but its been rejected 3 times so I gave up) and they accepted :D.




    I used the account for PKing he was a ranger, the accounts name is Toxic Ranger.


    Can't believe I created this account on 28th Feb 2002! and last logged in 1510 days ago! :shock:




    It was about 4 months before that when I created my main (007007008plp)...my god its been a long time lol.





  4. What a suprise...another money drain.




    Looked like a decent skill, but I can't afford to spend so much cash to get to a 'decent' level. I thought this would bring me back to the game, unfortunately not. (no I didn't leave because of the trading thing, I left months before that).

  5. I haven't played RS in along long time and I haven't posted on these forums in just as long. But I've just got to say my bit on this subject....basically until jagex can give a good enough reason for this limit then I think they have made one of the worst changes to the game since....well this is the worst as far as I am concerned.




    I feel really sorry for all the genuine stakers.

  6. Back in my day we were lucky to get one update a month. And to get to the we had to walk 10 miles in the snow, it was uphill both ways too!




    You kids have it lucky :notalk:




    God tell me about it, if only half of these people knew what it was like back then. With the rate Jagex are burning out updates these days we are extremely lucky.

  7. I remember the day when they updated the game so you could see other peoples combat levels outside of the wild.




    I remember pking above varrock before that update and having to run in and out to check peoples levels.




    I was amazed after the update happend that I could see peoples combat levels outside the wild.




    The only way before that update to see peoples combat out the wild was to use a certain cheat program. It also let you take away the 'black fog' and zoom out until the program crashed.

  8. [hide]
    RS declining? No.. still the same old RuneScape.




    just ignore these brats.




    No, its not the same Runescape that it was 2+ years ago. Compared to the tales of classic we are in heading for open water with only enough gas too get halfway there.


    I bet it's not much diferent, and you just want to remember the good ol' days.




    I mean, I still had my acc scammed out of 2 years ago.





    I was scammed two years ago as well, scamming was and always will be around.




    It is different, you can deny all you want. But Runescape is on the decline, its golden age has passed and its falling down.




    For me the 'Golden Age' was early RSC. RS as been falling since the introduction of RS2.

  9. Oh i'm sorry, you don't get avatars in rs. -.-
    Avatars are our characters we control. :wink:




    Legends Quest re-make. :anxious:






    Hellbellz you deserve a really big cookie for your sig. The killers OWN.






    On-topic: i agree that we need a graphics update to our own characters, maybe Jagex are working on it? It probably wont come till early next year.

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