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  1. You guys are exaggerating... I talk in banks all the time and I get maybe one or two questions a day. What gave you the idea that when a mod talks the bank gets quiet? You guys must be F2P or something, because in P2P it's not bad at all.
  2. First of all, no matter how many people "report you for fun", you won't get banned unless you break a rule. Reports themselves don't do anything, it's the action of a Jagex Mod that looks at the report that does something. The questions do get annoying sometimes, but it's easy to ignore them (for me at least) or just walk/teleport away. You are right in that people expect you to know everything. :wink: I'm a mod by the way.
  3. Oh it's definitely not impossible at level 100. I did it at level 92. Yes you should try again. Watch my video of my beating it at level 92, http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=416757. When the 360s, 180s, and 90s come at the same time, have protect from magic on at all times and wear full guthan. Run around until you have the level 180 stuck behind the 90. Kill the 90, then run to a safe spot and range the 360, and then kill the 180. If you don't know where the safe spots are, I'm going to put a video up shortly of the last half hour of raw footage in beating the fight caves so you can see what I did.
  4. Yeah Bryce 5. I used Poser 4 for the figures in the ancient magicks scene. I'm just starting to learn how to add armor/robes to figures so they will look like Runescape figures. Texturing is another thing I'm learning. The only texturing I did in the above pictures was the poison on the dagger. I just started 3D drawing 2 days ago and I've stayed up until like 4am every day working on new pics. I'm hooked :D
  5. Hey guys, this is my first tip.it post so I thought I'd post some Runescape wallpapers I've made. Itwasdestiny is my pure and the account I go on most so all of the images have that name on them. (Doey567 is my brother, I made that one for him) Here are 2 sigs I've made
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