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Posts posted by Lord_Goro

  1. It twas fun, TA members won 2 rounds, and 2 non TA won the other 2.




    I not sure if allowed to quote a post from somewhere else, if not feel free to edit! This my first post on tip it in years lmao tis a quote from Germs of THE :D









    Winner: Cr0wst3r For TA


    Game Two:






    Mod mat K showed up during round two to wish us all luck






    winner: lord mano1




    Game Four:








    Hi TDM :P






    We got an upwards of 500+ people playing in 1 round :)




    Barragers must have had fun.




    and congratulations on the winners, they each got about 42k+ tokkul each :P






  2. this topic is so full of offtopic. 13 pages wich prob 4-5 pages would be that stupid fight of goro and killer. just get on to it. sry goro but X-loging in CW sounds like a joke to me. but X-loging in wild, is cowardly. but dont flame me cause of trying to sort this out :P
















    BTW... gratz by ze win bk...








    Ya I had realised I was wrong lol but ya this post was dead, should prob be closed by now 8)

  3. Meh guess I was wrong then lol think the 'logiatorz' comment thing that stuffed me up, childish names = confusion upon meesa :oops:








    Go read the rules. X'ing aint against jagex rules no more.















    That for real?? Using a method to get around the game's natural log out function you'd think would still be against the rules :(








    Anyhow me appologies for takin stupid take on name wrong, like someone saying Xout Inc or something lol just a joke eh?








    GJ on win BK, look forward to future rematch to hear about 8)

  4. lol course its a sense of humor now, but anyone else does it and you go to town flaming them. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. :roll: Oh and x-ing out is against Jagex rules, laugh all you want I just hope some day is a better way to prove it happens to get ppl like you banned :twisted: anyhow tis off topic now,

    Hah what a lie, that war wasn't close at all.








    Grats on defeating the Logiatorz, easy win :D

    crup like that only serve to take topics...em off topic :shock:


    Grats on defeating the Logiatorz, easy win :D








    Hi. Your a moron. :roll: Im really not sure what makes you more of a moron, taking that picture or actually posting that pic in an attempt to flame Killerconvic.











    Here I'll break it down for you so maybe even you can understand it k?








    Killer called Gladz Logiatorz, thus he says they log, which is almost as bad as X-ing. I saw him X out in Castle wars, which is far more pathetic than doing it in the wildy during an official war because you don't lose anything in Castle Wars.








    So I was pointing out the hypocryscy (spell check?) of the insult.








    Unsterdand now? :roll:








    P.S. I stuffed up the quote lol it was Blaze saying the

    Hi. Your a moron
    thing :wink:
  6. Grats on defeating the Logiatorz, easy win :D








    killerconvicxouts7bf.jpg You shoudln't be talking about logging, when you bloody well x'd out in the middle of frickin castle wars while back. :roll:








    Gratz on win BK, looked like one hell of a war 8)

  7. Just imagen a player mod losing his character, or if someone got hacked and the hacker would enter that world and people could be tricked into those worlds.








    So i would say bad idee.








    Ya thar is that, getting hacked, no need to go through trouble of getting the hacked character banned. hacker just go commit suicide on that server :( A server devoted to wilderness be fun tho, just not the losing character permanently idea, maybe certain stats go down permanently? Dunno

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