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Posts posted by TigerArmy138











    u gotta admit its quite funny








    Funny to someone old enough to understand it. And if you're under 15 and understand it, well, you shouldn't.
















    this might come as a surprise to you but children know what their genitals are called









  2. There just ideas. It's not like its really gonna happen man so be a little bit more open minded. I didn't post it to get ridiculed by a middle aged man living with his parents like yourself :lol: so don't be calling me pathetic.












    I don't think you quite understood what i ment when i said "most people can't stand on for multiple hours at a time". I ment most people dont sit at the computer with out taking breaks, short breaks.








    And logging in and out does get kind of annoying












    and one more thing, your words mean nothing to me. So i could really care less about what you just said, im just clearing the air.

  3. ...well when your away and sometimes miss random events or get kicked off it would be a good idea where you could put on away from keyboard or something like that so i could put your random events on 'hold' until you get back and it would keep you online so you dont have to keep logging in. If that didn't make sense then your technically [developmentally delayed]ed.

  4. alright so i was fighting some stuff and the mysterious old man pops up and takes me to the mime place. so i do all the emotions that the mime does and get them alright, i get returned to the place i was only to discover i couldnt do the mime emotes.. anybody know whats wrong?

  5. genre-punk/metal/glam/classic rock/grunge/psychobilly




    bands-tiger army, THE MISFITS!,nirvana , danzig, pear jam , hendrix, rolling stones, and many more

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