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Posts posted by newbieinneed


    Pking was not all about connection.
    Connection has about as much to do with pking as a car has to do with traveling. You can still do it, but just not nearly as well. There was a reason that I didn't pk that much, its because I often played from the library. They had the worst connection around here and I couldn't catch a guard, but that all changed when I got home.





    It was all about player-IDs, I don't believe any connection would make you have over 120 ping (or even 60, which was enough to 1sq) on a server that is located in the country you live in.


    It says "Amer: wishes to trade with you".




    Even back in the day that is not how the real client looked when someone was trying to trade with you :-k.




    That's exactly what it looks like on the real client.




    Unbelieveably i don't have a single picture with someone trading me in it lol.. But lookin at that it looks somewhat odd to me to.. Could just be a distorted memory though :-k




    I checked.

  3. The only time it's 'ok' to dislike someone for what they listen to is when they bring it up. That way your never in the wrong, :) I'm a rocker, a metalhead, i play guitar, have long hair and enjoy getting horribly horribly drunk after a gig. Does that make me worse than someone who faints when their favourite pop singer looks in their direction. lol :)

  4. picton - owned the castle








    d e s i r e - very crazy stats








    bs arkan - was dam scary








    daakpunk - 92 40 99... back in the day wat can i say :P








    xtreme4lyf - could catch VERY good (for oldschool standards), was always same lvl as me, we were both pure plates and trained at same speed i guess :P

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