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Posts posted by tubarina

  1. I recommend the ATI x700 pro series video card. ATI is runnng a good deal right now $219 armeican dollars for it. Probally the best out there for the money, unless you wanna spend $600 on the ATI x850 graphics card (the best on the market). The clockspeed of the x700 is outstanding for the money. By the way you need a motherboard that supports pci express. I reccomend cheacking out the intel motherboards.[/url]

  2. lol. sorry i got a little confused. In math we were learning about combinations of things such as pick 5 cards out 52. to find out how many combinations of 5 cards you can use NCR (n and r are the numbers you plug in but they are subscript). so you do sub52 C sub5. sorry for the confusion, you were write.








    (i was doing math while reading this)

  3. by the way you guys got your math wrong there is 267934565633045025 ways to rearange a 255 symbol alphabet into 10 symbols long so that makes bttf's comp be able to find the password in roughly 34076 years not the billions of years he put up. so say someones comp can guess roughly 1000000 passwords a sec they could find your pass in roughly 8519 years. not that any of this matters because it is still way to long for just one comp to scan. you dont do 255^10 you do (sub 255)C(sub 10)

  4. All i have to say if you are getting serious about gaming is please dont put your computer in the refridgerator before a LAN party or sumtin. I know some of freinds who got water condensation on the motherboard and other stuff. Lets just say it was not a pretty sight to see their comps fry like KFC.

  5. That was a well put together easy to understand explanation on trojans. All i have to say is if you happen to be infected with a trojan (i was the other day it duplicated itself to about 570 total trojans lol and i time stamped it to the exact time i was using steam so watch out for steam and i am not saying steam did it, it just activated it) that is alot of trouble and cause you alot of hard hours to fix just buy a copy of XP or whatever OS you want and reformat the comp. (dont do this if you have not backed up any of your files because they will be gone. I recomend that everyone backup all inportant files on you comp)

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