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Posts posted by w1zard

  1. Hi everyone, i'v been on these forums for some time now but havnt posted. I'v been playing runescape since November 2001. I quit about 3 years back or so when rs2 first came out and have played very little since. Since I know VERY little of the game I once loved I was wanting to know is if anyone here would volunteer to add me to your friends list and help guide me around the land untill I get a hang of it again. Any help would be appreciated.


    ps. I'm getting members this week sometime.




    My rsn is: wizard kid







    lvl3choppa and woodequalsgp.








    ok? english please, or an actual language












    and if ANYONE says Sir Tallin, im going to cry, woodcutting is the easiest thing to get up, and he was definitely not the first, or fastest to get 80+ woodcutting or whatever he had




    Its readable for me, he said one name of a character then said "and" then another character name.




    Yea, thats what I got from it too...


    No i havent, but ive always wondered if i have met anyone from on here accidentily. I dont know of many people that live near me on here, but dosent BMW live in Toronto? thats like close.




















    Mr Putter...








    We all live in the same city.







    But fat chance im leaving my house!




    Go leafs!




    On a side note, half a dozen people from my clan also live in Toronto.




    Go figure...











    I live in London!(ontario)

  4. In Canada, I think they're called wiggers(white person trying to dress/act like a black person)




    Maybe you have a different defination of the word, but im sure its the same.

  5. I'm sold for the Xbox 360 (Will get PS3 when it comes out though). I've already got $600 saved for it. Around $300 for the console, Maybe $80 for 2 controllers, $30 or so for a headset (if we'll need a new one), $65 or so for Xbox Live resubscription (Ends in November meaning new GT :) ), $30 for a memory card, and the rest for games like Ghost Recon 3 and some of the other biggies. Can't wait for "Halo 3", of course :D .




    omfuggzzzzzz hAlo 3! :o




    Lmao, yea i'm definately sold on the 360.

  6. oh slicey.. you fo0l :P








    why have you stoped making fires? :twisted:




    I agree, why!




    And WHY did you have to get better then me at making fires:(

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