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Posts posted by mor1a

  1. Hi I'm flex1s




    I'm a wannabe rune pure but my start isn't going well. I don't have a main account so I must earn all my cash on my own. My plan is to kill more than 1000 green dragons and post clues and lvl's here on this blog.






    the reason why i do this is because I tried to pk last days in edge but I dind't had any luck and actually lost everything i had so i'm earning money back and some lvl's




    here are my starting skills






    the only things i have left is the dragon scim sara skirt and rune plate.


    I will update this blog everyday to show how many hides bones clues and lvl's I got




    I want to invite you all to discuss my skills and plan.


    You always may suggest what i should aim for about my skills.




    Hides collected: 69


    bones collected: 69


    clues: 1




    lvl's gained









  2. Great idea in theory but not very many people would be able to afford it. And I disagree with making people pay to leave your clan. Isnt that bribery? I speak from experience when I say bribery doesn't work! Hardly any one would join if a similar clan came about that was free then your clan would just fail. I mean, its bad enough that levels and popularity cause such a fuss when it comes to clans but making it a 'Millionare Only' thing, people who are new or just skill builders will make their own free clans so mate, YOU NEED TO GET PRACTICAL! :?




    first it's an idea to pay 5 mill it could be 500 gp to, If you know what I mean. but I said that to that there wouldn't be clans of lvl 3...








    The idea to pay your clan something when you leave is for clanhoppers. IF they join and leave 10 clans in one day they will need to pay a lot of money... The prices are negotiable ^^








    and why wouldn't people join if there is a fair system for the loot. IF you rode my post good it said that you can vote on a page if there is some loot that will be given to all players...

  3. My idea for rs is to create a system for clans.








    for example




    Someone wants to be the official leader of his own clan could pay a sum of 5 million gp. Someone with combat 90+. then their should be sort of list (like friendlist) where he can invite people to join his clan. People could join the clan then and play wars against other official clans.




    Now when 2 clans wants to fight they arrange a stake price. So the war eventually takes place at a duel arena or castle war place for clans. with special capes they fight against each other. When one clan dies the other clan wins their stake price and that money or items comes in a special bank of the leader. People could earn money for their clan to have a fund to fight against other clans. The people could then vote (don't know how) if some money could be "shared" with the members and how much. Maybe this could happen on official clan forums part of the official runescape site. If the vote succeeds, the money automatticaly comes into the banks of the members.








    Now when members aren't active for a certain period of time (this is when people stop playing rs) they get "banned" from the clan so they can't get money from victories of "clanwars". Leaders can invite people to join for free. But people can join those clans for a sum of like 100K. You can't be in 2 official clans at the same time, and if you want to leave one clan and join another you should pay another 100K.




    If the leader of a clan wants to stop playing runescape the "stakemoney" goes to all the members of that time.




    Now to see the clanmembers of yours or other clan, you could search that clan on that official "forum/webpage" and look to info like members - victories defeats, the big fund :roll: of the clan etc.








    I hope you find it interresting... :wink:








    Greetz mor1a

  4. me 2.








    but Then this version should need to exist to.




    some people like me pay their membership pro year. and If they should stop this version I actually loose that money, so it will be very hard to stop this and the loder version. or people should get thier money back because Jagex can't pay their servers for just 1 person if you know what I mean

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