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Posts posted by limpxbizkid

  1. I dont do members because i cant be bothered paying for a game that i can basicly play for free BUT the price is perfectly good, if it was lower there would be an RIDICILOUS amount of members and some members is members just to get rid of people :P








    ...Or to earn money, because they're a business. Not a country club.








    But is there a chance they'd get more members or even more money if they dropped the price $1.00 - 1.50 USD per month? Or with even less of a price drop they'd probably attract a few more people.




    I probably won't get members until that happens really, or I get a better job. I'm still in the way of thinking 1 month = 2 pints, I'll take the beer.

  2. I use fancy boots when I range, I mean...it's only -1..that's not enough to bring down your max hit or anything.. :?








    Makes me look like a hypocrite if i don't change it.




    Anyway thanks for all the comments so far...








    i buy all big bones for 300 each. PM me if interested








    Except yours, I'll head butt you if you spam my thread again...no offense.

  3. No offense, but lvl 40s would not get any bbones for mosses.








    Pure rangers would. In fact they have. But i'll change it to combat in the upper 40s.








    Two things: First, burying bones in churches does not give extra xp. Regular bones do give 4.5 xp, so it may seem like you get an extra xp every couple of bones.








    Second, fancy/fighting boots give a -1 range attack bonus, so don't use them when you range.








    Ok thanks, i'll fix it when i get the time.

  4. LimpÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s guide to collecting big bones in f2p.








    Table of contents:
















    Gained Xp




    Why Bones?




    Where and how?




    - Ranging safe spots




    Food and items to bring




    Should you use melee or ranged?




    - Melee equipment




    - Ranged equipment








    Other notes/tips




    Conclusion and other junk








    Quick navigate by copying the text (hylight the text and ctrl+c) and pasting (ctrl+v) into the find feature (ctrl+f).
















    All right letÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s kick things off. This guide is about collecting bones in the free to player version (f2p) of runescape (2?). This guide is not just about collecting bones. In fact the name should be changed to ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæguide to collecting more than just big bonesÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  5. If the game was that bad (unbearable bad) people wouldn't play. I think they do need feedback and they do need a few things to improved, but I'm not going to come out and say how terrible the game is because that just isn't true. Yes, i can say that the amount of scammers, autoers and just generally rude people is too high (ie. greater than 1), and people probably will leave the game if it gets higher but that time hasn't really come yet. Getting rid of these people is actually a fairly hard task (doing things like employing 1000 more mods just isn't feasible). But obviously they keep enough people happy that they arn't quiting their memberships by the thousands (it's not exactly cocane either). The fact that there are enough games out there that are better just reinforces that.

  6. If it did get sold it would go one of two ways it would be a success and it would become huge or it would flop downhill.








    That's no different from how it could go now, isn't it?








    Besides, they wouldn't touch discontinued items because they'd find out (as jagex did) that it'd cost more money than it's worth, will all the pissed of players that quit because they ended up losing millions of game money.

  7. Thought I'd post my current costume. Since we don't get zammorak robes i didn't use a red mask. I went for that "I'm not human" look :? .
















    Should be a sapphire ring, but it's not like anyone can see it. The only reason it's there is because I ran out of bank space. I used skull scepter because because i think it's harder than the dragon quest.








    I know Gregs is worth more but mine is completely f2p. So there! :P








    Edit: And i can run with it because it's oh so light!

  8. well just the other day i died/decided to have a drop party with 7hp while fighting someone and it went really well. they didnt get as many lobsters as what you droped but they got armor and stuff to :lol:




    good job on your drop party aswell. after all, no one on f2p objects to free lobsters.

  9. kickthedragn6jo.jpg


    "The foot is not mightier than the sword"






    Not all that funny but i find it "cooler" than the standard "0mgX0r i jUs s4w zezima, arn't i liek teh c00lest?"


    The pics so old i cant even remember if the guy actully finished dragon slayer. I think its safe to assume that he didn't.

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