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Posts posted by captaincool5

  1. Okay. So I'm thinking that the music can do special things. Like kinda of a magic thing. Maybe like if you have lvl 50 music, you can conjure a pick or axe by playing the instrument. But, the ax/pic will only last like 100 ores/100logs. Maybe be able to play a song at lvl 99 that heals you, but has a cooldown. And to train it, you could play in certain areas that has a crowd of NPCs and you would gain exp and a little money. I think it would make an interesting skill, considering all the different possibilities. You could sing, guitar, woods, brass, percussion, strings. Man, this is pretty awsome.

  2. hey all runescape lovers, runescape is a great game that takes time and effort to get good. But it comes to my attention that this time is something I don't have. i've been around since the begining of runescape. some of you oldies may know me or may not. But the point is IM QUITTING. the time it takes to get good is too much time. So these are sad words but they must be said, GOODBYE FROM RUNESCAPE. I will stay around for a couple more days but then sad to say..im quitting. good bye and fare well. im ganna make these the best runescape days ever. ...*sobs all over keyboard*... but if u could make these days the best it would mean a lot.

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