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Posts posted by kidurdude

  1. Hello everyone,




    This is going to be the OFFICAL HALO 3 TOURNEY thread hosted by ME and my friends online! Below i am going to give you some information about the tourneys and what we have to offer. I am going to tell you some basic info about the site and other things.






    Halo 3 Tourneys Hosted By http://www.redteamtourneys.com




    Staff Members


    Devin, Ryan, Nick and Nicholas (one of which has been playing runescape since 2002)




    Tourneys We Offer/Entry Fee's


    1v1 - Free until July 31st , after that admissions will be $5 or $3 with discount


    2v2 - Free until July 31st , after that admissions will be $10 or $7 with discount


    4v4 - Free untill July 31st , after that admissions will be $20 per team or $15


    FFA (Free For All) - Free until July 31st. after that admissions will be $10 or $7 with discount


    Play these tourneys until july 31st to earn FREE passes to paid tourneys or DISCOUNTS on paid tourneys!!






    FFA Settings are as follows:


    Maps - Onslaught, Guardian, The Pit


    Radar - on


    15 Minutes long


    Unlimited kills


    Starting weapon - Battle Rifle


    Secondary weapon - none




    Registration Fee


    The registration fee will be $10 per person unless you participated in one


    of our free tourneys that we have been hosting from July 1st - 31st and placed well,


    and if thats the case than you are eligible for a DISCOUNT or a FREE PASS in the






    Crash Prizes


    Only the most skilled will reign champ and win big.


    Don't worry, 2nd and 3rd aren't leaving with nothing.


    1st place wins $125


    2nd place wins $50


    3rd place wins $25





    After hosting a month of free tourneys we will be hosting a double elimination FFA tourney.With a total of 32


    players, this is how its going to work!




    After hosting a month of free tourneys we will be hosting a double elimination FFA tourney.With a total of 32


    players, this is how its going to work!




    Devin Merks You's FFA Bracket




















    Ryan Ev's FFA Bracket




















    II BloodShed II's FFA Bracket




















    Listed below are some steps you should take. step 3 applies to when your on http://www.redteamtourneys.com website!






    1. Register for the FFA on RTT ( RedTeamTourneys.com)


    2. PAY UP!! Once we receive payment, you will immediately be placed on a selected bracket above.


    3. Add your hosts gamer tag and AIM username, which you can find on the staff tab located at the top of the




    4. Place 1st - 4th and you will be moved to the winners bracket. Place 5th - 8th and move on to the losers


    bracket. Loose again and your out. Place 1st-3rd


    on the final match and be a winner of some






    if you have ANY QUESTIONS please add PHYCOPATHIC on RUNESCAPE

  2. the first gf of 2007 lasted about 4 months =]




    [hide]p><p><img src=[/img]




    car crash....yea my brother was hella lucky to even be alive after crashing at 55 miles per hour ( for all you people not in america 55 miles per hour is highway speed) so its pretty fast. he crashed into a suv ( suburban to be exact ) then he did went flying off a 10 ft ditch right into the corn field missing a pole by 5 feet. if he would of it the pole he would be dead.




    p><p><img src=[/img]




    this is my senior prom. ( im in the blue)




    p><p><img src=[/img]




    did i mention it was my 18th birthday on my senior prom? and for all you youngins...dont ask...just assume. if you no what i mean. thanks




    <a href=prom3ds2.jpg' alt='prom3ds2.jpg'>[/hide]






    well this is my 2007 year




    alot of other stuff happened but i wont post.




    in the pic of me with the red hate im *not in the right state of mind* and no i was not drinking* so use your brain people




    and as of right now i am drug free and it feels amazing. thanks for looking at my life people. :P










    rate hate or something i guess if you want?




  3. not to bash on you or anything




    but im from minnesota and up here we get a shat done of snow...








    if your not good or not good YET




    then you really dont need the best of the best set up




    I.E Burton everything.




    sorry. for bashing.

  4. voting does not mean much at all to me. im 18. i live in america. the question is




    why vote?




    the USA is in like 7 trillion in debt thats pathedic. so why vote? the USA is doomed anyways. no matter who gets to be president. its going to take forever to pay that off. and yet bush needs to shave his bush and get his Shat together. we are the only country in the world with out FREE health care. but instead of getting us that. we are worried about getting revenge on the dam pallies for blowing up one of our buildings. woo wee. its like this.




    hey lets go spend 7 trillion on killing the dam pallies instead of saving 50m people from cancer...and people being sick.




    wth bush man up and get your shat together.




    sorry if i sound racist at any point in my post. i am not a racist.

  5. ya i dunno...me and my friends have played the law so many times and won. we have got in trouble with the law before. saying they are going to press charges. and they never do. so we always play the law. i havent herd anything from anybody about the incident for over 2 weeks now.

  6. okay blue you caught me.




    id be lieing if said i was not scared.




    i am scared a little. but im not too worried about it to be honest.




    and the charges are not getting dropped. my lawyer said to not even bother returning the items. because it just says that your guilty

  7. to the post above. im not scared. i have people as well. and i can also hold my own.




    if they want to come beat me up. ill be waiting.


    yes i no it does sound pretty cocky. but its the truth. iv been in fights. never lost tho.

  8. i can be calm..i honestly have nothing to worry about. im not scared of going to jail. i did get a good lawyer. im just waiting for my summons to come in the mail. i live in MINNESOTA. im almost positive i wont go to jail. if i do maybe for a month. woo wee. a month is nothing lol. and im glad i chose to break into this place instead of a house. because when you break into houses. you can go to prision your first time. i no im not going to prison. so im not too worried about this situation as of right now.




    and most of all






    im glad i got caught. because if i didnt then i would prob keep going till i got caught. better now then later. and no this was not for drug money.

  9. honestly to the people who think this is fake. well nothing can change your opinion. :wink:




    you can think what you wanna think.






    because i honestly dont care what people like you think (bubsa)


    if you want to bag on people for telling a story that you think is not true and you have nothing nice to say. it pretty much says alot about you as a person. so just keep to yourself and dont post on my topic its simple as that. learn to leave stuff alone if you have nothing to say. yea i replied to your comments because i have things to say. but your making a choice to reply. which is just going to start an argument.

  10. news!!!!! news!!!! news!!!!




    omg this just made me a little happier!!!!! :shock: =D> \'






    the president of smc just called me and said if i get most of the items back he wont press charges!!!!






    wo0t w0ot w0ot wo0t w0ot!!

  11. Errdoth




    Wait!? So you took them there, with no prior knowledge that they were going to do this, yet you still followed along and drove them back aswell...But that might do something, because if your purpose for going their wasn't to commit a crime...erhm...I dunno, the oly thing I know about this stuff is from like the three episodes of law & order I saw...




    i didnt take from these i walked in LAST and kept leaving and comming back telling them that this is dumb this is stupid lets go. cmon guys. you no stuff like that. i had knowledge of me going their to TRESSPASS to go to a scary old house on the property. the house is abanded. and when we was leaving thats when my friends saw the building with the stuff inside. the intent to go their was NOT to commit a crime.






    this is for all of you telling me to quote lol.

  12. Rcty




    If everything in life has a purpose (which I believe it does), then what was the purpose of you trespassing into the compost site?




    If this is real: You cannot prove that you did not steal from the site, and while you and your friends were at the site things were stolen, which could have been avoided had you not gone.




    If this is fake: Joking about stuff like this isn't funny, it's serious.




    the only purpose at first to go to this place. its called smc. (southern minnesota construction co) and there is an 80 year old abanded house on the property that i wanted to show my friends. and then they saw a white building and they went up to it and broke in.


    and this is real. this would be very dumb to joke about. and i find it not a laughing matter.

  13. MrMateo




    I think this is a bogus post,


    but if it's real give me the case number, state, and county of the alleged crime.


    My dad is a lawyer and he thinks you should do 3 months but you'll probably have to plead guilty to felony and you'll get probation.




    this is not a bogus post. i do not have the case number. because charges have NOT BEEN PRESSED YET. the only reason why i no what i MIGHT be charged with is because i ASKED the cop i talked to.








    5 to 6 months in prison man. You were just an accomplice so they let you off with a little less time. But to be honest you would have been better off not going and getting caught with narcotics.




    i dont think i will go to prison because its my first offense and i have no prior criminal record. and what are you talking about getting caught with drugs? i did get caught with drugs :?








    1) Rat your friends out. They are dumb as hell. You should never talk to any of them again. This will make the penalty less severe.


    2) Co-operate to the fullest extent possible.


    3) Try talking to the person/group pressing charges and try to explain your situation.


    4) Fix your grammar. It is atrocious.




    1. did that - i told all names


    2. did that for sure 100%


    3. did talk to one of the main people at the place in person. and will be talking to the president of the company tonight. (he lives in my town)


    4. it happens lol








    Now I am not a lawyer, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night. But...




    Your more immediate problem is getting bonded out of jail once the charges are actually filed... unless you don't have a problem waiting in jail between your actual arrest and the trial date.




    If you drove the car and you knew what your buddies planned to do, then you are guilty in the eyes of the law. Matters not if you ever lifted a finger at the crime scene.




    You may get the charges lessened or dropped if all the goods are replaced... but you said the PCs are already trashed so that's out.




    I have no good news for you. My advice is to drop some cash on a good lawyer. And they don't work cheap




    i have no problem being bailed out of jail. my mother said she would already bail me out right away. we are getting a lawyer. my family are kind of wealthy but not that wealthy.










    So, if you are locked up, you won't be able to post here again?




    Win win as far as tip.it's concerned.




    i didnt no that you spoke for all of tip it lol :roll:












    Lol, that absolute muppet thing made me laugh...so do they not keep you in a prison or police station when they arrest you, because if they did you couldn;t post this, right?




    they keep me at home because i have not been actually arrested for this crime yet. (read my whole post) and it would tell you that.

  14. mercifull - A more serious post. You are 18 so you would be tried as an adult not a minor which will entail a more severe penalty. Also you weren't just an innocent bystander at all. You drove them there and back and you were with them while the crime was committed. You are what is known as an associate.


    However its your first offence, you can probably convince them to drop charges to something like community service but youd probably have to grass your mates up big time to pull some kind of decent deal your yourself.


    I hope this is a lesson to you.




    oh believe me this is a lesson. and yes i am hiring a lawyer to plead with the judge to make the charges less severe.




    Rebdragon - Might I ask what happened to the PC's ?


    And did you get back the other stuff before or after you were charged?




    the pcs the person had are trashed i dont no what happened to them but when i talked to my friend he said they were gone. so i just told him off and left.


    i havent been fully charged but i asked the cop i talked to and he said i will prob be facing those charges. i gave the stuff back before.


    keep in mind that im still not charged with burglary felony charges yet. but thats what the cop said ill prob be charged as.




    and not a lot of thought went into this. i showed them a house that more than 80 years old and has not been lived in for over 40 years. thats all i wanted to show them and then my friend saw the building and he saw all the stuff inside and he broke in. i followed him last. i kept going in and out of the placing telling them this is stupid hurry up lets go come on man this is dumb.

  15. yes its real..and why??




    i dont no why. everything has its purpose in life tho. just young kids thinking we could steal and get quick cash. thats why we did it. oh and because we are dumb. and nadril if your going to just flame? please go else where thanks

  16. hry guys / girls whats up? im hear to tell you my story and hopefully hear yours and your thoughts.




    well on wednesday october 24, 2007 me and 6 people broke into a compost site building and stole 1 lab top , 2 pc's , and a flat screen tv. i just talked to the cop today (2 days later) and im facing BURGLARY FELONY charges.(I AM HIRING A LAWYER TO GET THE CHARGES TO BE NOT AS SEVERE) so i dont no whats going to happen to me. all i did was walk in the building with them. i didnt not physically take anything from the building myself nor did i carry anything out of the building. and i did not help break in. meaning breaking a door...ect..all i did was drive and transport the stolen goods. i drove 4 people and my other friend drove the other 2 people. its my first offense ever. I DO NOT HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD PRIOR TO THIS INNCIDENT. and yes i am 18. so i dont no whats gonna happen or when its gonna happen. dont judge me by this. please. and thanks.




    and by the way -- i did turn in the lab top and the tv to the cops.


    but the pcs are trashed.




    and the only reason why im not in jail right now is becuz the cop said he was a nice guy. ( cop is saying he is nice)




    so now here is my question.(s)




    1. what do you think my charges will be? fine amount / jail time. just tell me what you think.




    2. have you ever been convicted of a crime? if so how serious was it? what happened to you? what did YOU do.




    3. do you think i could ask the judge for community service hours instead of a felony / jail time? but i would still pay the fines? like im talking 1,000+ hours of service.




    give me your thoughts. this could get a little interesting but please keep it clean

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