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Posts posted by sijan

  1. Saw a couple of posts in the first 3-4 pages that made me feel better about my opinion of Citadels and Jagex pushing them on us (Death's Citadel).


    I really, really don't like them, particularly the resource gathering aspect of them - by far the most miserable thing ever put into Runescape that I've seen (IMHO). It's one of the reasons I quit the clan I was in - they started trying to enforce a minimum amount of resources we had to put in, and there was no way I was going to cut logs in the Citadel for hours on end to meet that requirement. I'm lucky to play 10 hours in a week, and I'm not going to spend 5 of that doing something I hate so much.


    I might revisit clans/citadels again someday if they ever fix that aspect of them.

  2. I've been playing runescape for about ten years now. I understand what Jagex has been doing and I also understand to what degree they've gone to get sales and hows its effected their game.


    Just like when we get visited by solicitors I think we need to take the passive approach by shrugging of their advances to walk through our doorsteps to demonstrate their product. What I'm saying is that, as a consumer, we know what we want and do not want to buy, and are aware of our rights, and with how fierce the market competition can be and how that takes its toll on the customer I think we need to learn to shrug things off. Because we are their customers and we are involved in their "world" that is called runescape we have to deal with their solicitations unless we choose to not play any more. I also understand Jagex marketing attempts are much more direct than other MMO's and it can be pestering and I don't mean to demean anyones feelings towards being pestered to buy membership.

    I have no issue with them marketing memberships. I'm quite capable of ignoring marketing materials.


    It's when it's at the expense of the actual product that my problem begins.


    Or when any membership sold, even to a botted account, is considered a good membership sold.


    In both those cases, the value of the product I am paying for is diminished, or at least perceived to be, by me, the customer. At some point, the value of said product drops below the price I've been paying for it, and I go do something else with my time, along with the 5 other living people that still play. :wink:

  3. I'm surprised it didn't cost us money to read the BTS

    Or get some cool new 1337 gear just for reading it. But only if you're a member. And pay with a credit card. At Game Stop.

    That made me lol. But really, that bad isn't it. Or...?


    I can remember when the quality of the actual gameplay was the most important thing in Jagex's mind (or at least that's how they made it seem, and did a good enough job of that to make you believe it). That includes during the old days of Free Trade and the Wilderness.


    Nowadays, the dollar seems to be a much bigger concern. How can we get more members? How can we keep the ones we have? How we can do it with the least cost/expenditure of resources?


    The current answers to those questions seem to contain the words 'If we use this gimmick...'


    Getting rid of bots = loss of revenue. Providing real, quality content < providing glitzy, flashy stuff that really add value to the game.


    Don't get me wrong. I'm not in favor of a new, glorious Runescape dedicated to the advancement of the Socialist Workers Utopia or anything. Every company has a right to make a profit, but things seem to be run by bean counters now, looking to squeeze every dollar out of their intellectual property, which they have a right to do. There isn't a whole lot of love given to the actual players right now (ie, there's no 'by gamers, for gamers' feel to things anymore.)


    If the game continues down the current path, the people who play it will find something else to do with their time and their $5-6/month, because Jagex won't be providing a quality, fun product anymore. That's not hate. That's simple economics. Provide me a good product for a good value, and I'm yours. Make things so difficult for me to play that I won't enjoy myself, and I'll spend my money somewhere else.

  4. The upkeep thing is annoying. Cutting the roots feels like more work than the rest of the things on rs.



    By far, this is the most miserable grind in the game. I dislike it more than Agility and Thieving, my two least favorite skills. I don't mind the lower xp. I don't mind doing the work to help maintain the clan citadel. I DO mind the fact that it is so unpleasant - so very UNfun to do - that I don't want any part of it.


    I told my clan leader last night that if the next tier's resource gathering isn't less like having my teeth pulled, I might have to quit the clan.


    Its tier 1 skill spot so its slow.

    There's only 1 choice of what to do so its grind-like.


    As tier goes up it should get faster and more variety of spots will make it more interesting.

    God, I hope so. Or at least make it more like regular woodcutting - multiple resources gathered over a longer chopping period, or at least slightly afkable.

  5. The upkeep thing is annoying. Cutting the roots feels like more work than the rest of the things on rs.



    By far, this is the most miserable grind in the game. I dislike it more than Agility and Thieving, my two least favorite skills. I don't mind the lower xp. I don't mind doing the work to help maintain the clan citadel. I DO mind the fact that it is so unpleasant - so very UNfun to do - that I don't want any part of it.


    I told my clan leader last night that if the next tier's resource gathering isn't less like having my teeth pulled, I might have to quit the clan.

  6. I guess expense is relative.




    In the US, the startup set of WoW is $29.99, including that first month of membership. The next 11 months of membership, at $15 US each, will set you back $165 US, totalling $195 for that first year. That same $195 will pay for 3 years and 3 months of Runescape.




    And that doesn't count the two expansion packs you're going to have to buy for WoW at some point.




    When you're talking about getting the most bang for your buck, it's like comparing a Ferrari to a Subaru Impreza WRX or a Lancer Evolution. The Ferrari is a better car, but you can almost as good an experience with the Subaru or Lancer for about 1/4 the price.

  7. EDIT: 9/10 posters in this thread will mistakenly assume that you're asking for ideas for names of skills, or that you're asking for their opinion on how to upgrade existing skills.


    After having read every post in the thread, you, sir, win today's award for Most Precognitive Post. =D>








    :wall: :wall: :wall:

  8. They must do things very differently in the UK. The company I work for here in the US, their fiscal year ends at the end of March. They will release their end of year report for 2008-2009 on or about 1 Apr 2009. Auditing is a continuous and ongoing process here.




    There's no point in releasing info a year late. Over here, people would think you were hiding something if you waited that long.

  9. 113 combat. 1740ish total levels, all skills between 58 (RC) and 86 (HP), average is 72/skill.




    a) I have no need to get a skill cape, emotionally. No knock against those that have them, but I don't have that urge to race to the max level for one skill to get a cape.




    B) I'm physically incapable of doing the multiple-thousands of repetitions of a task in one stretch to get a 99 in something. The 99's will come when they come.




    I have a couple of friends that are impressed more by my high average level/skill than they are by their own 99's/skill capes. Depends on the player, imho. I personally prefer being to do almost everything in a bunch of skills rather than everything in one/a few skills and almost nothing in the rest.

  10. I wonder what the heck you guys are selling. I can't get anything to move, no matter how low the prices seem to go.




    Granted, I'm trying to sell lower food chain pots right now, but I haven't gotten any bites with duelling rings, power ammys, full green dhide sets, etc. All pretty commonly in demand prices that are quite a bit lower than what I usually get for them.




    Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? Besides lowering the price, as they are already set at the allowed minimum.




    I could of course just pull everything and do some shopping instead.

  11. Has anyone investigated other stores that only have player stock?




    I've checked most of the mainland stores - Fally, Varrock, Lumby, Catherby and some of the specialty stores - everything is market priced now.




    I was never a huge general store merchanter, but I liked stockpiling stuff that I got there on the cheap until I needed it. Iron ores for 5gp, seeds for next to nothing, cheap herbs, yews, maples...








    Now I'm going to have to do the tedious parts of skills just to have supplies for the parts I enjoy.

  12. The only reason I can see for the max price cap is to limit abuse by RWT's. If some noob wants to try and sell willows for 2k ea or magic logs for 20k, who says they are actually going to sell at those prices? I can try and sell power ammys for 25k each right now in World 2 Fally. Is anyone going to buy them? I doubt it. The reasoning that the cap keeps prices from rising to a ridiculous level is fallacious. Supply and demand would shut the idiots down pretty quickly when nobody buys from them.




    So far, I'm not too disappointed in the GE itself. Love the concept - we'll have to see how it works in practice. I think the 24 hour clock between price adjustments is a bit long, but let's give it a week before we proclaim it Stalin's Socialist Stepchild.




    I do have one BIG point of irritation - the tying of store prices to 'market' prices. I used to enjoy swinging by the store in whatever town I was in and ducking in to see if I could pick up a bargain or two. I thought nothing of making a dozen trips between bank and store to get a few hundred iron ores at a sweet price, or some cheap yews, or feathers or runes or whatever. Over the course of a week or two I'd gather enough of a particular resource do some crafting, fletching, herblore, etc.




    I know I could get 1k of anything by going to the merchanters and buying at market prices, but that wasn't terribly exciting and made me feel dependent on outside sources to get anything I wanted to do done. Silly to some of you, I'm sure, but getting the most done with the least amount of gold expenditure is something I enjoy doing.




    Now, at last glance at the general store, vials are 135 ea, no matter the quantity in stock, yews are 390, arrowheads and bolt tips are ridiculously priced - higher than I had ever seen them traded between two players - and the list goes on. To top it off, near as I can tell, the price the stores buy from you hasn't changed much. (If anyone has observed differently, feel free to correct me.)




    In conclusion, I will agree that we need to wait and see how this all shakes out, especially with the changes that Jagex is bound to make in the next several days. However, I don't think it is unfair to say that there are things about this series of updates that we don't like. We may not all dislike the same thing(s), but I'm sure we can all agree there is something each of us can point to that looks less than promising.




    My $.02.


    Getting p-mod-ship is all about who you know, not how good of a mod you will make.




    That's painting with a pretty broad brush, brother. I'm a mod, and I know absolutely no one. I surely didn't get my pretty silver crown because of 'who I knew.'




    And as to the rest of the commentary cut from the same cloth, the vast majority of pmods I have run into have been courteous, helpful, and fair. There may be a few bad apples in the bunch, but in any group of 5000+ people, you are going to run into a number that aren't going to be models of perfection.




    I totally understand where the frustration comes from, but don't categorize an entire group of people based on stereotypes or what your friend's friend's friend told you happened to his 1st cousin's brother. It's almost as smart as disliking someone because of where they are from, the color of their skin or the church they go to (or don't.)




    Give everyone the benefit of the doubt, put yourself in their shoes and think for a second, then, if you think the person or pmod is still breaking the rules, then use the report button. It's there for a reason.

  14. I got all teary-eyed when one of my best internet friends, Valisse89, died from cancer about a year or so ago. She was one of my first friends in Tribes, intro'd me to RS, and we played T:V together when it came out.




    I still have her name at the top of my friends list.

  15. Actually, I bought that book for my daughter for Christmas. It's not a bad book, but definitely geared towards the FTP player. There's almost nothing (if anything) for Members, but what is in there is pretty solid info, especially for a younger player that doesn't 'get' the concepts of staying focused on levelling goals, keeping your bank neat and tidy, etc.








    I recall that it even has a bit on keeping your account secure and rules and stuff. For the price, it's better than I expected. If someone had a child or younger brother/sister that played or was thinking about playing, I'd recommend the purchase.









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