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Posts posted by tyrcian

  1. yeah autoers will always be there, thought not as many hopefully, anywho I had completely forgotten I made this topic haha, but to me summoning etc it just doesn't seem like a huge thing like farming or POH, but thats probs because they have just surfaced recently... :|

  2. awwww man, too bad i'm already half way of the quest... me and my friend decided to finish it this evening and we're already geared up to continue. would've loved doing it with you guys :|




    you should come back and help whilst the quest is still fresh in your mind:P

  3. personally, like many other weapons I think it is a failure. What runescape lacks is an efficient weapon only bonus system, I know you have bonuses for using slashing damage or what not against a particular monster. But what we need is some good monsters that you can ONLY kill by using a 2hander or a warhammer on them.


    I reckon this would take some of the less used weapons and make them alot more popular, and would actually take some strategy in normal training rather than just pick the most ownage weapon ever and kick some a**!





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