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Posts posted by slayer1227

  1. Haha! I like your style, its like cartoonish and its really cool! Just work on the background and you got some good pixels! 9/10




    no, he doesnt, From a artist (GFX maker) they arnt even NEAR 9/10, looks like he spent 5 - 10 mins on each. and used the paint bucket tool.




    Okay. What to say,






    First off it's "she".




    Secondly, this is my first try. I'm sorry? Sorry i'm not an amazing person at paint. Sorry I can't go right off the bat and create signatures that make people's jaws drop. Okay. From what I knew, I created a signature from paint that I did spend a lot of time on. I didn't spend 5-10 minutes, I spent hours easily on these. I posted because I know i'm new at this, and I know tif has a really nice community and i've been watching the art gallery recently and the nice CC people give eachother. I'm really dissapointed in the way you reacted to this...




    Like I said, i geuss i'm sorry i'm not an amazing "painter" for a lack of a better term.




    Anyway, does anyone have any CC that they could give me (politely, please) to help me out?




    im sorry i came across as a jerk, i really didnt mean to. and no ones GREAT their first attemp (my sig was my first pixel) but i make sigs. and know what im doing for the most part.




    just keep at it, you WILL get good. just try to improve. try new things.




    as for CC


    you need more detail, shading. and work on the bodys of everyone.




    No offense yaff2, but you are way too critical...and you are way to full of yourself. To be honest, the hair on your sig doesn't look like hair, it may have taken you some time, but I just don't care for your rudeness and the fact that you come across like you are some great artist, "From a artist (GFX maker)," it's really annoying. Not to mention, just because you don't like the style, doesn't mean it's wrong.




    I like the style, it could be a little more clean with the lines, and for a first I do like them alot. Keep developing that style and I think you might have something great!

  2. It looks really good and I understand your style...only thing I don't like much is the helm...i'd get rid of one of the sets of horns..and make the other ones sharper..and curved another angle instead of up...the rest of his armor already has enough of an upward feel

  3. Not to be too harsh, but it looks bad... If I were you, I'd crop the text out, and re-do it. It also seems blurry, like Mitsubishi said.




    My quick re-do:






    Why'd you post one that you did? Trying to Hi-Jack? :shame:




    He wasn't hijacking your...he was showing you how you could improve a crappy sig...




    I like the shield patterns alot, but maybe he should have a tatoo on his arm.








    The picture is a render from a console game...so he didn't design the character, jsut used him to make the sig...

  5. aw why not ill post a noob fake i made.....
















    is not good at all but rate if you want to








    ps. if you are going for a goal like a lvl 99 skill you could edit that skill out lol to save you trouble of making it urself








    and people first to find out an error gets a weird picture








    the total lvl is wrong... 21 times 99=2079

  6. Name: Slayer 1227




    Text:Out Of the Darkness...




    Descrition: a Hooded Figure on the Left side with The hood pulled over so you can just see part of the face (kind of a close up). I would like him to be looking into a distant midnight sky landscape with stars and a dark looking forest on the right side of the hooded figure.




    Colors: Black/Midnight Sky Blue/white (for stars)




    Preferred Size: Any size you think would look nice...preferrably the size of the one with the guy that has *Out of the celler....* on it (300x150 I think). Oh, and just make sure it fits :P




    THANKS! I can't wait to see what you can do with it. :D

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